Delta Green: This Job Hates Me: Difference between revisions

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|[ ''brahnamin'']
|[ ''brahnamin'']
|[[DG:_This_Job_-_Carlos|'''Carlos Ramirez''' Asset Handler]]
|[[DG:_This_Job_-_Carlos|'''Carlos Ramirez''' - Asset Handler]]

Revision as of 20:55, 18 December 2022

Campaign Overview

This is the campaign Wiki for This Job Hates Me, a decidedly down-at-heel Delta Green Outlaws campaign, struggling against bureaucratic oversight, shoestring budgets, decaying support networks, paranoid superiors - and the unspeakable threat of the Unnatural.


The player-characters within the Outlaw pack of Agents and Friendlies.

Player Character HP WP SAN BP
Pstjmack Agent CUVIER Ethan Shaw: EPA CID 12 12 60 48
DannyK Agent PASTEUR Dr. Vishnu "Vic" Sharma, CDC Investigator: LEEDS Bio Surveillance 10 14 70 56
Iustum Agent EDSON SSGT Devin Holcombe: Marine Raider 7 13 56 52
MrObsolete Agent HOLLIDAY Agent Jacqueline DeVries: FBI Forensic Specialist 12 12 60 48
brahnamin Carlos Ramirez - Asset Handler 9 13 65 52

House Rules

Spending Willpower to Make Rolls Succeed

You can spend your Willpower Points with a 1 point per 5% difference to change failed rolls to successful rolls (but not SAN rolls, damage rolls, or Stat tests, or to change normally successful rolls into crits etc.) This represents making that extra effort of will to achieve a success. Your character knows they have the skill to accomplish this feat, but for some reason cannot initially. But in doing so, you're running down your Willpower Points, which can be dangerous.

Remember that you can also spend Willpower to project SAN loss onto Bonds, or to repress insanity. This is different to the above use - and a reminder how important it is to hang on to your WP. Fumbles can cost you WP; resisting interrogation definitely does. They're also very important for survival in hostile environments - like the bayous of Louisiana.

Remember that you suffer an emotional breakdown when your WP hit 2 or below, and total collapse when you hit 0 WP. You regain 1d6 WP after a full, proper night's sleep. Exhaustion and sleeplessness cut into that.

Helpful Resources