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'''Spell Save DC:''' 20<br> | '''Spell Save DC:''' 20<br> | ||
'''Spell Slots:''' 3/short rest<br> | '''Spell Slots:''' 3/short rest<br> | ||
'''Spells Known:''' Cantrips - Light, Sacred Flame, Eldritch Blast, Green-flame Blade [T], Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Control Flames [X], Guidance, Shillelagh; 1st - | '''Spells Known:''' Cantrips - ''Light, Sacred Flame, Eldritch Blast, Green-flame Blade [T], Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Control Flames [X], Guidance, Shillelagh''; 1st - ''Hex''©; 2nd - ''Detect Thoughts''©; 3rd - ''Daylight, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Tongues''; 4th - ''Banishment''©, ''Summon Elemental''© [T]; 5th - ''Greater Restoration, Teleportation Circle, Scrying''©, ''Far Step''© [X] One more spell: Fly (3) Cure Wounds (1)<br> | ||
'''Rituals Known:''' 1st - Identify, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Alarm; 2nd - Animal Messenger, Augury, Magic Mouth; 3rd - Tiny Hut, Water Breathing; 4th - Divination; 5th - Commune, Commune with Nature, Contact Other Plane, Rary's Telepathic Bond; 6th - Forbiddance<br> | '''Rituals Known:''' 1st - ''Identify, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Alarm''; 2nd - ''Animal Messenger, Augury, Magic Mouth''; 3rd - ''Tiny Hut, Water Breathing''; 4th - ''Divination''; 5th - ''Commune, Commune with Nature, Contact Other Plane, Rary's Telepathic Bond''; 6th - ''Forbiddance''<br> | ||
'''Mystic Arcanum (6th level).''' Cast Arcane Gate 1/long rest.<br> | '''Mystic Arcanum (6th level).''' Cast ''Arcane Gate'' 1/long rest.<br> | ||
'''Mystic Arcanum (7th level).''' Cast Forcecage 1/long rest. | '''Mystic Arcanum (7th level).''' Cast ''Forcecage'' 1/long rest. | ||
===Resistances=== | ===Resistances=== |
Revision as of 22:34, 30 November 2022
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Race and class: NG male half-elf Celestial Warlock 13
Background: Magus
Height: 5’ 10"
Weight: 151 pounds
Age: 101 years
Personality: I know that secrets need to be kept close and that nobody is an island. I like to observe, and then act quickly. I like to be clever. I make it easy to like me.
Ideal: I believe that power should be wielded responsibly.
Bond: I keep my word and pay my debts.
Flaw: I sometimes need to be reminded of the needs of the few when I am acting for the greater good.
Ability Scores and saving throws
Strength 8 -1; save +0
Dexterity 14 +2; save +3
Constitution 12 +1; save +7
Intelligence 14 +2; save +3
Wisdom 12 +1; save +7
Charisma 20 +5; save +11
AC: 16 (runegraven wolfhide)
HP: 81 [13d8+13]
Speed: 30’
Proficiency: +5
Melee Attack: Blackbird Staff +6 (1d8+1 bludgeoning)
Shillelagh: Blackbird Staff +12 (1d8+7 bludgeoning)
Green-flame Shillelagh: Blackbird Staff +12 (1d8+7 bludgeoning plus 2d8+5 fire and a second creature within 5' of the first takes 2d8+5 fire)
Ranged Attack: 3× Eldritch Blast +12 ranged 120' (1d10+5 and push 10 feet)
Spell Save DC: 20
Spell Slots: 3/short rest
Spells Known: Cantrips - Light, Sacred Flame, Eldritch Blast, Green-flame Blade [T], Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Control Flames [X], Guidance, Shillelagh; 1st - Hex©; 2nd - Detect Thoughts©; 3rd - Daylight, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Tongues; 4th - Banishment©, Summon Elemental© [T]; 5th - Greater Restoration, Teleportation Circle, Scrying©, Far Step© [X] One more spell: Fly (3) Cure Wounds (1)
Rituals Known: 1st - Identify, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Alarm; 2nd - Animal Messenger, Augury, Magic Mouth; 3rd - Tiny Hut, Water Breathing; 4th - Divination; 5th - Commune, Commune with Nature, Contact Other Plane, Rary's Telepathic Bond; 6th - Forbiddance
Mystic Arcanum (6th level). Cast Arcane Gate 1/long rest.
Mystic Arcanum (7th level). Cast Forcecage 1/long rest.
Advantage vs charmed, frightened
Can’t be put to sleep by magic
Resistance to poison damage
Resistance to radiant damage
Saves: Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma
Languages: Dwarven Trade, Elvish, Giantish
Weapons and armour: Light armour, Simple weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalist Kit
Athletics +5
Stealth +8
Arcana +8
History +8
Nature +8
Religion +8
- Telepathic [T]: +1 Charisma; telepathic speech 60 feet; cast Detect Thoughts 1/long rest with no components and know the spell.
- Resilient: +1 Constitution, proficient in Constitution saves
Darkvision 60’
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Half-Elf Versatility: Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice (Athletics, Stealth).
Pilgrim Esoteric. Because you are known as a wielder of secrets in the defence of the realms, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcomed by seekers of knowledge, and people assume you have a good reason to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and people with respect for learning treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with one of your fellows if you need to.
Pact Magic. 3 slots, 5th level, refresh on short rest.
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial [X]. Marzhin's pact with the ancient empyrean known as the Wyrd (one of the three which sit at the roots of the Tree at the Centre of the Cosmos, weaving the fate of the world) has allowed him to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illuminates the multiverse.
Expanded spell list. cure wounds, guiding bolt, flaming sphere, lesser restoration, daylight, revivify, guardian of faith, wall of fire, flame strike, greater restoration
Bonus cantrips. Sacred Flame, Light
Healing Light. Pool of 14d6. Bonus action: expend up to 5d6 to heal a creature within 60 feet. Refresh on long rest.
Eldritch Invocations (6):
- Agonising Blast. Add Charisma to Eldritch Blast damage.
- Eldritch Mind. [T] Advantage on Concentration saves.
- Book of Ancient Secrets. Add any class' Ritual spells to your book, scribing costs 50gp per spell level.
- Misty Visions. Cast Silent Image at will without using a spell slot.
- Repelling Blast. A hit with Eldritch Blast also pushes up to 10 feet.
- Sculptor of Flesh. Cast Polymorph using a Warlock spell slot 1/long rest.
Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome. Book of Shadows contains 3 cantrips from any class (Guidance, Shillelagh, Control Flames)
Radiant Soul. Resist radiant damage. Add Charisma to one fire or radiant spell damage roll against one target.
Celestial Resilience. After a short or long rest, you gain level+Charisma (18) temporary hit points and up to 5 allies gain ½level+Charisma (11) temporary hit points.
Mystic Arcanum. 6th - Arcane Gate; 7th - Forcecage.
Equipment and possessions
- Runegraven wolfskins (+2 studded leather, resist poison)
- Blackbird Staff@ (+2 staff, +2 spell focus, staff spells, tree form)
- Bag of Holding
- Stone of Good Luck@
- Feather Token (if you fall 20 feet or more, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling; this token is then nonmagical) [ERLW]
- Hat of Vermin (3/day, as an action, with command word pull a totally normal and uncontrolled bat/frog/rat out, which disappears after 1 hour) [X]
- Mystery Key (if inserted into a lock, has a 5% chance of unlocking it and then disappearing) [X]
- Clockwork Amulet (1/day treat an attack roll as a 10 on the die) [X]
- Stonehorse (small stone figurine, can become a riding horse or return at will, if slain returns to figurine form until next dawn)
- Health potions, 5 (10d4+10 healing, bonus action to use, can be taken in doses of 2d4+2)
- Silvered dagger
- Wand
- Alchemist's supplies, Herbalist's kit
- Silk rope 50 feet, grappling hook
- Holy water (2), alchemist's fire (2), acid (2), antitoxin (2), holy water (2)
- Bedroll, winter blanket, mess kit, tinderbox, waterskin
- Quill, bottle of black ink (2), small knife
- Component pouch
- a pearl worth 100 gp and an owl feather
- soot and salt
- tiny bells and fine silver wire
- morsels of food
- specially marked bones worth 25 gp
- bits of honeycombs and packets of jade dust worth 10 gp
- a small crystal bead
- short reeds
- incense and a sacrificial offering of illuminated parchment, together worth 25 gp
- incense and a vial of holy water
- pieces of eggshell from various creatures
- a sprinkling of holy water, rare incense, and powdered ruby worth 1,000 gp
- diamonds in parcels of 100 gp
- air, a pebble, ash, and water inside a gold-inlaid vial worth at least 400 gp
- rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth 50 gp
- silver mirror worth 1,000 gp
Blackbird Staff
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you are attuned to it, while holding it you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your Warlock spells.
The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.
Spells. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animal friendship (1 charge), dream (5 charges), alter self (2 charges), locate animals or plants (2 charges), speak with animals (1 charge), speak with plants (3 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges).
You can also use an action to cast the pass without trace spell from the staff without using any charges.
Tree Form. You can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 1 charge to transform the staff into a healthy tree. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out in a 20-foot radius. The tree appears ordinary but radiates a faint aura of transmutation magic if targeted by detect magic. While touching the tree and using another action to speak its command word, you return the staff to its normal form. Any creature in the tree falls when it reverts to a staff.
Custom Background: Magus
You are a wandering seeker of lore and have traded in favours all your life. Your search has taken you to high and low places, to realms temporal and timeless, and to places extravagant and forbidding. In this campaign setting, a magus is a travelling magician, occultist, seer, or esoteric scholar which seeks out magical lore. Many travel and gather secrets to achieve a grand objective or protect something important to them. The secrets might grant you magical power, or be of another kind. (I guess it's supposed to be like a mirror to the Sage background - where a Sage knows where/from whom to find lore, the Magus is known to others as a peer, a fellow seeker.) Feature: a variant on the Noble feature which keeps the language but focuses on fellow magic-users.
Feature: Pilgrim Esoteric. Because you are known as a wielder of secrets in the defence of the realms, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcomed by seekers of knowledge, and people assume you have a good reason to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and people with respect for learning treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with one of your fellows if you need to.
Skills: Arcana, History
Proficiencies: Alchemist Supplies, Herbalism Kit
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