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|'''Mahthilt Straub''' <br> ''Dwarven Defender'' || Loyal <br> Shield-Bearer ||colspan = "3"| "Mahthilt has my back, and I have hers, until the ending of the world."  
|'''Mahthilt Straub''' <br> ''Dwarven Defender'' || Loyal <br> Shield-Bearer ||colspan = "3"| "Mahthilt has my back, and I have hers, until the ending of the world."  
|'''Heimirich Maurer''' <br> ''Berserker'' || Blind Rage <br> Reckless Valor ||colspan = "3"|  "Heimirich is the bravest warrior I know."  
|'''? Maurer''' <br> ''Berserker'' || Blind Rage <br> Reckless Valor ||colspan = "3"|  "(name) is the bravest warrior I know."  

Revision as of 18:08, 29 December 2023

a Fellowship campaign

The World

A Land of Order . . .

Harmonia is a land of order and stability. A single continent over two thousand miles across, it floats in the endless Sea of Chaos. At the land’s center grows Yggdrasil, the mighty Tree of Order, lending strength and stability to the world. Its influence binds sworn oaths and supports the divine right of kings, weaving patterns of order in the fabric of the world itself.

But even the best intended order and law can be taken to extremes. Law can corrupt into arbitrary rules or foul tyranny; caution and stability can become reactionary stagnation and xenophobia. Law unbound can be just as dangerous as chaos.

An Agent of Chaos . . .

When order turns to stagnation, the World-Breaker arises. A mortal who becomes imbued with the forces of chaos, a master of forbidden magics, the World-Breaker is a demigod of anarchy, a lord of unrule. In his presence laws crumble, oaths are broken, and order turns to disorder. His rise heralds a time of danger and discord, as rulers are toppled, nations reordered, and all that once was stable and sure is called into question.

Despite the destruction that attends him, the World-Breaker is not a force of evil any more than he is of good. He brings inspiration and entropy in equal measure, creativity and destruction; he inspires slaves to break their chains and anarchs to burn down cities.

A Cycle Broken . . .

Under normal circumstances, the World-Breaker arises every few centuries, allowing the world time to heal in between his visitations. Laws are codified, patterns become ingrained, new thoughts and ideas and inventions are worked and worried over, so that by the time he returns, the world is beginning once more to slowly lapse into stagnation and stifling over-order. It is a cycle so grand only the elves and the dragons witness it in full.

But now, the cycle has been broken. Although the World-Breaker was defeated only a few decades ago, all the signs point to his return again. The world, not yet healed from the wounds of his last visit, reels under the impending assault as laws and oaths begin to fray, as revolutions rise like mushrooms after a rain and predictions and prophecies become vain.

Comes the World-Breaker

If Harmonia is to survive this broken cycle then the Lord of Chaos must be stopped, unity forged out of discord, and hope brought forth from the ashes of a burned world. In a land of shattered law and rising chaos, what heroes will stand against the World-Breaker?

Notable Communities

The Heroes

Adalgard Langbart Drache,
The Dwarf
played by Elfwine
What Is a Dwarf?
Firebeard: "Your people lead a war-like life, with a long history of bloodshed and tragedy. Your armor has seen many battles, and it has seen you through all of them. When you attempt to defeat an enemy in glorious combat, you may damage your Blood to try to Finish Them with +Blood or +Sense."
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood +2 Be Brave, Take Risks People of Stone (Core)
The dwarves are built tough. You have a sixth stat, Iron, and you have an additional +1 to assign among your other stats. Iron represents your supreme toughness - your armor, survivability, iron gut, and stubbornness. When you Finish Them by outlasting them in a contest of power or endurance, roll +Iron. On a 10+, they pass out.
Bond Dwarven hardtack (5 uses)
Courage +1 Tell Us Of Your People Clear the Path (Core)
When you charge through something standing in between you and where you're going, roll +Iron. On a 7+, you charge through and leave a path for your allies to follow. On a 9-, your reckless charge causes problems. You have to go alone, or leave yourself open to danger, or damage something important, your choice.
Bond Partial plate armor (Armor, 1 use)
Grace +1 Improve the World Around You Unbreakable (Core)
When you Fill Your Belly, you also heal your Iron stat .
Bond Feindhauer, a fine axe (Melee, Dwarf-Made)
Senses +0 The Honored Word Parry! Counter! Thrust! (Custom)
When you fight an enemy one on one in Melee range, you may Keep Them Busy as if you rolled a 10+.
Bond A rifle (Ranged, Reload, Dwarf-Made) and an exploding trap (Trap, Dangerous, 2 Uses)
Wisdom -1 Warrior's Pride (Dwarf Custom)
When you let out a roar of challenge, tell us who you are challenging and roll +Blood. On a 7+, they accept, approaching you for battle and dropping whatever they were doing. On a 9-, they bring backup with them.
Bond Craftsman's tools (2 Uses, Useful, Dwarf-Made)
Iron +2 Move
Bond Gear 6
Name Stats Bond
Mahthilt Straub
Dwarven Defender
"Mahthilt has my back, and I have hers, until the ending of the world."
? Maurer
Blind Rage
Reckless Valor
"(name) is the bravest warrior I know."
Kai the Mirror-Eyed,
The Harbinger
played by Leliel
What Is a Harbinger?
Servants of the Dark: The harbingers are so-called because they herald the coming of the Overlord, and they serve the Overlord in all ways. You are a renegade to your people, outcast, but you still command the same terrifying powers they do. You do not need to pay a price to show others why they Do Not Trifle with Wizards.
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood +0 Be Brave, Take Risks Doomed Soul (Core)
The harbingers are keepers of prophecy and magic, and their soul is unlike any other. You have a sixth stat, Doom, and you have an additional +0 to assign between your other stats. When your Doom stat gets damaged by an enemy attack, you must damage another one of your stats. When you Finish Them by relying on fate or luck, roll +Doom. On a 10+, their fate is sealed. The Overlord player decides what happens to them. When you Share this Move with another, their Doom stat is +1.
Bond Food (2 Uses)
Courage +1 Tell Us Of Your People Doom and Gloom (Core)
Your Doom makes you hard for others to relate to. You can never have more than one Bond with someone, and others can never have more than one Bond with you. This Move cannot be Shared.
Bond Wizardly Baubles (2 Uses, Useful)
Grace -1 Improve the World Around You Do Not Trifle with Wizards (Core)
Your magic is dangerous and powerful, for both you and your enemies. When you conjure a powerful spell to destroy something in your way, pay a price, then take up to three points of damage. You inflict that much damage to your target. You then become exhausted, and roll with Despair for the rest of the scene. Threats to the World and Set Pieces take no damage from this Move. This Move cannot be Shared.
Bond Runed Blade (Lightslicer, it cuts through anything - Piercing)
Senses +2 Savior Complex: Remove evil from this world, at all costs. Wizardry (Core)
When you draw upon the magic inherent to your people, choose one option from below. You may use these spells as often as you need to. When you use one of these magical effects, tell us how it manifests - what does it look like, what does it sound like? What do you need to do to make this happen?
  • Conjure a soft light, which floats around you.
  • Deliver a message through mysterious means.
  • Speak, look, or listen as if you were somewhere else that you can see.
  • Touch, push, or grab as if you were somewhere else that you can see.

When you Share this Move with another, they choose a single spell from the list. That spell is the only one they can use. You can Share this Move with someone multiple times. Each time you do, they learn another spell. ||Bond || A flashpowder trap (Trap, 2 Uses). It blinds everyone in the area for a short time.

Wisdom +0 Wildspeaker (Custom)
You speak the language of beasts and monsters. When you try to speak to such a creature for the first time, they will always pause to listen and reply, and you always have a chance to Speak Softly or Talk Sense with them.
Bond Magical Source: Leylines (2 Uses, allows for teleportation or sealing locations.)
Doom +2 Move
Bond A Fata Mockery Ray (what adventurers call Mimics - the Fata is a magic-eating branch of the species named after the fata morgana) that was also abused by the Snow Witch, who shares a similar viewpoint to me (Master of Inanimate Imitation, Living Shelter Thanks To Tent Impersonation)
Name Stats Bond
The XX
played by XX
What Is a XX?
XX: description
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood Be Brave, Take Risks Move (Core)
Bond Gear 1
Courage Tell Us Of Your People Move
Bond Gear 2
Grace Improve the World Around You Move
Bond Gear 3
Senses (agenda) Move
Bond Gear 4
Wisdom Move
Bond Gear 5
Iron Move
Bond Gear 6
Name Stats Bond
The XX
played by XX
What Is a XX?
XX: description
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood Be Brave, Take Risks Move (Core)
Bond Gear 1
Courage Tell Us Of Your People Move
Bond Gear 2
Grace Improve the World Around You Move
Bond Gear 3
Senses (agenda) Move
Bond Gear 4
Wisdom Move
Bond Gear 5
Iron Move
Bond Gear 6
Name Stats Bond
The XX
played by XX
What Is a XX?
XX: description
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood Be Brave, Take Risks Move (Core)
Bond Gear 1
Courage Tell Us Of Your People Move
Bond Gear 2
Grace Improve the World Around You Move
Bond Gear 3
Senses (agenda) Move
Bond Gear 4
Wisdom Move
Bond Gear 5
Iron Move
Bond Gear 6
Name Stats Bond
The XX
played by XX
What Is a XX?
XX: description
Stats Agendas Moves Bonds Gear
Blood Be Brave, Take Risks Move (Core)
Bond Gear 1
Courage Tell Us Of Your People Move
Bond Gear 2
Grace Improve the World Around You Move
Bond Gear 3
Senses (agenda) Move
Bond Gear 4
Wisdom Move
Bond Gear 5
Iron Move
Bond Gear 6
Name Stats Bond

Notable NPCs

The Overlord