Adventures in Kingdom Management:Middoona Kobold Cleric: Difference between revisions

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Line 333: Line 333:

Crossbow, light​

bolts 10​

Outfit, explorers​
Reinforced tunic​
Holy symbol (wood)
Manservant for XX days: 42Gp
Items with manservant
Tent, medium​ Joint​
bed roll * 2 Joint​
Blankets*2​ Joint​
Backpack​ His​
Waterskin *2​ Joint​
cup​ Middoona​
Outfit, uniform​ His​
Rations*10 days​ Joint​
Survival kit *2​ Joint​
Hide armour​ His​
Bolts 10​ Middoona​


Revision as of 21:45, 10 July 2022

Middoona the Kobold Cleric of Apsu

Descriptions and backstory


more pic off sight

Alignment: LG

Size Small

Type_ Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype

Deity: Apsu

Age: 24

Height: 2ft 9inch

Weight: 30 lbs

Skin: Sliver with hints of frosty blue

Horns and spikes: Black tipped

Languages: Dragon, Common, Dwarf

Quick Reference

Max HP:8


Speed: 30ft

Initiative: 3

AC: 15 =10 +1 (armor) +3 Dex +1 size

BaB: +0

Melee attack Bonus: -2

Ranged attack Bonus: +4

Fort +2 + 0 Con = +2

Ref +0 + 3 Dex = +3

will +2 +3 Wis = +5

CMB: -4

CMD: -1


Crossbow: +4 attack 1d6 Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing Range Increment 80 ft. (projectile)

Channel energy (undead only): 30ft burst 1d6 holy Save DC 13 vs Will



Attributes: (25 point point buy)

  • STR 8 -4 kobold = 4 -3
  • DEX 14 +2 Kobold = 16 +3
  • CON 12 -2 Kobold =10 +0
  • INT 14 +2
  • WIS 16 +3
  • CHA 14 +2


Speed: 30ft

  • Day Raider You’re one of the few kobolds born with a greater tolerance for sunlight. You have low-light vision
  • Prehensile Tail Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you’ve learned to use it for both movement and simple tricks. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and you can use your tail to draw a hidden weapon as a move action instead of as a standard action.
  • Wild Forest Kobold You’re one of the few kobolds dwelling in the forests of the surface world. Your culture shuns artifice, but teaches how to endure the hunt. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Survival checks, and Stealth and Survival are always class skills for you.


Proficiencies: all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields), Bite or quarterstaff

  • Aura (good)
  • Divine Spellcasting/orisons
  • Channel Energy (Su): 1d6 (damage or healing), 6 times a day, Damage save: 13
  • Domains
    • Scalykind (Dragon):
      • Venomous Stare (Sp): You are a true lord of reptiles, able to induce pain, panic, and confusion with a mere glance, and your mesmerizing eyes can even drive weak creatures into unconsciousness. As a standard action, you can activate a gaze attack with a 30-foot range. This is an active gaze attack that can target a single creature within range. The target must make a Will save 13 (DC = 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier). Those who fail take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess and are fascinated until the beginning of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier 6. This is a mind-affecting effect.
    • Law:
      • Touch of Law (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, infusing it with the power of divine order and allowing it to treat all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round as if the natural d20 roll resulted in an 11. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier 6.


Skill Clr Untrained Armor Check Penalty Key Ability Key Ability Ranks Trained bonuses total
Acrobatics Yes Yes Dex 3 2 5
Appraise C Yes Int 2 2
Bluff Yes Cha 2 2
Climb Yes Yes Str -3 2 -1
Craft C Yes Int 2 2
Diplomacy C Yes Cha 2 1 3 6
Disguise Yes Cha 2 2
Escape Artist Yes Yes Dex 3 3
Fly Yes Yes Dex 3 3
Heal C Yes Wis 3 3
Intimidate Yes Cha 2 2
Knowledge (arcana) C No Int 2 1 3 6
Knowledge (religion) C No Int 2 1 3 6
Perception Yes Wis 3 2 5
Perform Yes Cha 2 2
Ride Yes Yes Dex 2 2
Sense Motive C Yes Wis 3 3
Stealth C Yes Yes Dex 2 2
Survival C Yes Wis 3 1 3 2 9
Swim Yes Yes Str -3 -3

Spell casting


Crossbow, light​

bolts 10​

Outfit, explorers​

Reinforced tunic​

Holy symbol (wood)

Manservant for XX days: 42Gp

Items with manservant

Tent, medium​ Joint​

bed roll * 2 Joint​

Blankets*2​ Joint​

Backpack​ His​

Waterskin *2​ Joint​

cup​ Middoona​

Outfit, uniform​ His​

Rations*10 days​ Joint​

Survival kit *2​ Joint​

Hide armour​ His​

Bolts 10​ Middoona​