Mighty Mutants of Mirage City: Difference between revisions

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|'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Brahnamin%27s_Characters:_Stick Stick Skydancer]''' <br> ''langur'' acrobat <br> brahnamin|| 6 || 6 || 5 || Charismatic <br> Wall-walker || Outsider (major) <br> Awkward Shape <br> Can't Swim <br> Curious <br> Mild-Mannered|| Agility d8 <br> Smarts d6 <br> Spirit d10 <br> Strength d6 <br> Vigor d6 || Leaping [32" vertical, 64" horizontal; Bounce, Frenzy From Above] <br> Dodge 3 <br> Extra Limb [prehensile tail] <br> Fearless <br> Heightened Senses [eagle eyes, low-light vision, hearing] <br> Regeneration [free Focus roll 1/round to heal 1 wound, 2 w/raise] <br> Scan [Biological] <br> Speak Languages
|'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Brahnamin%27s_Characters:_Stick Stick Skydancer]''' <br> ''langur'' acrobat <br> brahnamin|| 6 || 6 || 5 || Charismatic <br> Wall-walker || Outsider (major) <br> Awkward Shape <br> Can't Swim <br> Curious <br> Mild-Mannered|| Agility d8 <br> Smarts d6 <br> Spirit d10 <br> Strength d6 <br> Vigor d6 || Leaping [32" vertical, 64" horizontal; Bounce, Frenzy From Above] <br> Dodge 3 <br> Extra Limb [prehensile tail] <br> Fearless <br> Heightened Senses [eagle eyes, low-light vision, hearing] <br> Regeneration [free Focus roll 1/round to heal 1 wound, 2 w/raise] <br> Scan [Biological] <br> Speak Languages
|'''[[MMoMC_PC_01 | Vera Biryukova]]''' <br> ''borzoi psychic investigator'' <br> Elfwine || 8  || 6 || 5 || <br>Smarts starts at d6 and caps out at d12+1<br><br>Environmental Resistance (Cold)<br><br> Start with Focus d4, Notice d6. <br>  <br>Alertness, Investigator<br> || Heroic, Loyal, Secret (Minor), Suspicious (Minor), Ruthless || Agility d6 <br> Smarts d8 <br> Spirit d8 <br> Strength d6 <br> Vigor d6 || Awareness II
|'''[[MMoMC_PC_01 | Vera Biryukova]]''' <br> ''borzoi psychic investigator'' <br> Elfwine || 8  || 6 || 5 || <br>Smarts starts at d6 and caps out at d12+1<br><br>Environmental Resistance (Cold)<br><br> Start with Focus d4, Notice d6. <br>  <br>Alertness, Investigator<br> || <br>''Awkward Shape''<br>''Outsider (Major)''<br> Heroic, Loyal, Secret (Minor), Suspicious (Minor), Ruthless (Minor) || Agility d6 <br> Smarts d8 <br> Spirit d8 <br> Strength d6 <br> Vigor d6 || Awareness II


Heightened Senses I: Low light Vision
Heightened Senses I: Low Light Vision

Illusion* + After Effects + Obscurement  
Illusion* + After Effects + Obscurement  

Revision as of 05:24, 27 June 2023

Mutant animals have always walked alongside us, caused by outrageous science, alien technology, forgotten magic or natural aberrations. In recent decades the number of mutants has increased exponentially. Human society fears and misunderstands these creatures, labeling them freaks or monsters, shunning or hunting them down.

But there are some who choose to be heroes.

This is their story.

Our Heroes

species, role
Pace Parry Toughness Edges and
Racial Advantages
Hindrances and
Racial Disadvantages
Attributes Super Powers
deer psychic
X x Investigator Loyal Agility d6
Smarts d8
Spirit d8
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Fear [LBT]
Push [-2 to Str roll]
Elizabeth "Bean" Williams
red squirrel gadgeteer
8 4 4 Fleet-Footed
Bite (Str + d4)
Mr. Fixit
Outsider (major)
Awkward Shape
Quirk: Easily Distracted
Agility d6
Smarts d10
Spirit d6
Strength d4
Vigor d6
Blind (flash-bangs) [Device, MBT, Athletics]
Dodge 2
Entangle (gunk bombs) [Device, MBT, Strong, Athletics]
Leaping [4" vertical, 8" horizontal
Ranged Attack (plasma pistol) [3d6, Device, Lethal]
Super Attribute [Smarts +1]
Super Science [Overload]
Super Skills [Common Knowledge +1, Electronics +1, Hacking +1, Research +1, Science +1, Thievery +1]
fox ninja
8 8 4 Low-light Vision
Free Runner
Outsider (major)
Awkward Shape
Suspicious (minor)
Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Dodge 3
Melee Attack [Str + 3d6, Special Weapon, AP 2, Device]
Pace +2
Ranged Attack (shuriken) [2d6 damage]
Super Skills [Athletics +3, Fighting +3, Stealth +3]
Swinging [move at pace 12 on some kind of line]
lion brawler
8 6 7 Berserk
Common Bond
Bite and Claws
Outsider (major)
Awkward Shape
Quirk: Always goes for the biggest threat
Agility d8
Smarts d4
Spirit d8
Strength d8
Vigor d6
Additional Actions [-4 to MAP]
Awareness [reduce attack penalties caused by enemies by 2]
Dodge 2
Heightened Senses [Hearing, Low-light Vision, Smell]
Leaping [4" vertical, 8" horizontal]
Melee Attack [bite and claws, Str + d6 + d4, +2 to Athletics (climbing), can bite while grappling]
Super Edge [Berserk]
Uncanny Reflexes
Stick Skydancer
langur acrobat
6 6 5 Charismatic
Outsider (major)
Awkward Shape
Can't Swim
Agility d8
Smarts d6
Spirit d10
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Leaping [32" vertical, 64" horizontal; Bounce, Frenzy From Above]
Dodge 3
Extra Limb [prehensile tail]
Heightened Senses [eagle eyes, low-light vision, hearing]
Regeneration [free Focus roll 1/round to heal 1 wound, 2 w/raise]
Scan [Biological]
Speak Languages
Vera Biryukova
borzoi psychic investigator
8 6 5
Smarts starts at d6 and caps out at d12+1

Environmental Resistance (Cold)

Start with Focus d4, Notice d6.

Alertness, Investigator

Awkward Shape
Outsider (Major)
Heroic, Loyal, Secret (Minor), Suspicious (Minor), Ruthless (Minor)
Agility d6
Smarts d8
Spirit d8
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Awareness II


Heightened Senses I: Low Light Vision

Illusion* + After Effects + Obscurement

Mind Shield

Mind Reading* + Memory Mastery + Strong

Object Reading* + Requires Touch


Super Skill V (Fighting +1, Focus +2, Shooting +1, Stealth +1)

Allies and Contacts

General Simon Hogarth, US Army (retired)

  • Patron of the Mighty Mutants.

Fox Clan

  • Noble Japanese shinobi clan, rivals of the Serpent Clan

Frank Brickbiter

  • Sewer-dwelling mutant rat, distrusts humans. Friend of Bean.

Ianka Nowak

  • Elderly Polish restaurant-owner. Leaves food out for Kit

Joseph "King" Williams

  • Auto mechanic, adoptive father of Bean.

Lacy Carmichael

  • Nurse at Mirage City General Hospital. Friend of Stick.


  • Zookeeper at the Mirage City Zoological Gardens, big cat keeper

Rivals and Supervillains

Adrien Biggles

  • Professional cat burglar

Detective Sergeant Frank Battle

  • Cowboy cop who hates vigilantes and mutant animals

Dr. Scorpion

  • Formerly human, now a spider/scorpion mutant chimera. Wants revenge on the FDMH escapees.

The Serpent Clan

  • Unscrupulous Japanese shinobi clan, rivals of the Fox Clan