Pei Feverfew: Difference between revisions

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*Readied Items:
*Readied Items:
Dungeoneering Bundle
Short Sword (1d6 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15) (1)
Throwing Blades, 5 (1d4 dmg, no Shock) (1)
Backpack (1)
Lantern, tinder box, and 2 pint flasks of oil (3)
Writing kit & 20 sheets of paper (1)
Rations, 1 week 4
Waterskin (1)
Healer’s pouch (1)
80 silver pieces in cash -
**Total: X/X
**Total: X/X
*Stowed Items:
*Stowed Items:

Revision as of 09:31, 23 September 2022

Pei Feverfew

  • Background: Physician
  • Appearance: A man with graceful bearing and a noble demeanor...if he puts his mind to it. And bothers to shave that day. Pei has dark hair tied usually tied back in a loose bun or ponytale, with dark eyes and sharp cheekbones to match. The elegance of his long fingers and soft hands is marred only by the occasional chemical burn stain or small, enigmatic scar that speaks to a more chaotic past.
  • Description: A former adventuring party's medic, Pei found that the cushy job he gained in the city brought him wealth and comfort but also a great deal of boredom. As grumpy as he seems to be about the situation, part of his heart delights in the chance to finally do something interesting again.
  • Goal:
  • Class: Expert
  • Legendary Expertise: Once per scene, as an Instant action, automatically succeed at any non-combat skill check of difficulty 12 or less. If used in an opposed skill check, you may instead reroll the check and use the best roll of the two.
  • Heroic Skill: Pick any one non-combat, non-Magic skill; that skill is immediately set to level-4 proficiency, regardless of your character level and the usual maximum allowed. If you already have that skill at some level from some other source, you may exchange the existing score for an equal rating in any other non-combat, non-Magic skill of your choice that you don’t already have.
  • Quick Learner: When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.
  • Heroic Expert’s Fray: Once per round, as an On Turn action, inflict 1d8 damage plus half your level, rounded down, to any one target within reach of

any of your Readied weapons, provided they have equal or fewer hit dice than you have levels. This damage is not modified by any ability or bonus, and can affect any creature who could be hurt by that Readied weapon.

  • HP: 26/26
  • System Strain: 9/9
  • Level: 3
  • XP: 6/12


  • Strength: 9
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Constitution: 9
  • Intelligence: 14 (+1)
  • Wisdom: 11
  • Charisma: 10


  • Movement: 30
  • Armor: (List the actual armor + shield worn)
    • AC: (+shield, if any)
  • Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Weapon:
    • +X, XdX+X. Shock: Range:
  • Weapon:
    • +X, XdX+X. Shock: Range:
  • Physical: 13
  • Evasion: 12
  • Mental: 13
  • Luck: 13



  • Administer - 0
  • Craft - 4
  • Convince - 0
  • Heal - 0


  • Polymath
    • You have a passing acquaintance with a vast variety of practical skills and pastimes, and can make a modest attempt at almost any exercise of skill or artisanry. Note

that the phantom skill levels granted by this Focus don’t stack with normal skill levels or give a skill purchase discount. Only Experts or Partial Experts can take this Focus.

Level 1: Gain any one bonus skill. You treat all non-combat skills as if they were at least level-0 for purposes of skill checks, even if you lack them entirely.

  • Gifted Chirurgeon

You have an unusual gift for saving Mortally Wounded allies and quickening the natural recovery of the wounded in your care.

    • Level 1: Gain Heal as a bonus skill. You may attempt to stabilize one Mortally Wounded adjacent person per round as an On Turn action. When rolling Heal skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die. You heal twice as many hit points as usual when applying first aid after a battle, as described on page 48.
  • Cultured
    • Through wide travel, careful observation, or extensive study, you’ve obtained a wide experience of the cultures

of your region and an ability to navigate their customs, laws, and languages. You know what to do and say to impress others with the reasonableness of your wishes.

Level 1: Gain Connect as a bonus skill. You can fluently speak all the common languages of your native region and convey at least basic information in the uncommon or esoteric ones. You can learn a new language with only a week’s practice with a native speaker. Once per game day, your polished ways automatically gain a minor favor from an NPC that would not put them to significant expense or risk, assuming the NPC isn’t hostile to you.


  • Readied Items:

Dungeoneering Bundle

Short Sword (1d6 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15) (1) Throwing Blades, 5 (1d4 dmg, no Shock) (1) Backpack (1) Lantern, tinder box, and 2 pint flasks of oil (3) Writing kit & 20 sheets of paper (1) Rations, 1 week 4 Waterskin (1) Healer’s pouch (1) 80 silver pieces in cash -

    • Total: X/X
  • Stowed Items:
    • Total: X/X


