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=John Hanrahan :: Null=
=Emily Morgan :: Changeling=


Revision as of 16:21, 23 March 2023

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Emily Morgan :: Changeling

Hi! I'm Aki, a mystic warrior from Japan! Don't mind me, I'm here to fight aliens, secretly, so just pretend you didn't see anything.

Attributes d6

Physical Attributes



Mental Attributes



Social Attributes



Roles and Knacks d4




Fibbing d8
Intimidation d6



Teeth and Claws d8

Distinctions/SFX d8

Changeling - Lost Kitsune d8

If she'd been born in Japan, sooner or later another Kitsune would have found and guided her. In New Trinadad, Emily is forced to find her own way.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.
Convenient Weirdness Filter Most mortals have a blind spot when it comes to the supernatural - Emily has just learned to weaponize it with a quick shapeshift. Spend a PP to make mortals in the scene ignore your next action.

High School Senior d8

Officially Emily is busy studying for college admission, though she doesn't really see the point considering her powers. At least she draws some amusement from the amateur social games her fellows play.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.

Trickster d8

Emily is always completely honest; she'll tell you that herself.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.
Compulsive Liar: When trying to sell a lie, you may add a d8 to the pool, but if the roll fails gain a d8 complication as it backfires.

Power Set

Shapeshift d10 Emily can freely shift between the human people know as Emily, a small orange fox, and a hybrid form that's somewhat more humanoid than a werefox, but still quite strong and ferocious looking, especially in the dark. While in animal or hybrid form she gains that animal's senses, reflexes, speed, and natural weapons, and even in human form still retains some of the improved senses.

Mimicry d8 As part of her kitsune heritage Emily can perfectly adopt the appearance, mannerisms, even vocal patterns, tone, and inflection of anyone in her line of sight, taking new forms in lieu of an action or reaction after the initial transformation provided she doesn't allow a form to lapse. The form lasts only a single turn after the copied being withdraws or is removed from line of sight, whereupon she must adopt a new form or resume her natural appearance.

Simple Illusions d8 Either due to her youth or mixed heritage, Emily can't manage the complex illusions Kitsune are known for in mythology, but she can fool a single sense relatively easily. Reduce this power die by one step for every additional sense Emily is trying to fool.

SFX: Spend a pp to perform a single power in a high stakes action without needing to roll the dice.

Limit: [Conscious Activation] If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down the Changeling power set. Restore Changeling Power Set when you awake.

Limit: [Exhaustion] Shut down any Changeling power to gain a pp. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.

Stress Tracks

Mortal Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||

Psychic Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||

Spiritual Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||



The Motley: No lycanthrope is going to mistake Emily for an actual werefox regardless of her form, but she's close enough to a werefox that Mama Kit tries to keep an eye on her and make sure she's managing.


The Jade Court: Emily isn't sure if the resentment she gets from the Jade Court is due to the animosity between China and Japan, or because they dislike kitsune, and they haven't been civil enough to tell her. All she knows is that they try to chase her out of Chinatown any time she even gets close.


After graduating college, Emily's mother spent a year in Japan teaching English before returning home to New Trinadad. No one thought much of it until she started showing the unmistakable signs of pregnancy soon after returning.

It was something of a scandal at the time, of course, and people talked, but eventually found new targets for gossip and got along with their lives. After Emily was born her mother married her old high school boyfriend, and the two raised Emily and eventually her new younger brother with love.

It was only as Emily got older that she started to realize she wasn't quite like everyone else. At first she wondered if she had superpowers, or would get a welcome letter for a magic school, but when she started accidentally growing a tail when startled she finally put two and two together with her mother's history.

Something in her kept her from talking to her parents about it, though. She told herself it was because she didn't want to worry them, or dredge up sore facts about her heritage, but deep down she got a thrill from keeping secrets and fooling them all. A thrill that only grew as she began to experiment more with her powers.

Then one day she realized that she was instinctively telling lies even when she had no reason to hide the truth, and her "pranks" against any students at her school that earned her ire were reducing them to tears as often as not. In a rare moment of reflection she realized that she was becoming something her parents, not to mention the person she used to be, would be disgusted with.

No matter how much she tried, though, being a trickster wasn't something she could fight - it was as much a part of her as being human, after all. But, somewhat inspired by the superhero comics she had enjoyed as a child, she realized she could pick who she targeted, and limit the nastier tricks to those who at least probably deserved it.

And if the police occasionally arrested a panicked mugger or rapist who spoke of following their prey into a dark alley only to find their own corpse with "Repent!" scrawled on the wall in blood, then they'd probably just put it off to drug use.

Living Situation

Emily's home is firmly middle class, with both her mother and stepfather working white collar jobs that keep them fairly busy. That's one of the self justifications Emily uses for the fact that she hasn't told them about... well, all the weirdness she runs in to including and on top of being a shapeshifting fox. The combination of their schedule and the secrets she keeps means they haven't been as close lately, but she still loves them and they love her.

Other than her parents, Emily's only family is her brother, four years younger than her and in his last year of middle school. The two of them get along alright, and Emily would certainly move heaven and earth if he was in danger, but she hasn't told him anything either - as her little brother he'll always be a kid to her, even when he's grown up. Despite not saying anything, and the weirdness censor most mortals seem to have, she can't help but suspect he's guessed something is going on, though. Once she's pretty sure he accidentally saw her tail and didn't freeze up like most people do.


Emily has a driver's license, but currently no car. Her allowance isn't anywhere near big enough, and she feels obtaining the money in other ways would just lead to her parents asking too many questions, not to mention being a morally questionable use of her powers.

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