Horrors of Averoigne: Robert de Chalisse: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:17, 13 December 2023

Character Name: Robert de Chalisse
Player Name: Rob
Profession/Archetype: Noble
Family/Liege: Family Chalisse, Liege Comte Engeurrand de Venteillon
Sex (Age): Male (25)
Home Town/Village: Chateau de Chalisse


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 13 65 Muscular
Constitution 15 75 Perfect Health
Dexterity 14 70 Nimble
Intelligence 10 50
Power 10 50
Charisma 11 55 Minor scars of battle

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 14 14
Willpower (WP) 10 5
Current SAN Recovery SAN Breaking Point Maximum SAN
34 50 30 99
Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage
Resources 9 6 / 3 / 0

Resource Check Boxes

Resources O O

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Etienne de Chalisse (lord and elder brother) 6
Brother Gerome the Monk (cousin and comrade) 11
Dame Isobelle de Feuris (innkeeper and former lover) 8
Comte Raoul, Comte de la Frenaie (liege lord of Chalisse, personal fealty sworn by Robert) 6
Minor Provincial Nobility 3


1. Make my family known for more than its curse.

2. To render honourable service to my older brother and lord Etienne as his vassal.

3. Destroy wielders of magic (a hatred held by all the family due to the curse enacted on it)

4. Develop Val Retrouve to increase my family's wealth and stop our slide downward

5. Expiate the wrongs I did to innocent peasants in the wars outside Averoigne


Alchemy 0

Alertness 46

Animal Handling 10

Appraise 10

Art (Type) 0

Athletics 52

Beguile 20

Carouse 43

Chirurgery 0

Ciphers 0

Craft (Type) 10

Disguise 10

Dodge 50

Drive 20

First Aid 10

Folklore 36

Forage/Hunt 40

Foreign Court/Kingdom (Type) 0

Foreign Language (Type) 0

Harangue/Taunt 70

Herb Lore 20

History 14

Homeland 83

Insight 18

Literacy 40

Melee Weapons 81

Navigate 10

Occult (Type) 10

Persuade 43

Procuratio 40

Quadrivium 0

Ranged Weapons 40

Reassure 17

Religion (Christian) 40

Repair/Devise 0

Ride 80

Sailing (Type) 0

Scavenge 12

Search 20

Siege Weapons 0

Stealth 13

Swim 20

Trivium 0

Unarmed Combat 44

Unnatural 0

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Chainmail armour (AR 6, once in a worn condition as it has literally “seen the wars”, the “some in terrible condition” item but was repaired by a tinker, Yves, former armourer to Count in La Frenaie) -- not usually worn unless expecting battle or trying to 'look martial'.

Leather Jerkin (AR 2) -- what is typically worn

Heater shield (Parry 3)

Also a palfrey (Marceau) and hunting hound (Chasseur, who is not good with children).

Squire Jean carries a lance.
Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots.


Skill % Base Range Damage Special capabilities Cost
Broadsword 80 NA 1d8+1 (DB+1)
Dagger 80 NA 1d4+1 (DB+1)
Bow 40 150 yards 1d8
Lance (Mtd) 80 NA 2d6+Horse DB Lethality 10%, AP5, Worn Condition

Personal Details, Obligations, Heirlooms, and Other Notes

Currently 25 and just released from service, returning to Averoigne accompanied by Jean, my squire and valet who was the most valuable gift my father gave me. It has been a year since I last saw my former lover Dame Isobelle, widow of a knight killed alongside me, after she came to Averoigne when a legacy allowed her to take over an inn, the Inn de Bonne Nuit.

I am the second son of Siegneur Henri (deceased) and Dame Marie de Chalisse, after eldest Etienne (current family head). The Chalisse line is cursed by a Sorcerer burned by one of its ancestors - all its men die by the age of 33. In my youth I was mostly cursed by my older brother with home I endured harsh training to be a knight, who constantly expected me to cover for his drinking and carousing.

At 15 I left home to be a squire in court of Comte Engeurrand de Venteillon and have served in wars elsewhere in France in years since, earning knighthood. During this time I fought alongside my cousin Gerome. He lost an arm in battle but survived and joined a monastic order. He now lives at the Perigon Benedictine Abbey - Perigon is noted for its library and is built on Roman ruin.

Since returning home have been reconciled with Etienne and been honoured to be granted the fief of Val Retour, if approved by Lord Raoul.

Servants, Animals and Similar

Michel, Robert's Man-At-Arms (formerly in service to 'Gaston')

STR 13, CON 10, DEX 13, INT 10, POW 10, CHA 10, HP 12 Skills (Soldier/Guard) - Athletics 60%, Beguile 50%, Carouse 50%, Dodge 70%, First Aid 50%, Folklore 40%, Forage/Hunt 50%, Homeland 40%, Harangue/Taunt 50%, Melee Weapons 70%, Scavenge 50%, Unarmed Combat 70%

Gear - a broadsword (1d8+1+1DB), hatchet and dagger. He hears a leather jerkin and has a bucker (1 Free Parry)

Chasseur, 80lb hunting hound

STR 8, CON 11, SIZ 7, INT 5, POW 7, DEX 13, HP 10, Bite 30%, 1d6, Dodge 40%, Alertness 75%, Hunt (of Hunt/Forage) 90%, Stealth 30%, Swim 75%. Move 10. Not good with children (not a pet)

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