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|align="center" style="background:#efefef"| <big>Shiori</big>
|align="center" style="background:#efefef"| <big>Shiori</big>
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Revision as of 23:58, 19 February 2007

Archetype: Warrior
Gender: Female
Class: Sophomore
Age: 15
Birthdate: 2/29/1992
Systems Operational: 2/8/2005
Eastern Zodiac: Monkey
Western Zodiac: Pisces
Blood Type: O
GPA: 3.98
Cooking Specialty: Wagashi

Permanent Record

Academics and Clubs: Shiori Yoshida transferred to Yamato High School from Obihiro Middle School far to the north. Her transition here has been a fairly smooth one, with only a few minor misunderstandings along the way. Shiori is a model student overall, particularly excelling in math and science. In fact, the only thing to mar her academic record so far is the B she received in Freshman Japanese. In the words of her teacher at the time, her essays were "mechanical" and "lacked enthusiasm".

There was one incident last year that should be noted; her mathematics instructor accused her of cheating on the final exam, refusing to believe that any student could make a perfect score without cheating in some way. However, when Shiori agreed to retake a comparable test in an isolated environment, and still answered every question correctly, her instructor grudgingly conceded that maybe it was possible, as he had no solid evidence to the contrary.

It was expected that she would join the computer programming club, because of her interest in technology and her programming skills. Rumors circulate that she uses these skills in the hacker underground, a charge Shiori vehemently denies. Perhaps this is why, in a surprise move, she joined the Kung Fu Cooking Club instead.

Interests and Hobbies: As already noted, Shiori seems to know a great deal about computer programming and technology. However, this does not appear to be an area she is actively pursuing. In fact, up to this point in her high school education, she has not shown much intrest in any extra curricular activities. This perceived aloofness, combined with her nearly perfect academic performance, causes friction between her and other students, and is how she got her nickname, "Junsei".

Family History: Shiori has been an orphan since both of her parents were killed in a car accident just over two years ago. She now lives with the Takamatsu family. Shinri and Mahiru Takamatsu are prominent scientists involved in highly classified research and development. Because of this, they are away for long periods of time. Therefore, their oldest son, Hiro (age 21) is legally recognized as Shiori's guardian. The Takamatsu's also have a 17 year old son who also attends Yamato High School, Satsuya Takamatsu.

Rivals and Adversaries: Because of her academic standing, Shiori has many rivals. However, no one student in particular stands out. Despite being repeatedly challenged, Shiori refuses to be drawn in, infuriating those just below her on the academic ladder.

Friends and Allies: Shiori seems to know everyone, but has no deep friendships with anyone. Perhaps her involvement in the Kung Fu Cooking club will change that.

Off the Record

Shiori is, of course, a robot. Satsuya Takamatsu built her a little over two years ago. Initially, Shiori believed that she had been created to replace Satsuya's girlfriend and true love, Shiori Kimura, who drowned tragically. She cared deeply about Satsuya, and was filled with sorrow for his loss. However, after only a few weeks, Hiro told her the truth: the "real" Shiori broke up with Satsuya several years ago, and then moved away. Satsuya never got over it, and to relieve his pain took to building robots.

His first attempt was quite intelligent, but did not look anything like human. Since then, there have been six attempts, of which Shiori is the latest. With each attempt, the robots become more and more life-like. Shiori appears to be human. If you cut her, she bleeds, at least for a little while. She can cry. Her hair grows. However, she does have a steel core. She is stronger, tougher, and heavier than she looks; and she is afraid of water that's too deep to wade through (because she'll sink like a stone. Not that she could actually drown, but she would have to explain it somehow...)

Every time Satsuya creates something new, his old work languishes. This is a problem for his robots. Models one through five were created to love him unfailingly, earlier models, nearly obsessively. To varying degrees, they couldn't handle being set aside and replaced by Shiori (or "Six" as they call her) and all are living their own "lives" where they don't have to see Shiori or Satsuya.

Shiori (Six) is very skilled at hacking. In fact, that's how she got the chance to go to school in the first place. Satsuya, on a dare, did some clumsy hacking into a government database. He realized he was busted unless Six helped him. She agreed to fix everything, on the condition that she be able to go to school like a normal teenager. She's only been attending the past two years, but assimilated much during that time. In case anyone checks, her virtual paperwork is all in order, and she has a complete record, from elementary school through middle school.

Satsuya's parents do not know about his little side project. The aren't around very often anyway, with their work for the government, but when they are around Shiori must be as stealthy as a ninja. She lives in the basement, a suprisingly spacious and comfortable area that Satsuya has claimed for his "laboratory".

Hiro functions as her guardian, and doesn't seem to mind. Of course, because Shiori is such a good student who usually stays out of trouble, he doesn't get called to the school very often. (If he does visit the school, it's usually because of Satsuya, who is a fourth year student at the same high school.) Hiro doesn't seem thrown off by the fact that Shiori is just a robot; he treats her like a younger sister.

Satsuya, on the other hand... Shiori is still angry that he lied to her. She doesn't really like him all that much, but because she owes him her existence, she will usually help him when she can. He is completely blind to the actions of his previous robots, and thinks about them rarely, if at all. Shiori "broke up" with him the day she found out the truth about the "real" Shiori, and since that time, Satsuya periodically mumbles about "Seven". So far, though, he hasn't built anything, to Shiori's vast relief. She treats him kindly, but there's no way she's ever dating him, and that puts a strain on their relationship.

The real reason Shiori joined the Kung Fu Cooking club is that she wants to impress Hiro. She's got a secret crush on him and hopes that the way to a man's heart really is through his stomach. Also, she needs to improve her kung fu, since Five and One (at the very least) appear to be out to get her.

Martial Arts

She fights with her fists, and displays incredible strength and fortitude.

Lore Sheets

No-Brand Heros