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[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_10_Questions 10 QUESTIONS]

Revision as of 17:51, 28 February 2007



  • Valendil

Elven wildlander. Was in pursuit of a trio of Orcs bearing a captive into the woods, only to see a fourth Orc ambush and slay two of them. The third Orc fled into the woods; Valendil was able to finish him off easily from a distance, but not before seeing Durgaz press a fallen Orc’s dagger into the captive’s hand and instruct her to flee. He tracked the mysterious Orc to his campsite and, after observing him for a day or two, revealed himself and offered parlay. Durgaz has assisted the elf's band on more than one occasion since.

  • Walden Mikhail

An elderly man who lives in a remote cottage outside [insert village name here] and makes a living selling poultices and herbal remedies to the townsfolk. Durgaz initially witnessed the man plying his trade from a distance. Later, having been badly injured by a bear, he dragged himself to the old man’s door and offered to trade fresh-caught game for healing. To his surprise, the old man readily agreed: he was, Durgaz realized, completely blind. Since then, Durgaz has often brought the man gifts of meat and vegetables, sometimes (though not always) requesting the old man’s concoctions in return, and even shared meals with him from time to time. He only comes at night, and as far as he knows, the old man does not know that he is an Orc.

  • Marena Suzerain

Was pulled off the street and abducted by three Orcs several months ago, only to have a fourth Orc come unexpectedly to her aid. Like Ivor (see below), she probably wouldn’t be able to tell Durgaz from any other Orc. (For that matter, it’s not necessarily certain that Durgaz would be able to distinguish her from any other human female.)


  • Talûn-karkû, the white worm

Captain in command of Durgaz’s regiment, an ambitious Orc who never reported Durgaz’s treachery to his superiors because he feared it would reflect badly on his leadership abilities. On a personal level, however, considers the incident a stain on an otherwise perfect military record and would love to see Durgaz found and made an example of.

  • Radagug, the dog

Durgaz’s older brother (he has 4 brothers, and 5 half-brothers) by blood. Harbored a great deal of jealousy toward his younger brother, due to Durgaz’s superior ability and skill with arms. When Durgaz deserted, Talûn-karkû assigned him to his brother’s position, but made no secret of the disdain he felt for any and all of the traitor’s family.

  • Ivor Adhbain

Durgaz slaughtered his family two years ago. Ivor himself lost his right arm at the shoulder and was left for dead among the corpses of his friends and family. He has since become an active agent for those opposing the Shadow in [some local village]. Whether he would be able to distinguish Durgaz from any other orc … well, that depends on how well he remembers the night he lost everything and his life changed forever.


  • Durgaz's Campsite

It’s not much, just a rope, a few cut saplings and a large piece of canvas, but it’s home. Durgaz has been living out here in the woods since shortly after his defection; he spends the majority of his time hunting or gathering food when necessary and occasionally visiting with Walden. The rest of the time, he keeps an eye on what he knows are routes well traveled by Orcish armies, committing sabotage or assassinations when possible. Valendil (see above) knows where he is, although Durgaz does not know the location of the elves' camp.


  • Dafrum-Dâgalûr

Durgaz’s old regiment, consisting of somewhere between 400 and 500 Orcs at any given time. Led by Talûn-karkû, the white worm (see above), a fearsome Orc with a distinctive mane of white hair. Consists of members from approximately a dozen families, all of whom are constantly jockeying for position within the regiment (whose leaders are, of course, doing the same within the army of which the regiment is part.) Durgaz’s treachery is not tremendously well-known within the regiment, as open discussion of the incident tends to rouse Talûn-karkû’s anger. Among those that do know, not much is known beyond the fact that Durgaz went mad, killed two fellow soldiers and fled. It is assumed that he is dead.

  • The Kranklobûrz (Dark Mother) Tribe

Durgaz’s tribe, consisting of 3000+ Orcs. Durgaz’s father was killed long ago in battle; his mother now serves as a midwife back in the Northlands and knows nothing of Durgaz's treachery, or even that he is still alive; nor would she particularly care to learn either.

possible Covenant Items

  •  ???



These questions will aid in creating ideas and stories that cater to your hero. It will also help flesh out your hero. You are welcome to create addional background questions. But these short answers are all that's necessary here.

Describe what your hero's glorious death might be

Sacrificing himself in a way that might lead other Orcs to question their roles as the Shadow's footsoldiers, and possibly lead them to the other side.

Describe what your hero's worst fated death at the hands of [the ENEMY] might be

Dying alone, outside of battle. Realizing with his last breath that his decision to abandon the Shadow hadn't really made any difference.

What is the worst thing [the Shadow] could do to your hero? (this could include things done to loved ones)

Consistently undermine his efforts to do good: burn down a village he had been working to protect, murder a person he had tried to save, etc.

Describe a victory that your hero would like to have against [the Shadow]

Induce other Orcs to defect (admittedly, not an entirely altruistic goal ... he'd like to do this at least in part because it would help validate his own decision to do so). Or, failing that, strike a significant blow against their ability to do harm.

What action would your hero never do? (meaning type of action "like burn a village down", NOT a general idea like "give in to the shadow")

Kill an innocent, unarmed human or fey. ('Innocent' being a relative term, in this case it would apply to anyone not obviously aligned with the Shadow.)

What would cause your hero to break down to sadness or fear?

He's walking a pretty fine line right now, having essentially just abandoned his entire philosophy in favor of one he knows next to nothing about. Realizing that the he's made the wrong choice, or that he's made the right choice but that it doesn't matter, would be a significant blow, more likely to make him break down than anything else.

What do you hope your heroe's honorific would be? (An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect and is used in addressing or referring to a person. Honorifics are usually placed immediately before or after the name of the subject. e.g. Thok the Orc Masher!)

The Betrayer is probably the most appropriate term. The Redeemer, perhaps, if he were to succeed at inspiring other Orcs.

What would it take for your hero to turn traitor? (these can result from bribe or blackmail)

Technically, he's already turned traitor. He's almost certain not to do it again, even if the Shadow were willing to take him back (and if he believed whatever offer they made him.) Seeing too much cruelty and brutality on the part of the 'good guys', however - enough to make him question whethere there's really any difference between them and the Orcs - would stand a good chance of making him abandon the cause and run off into the wilderness again.

PLAYER: What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!

In general, I really like running across monsters that I as a player don't know anything about. I can keep player and character knowledge separate, of course, but it's always fun to genuinely have no idea what you're up against, and be forced to figure out any weaknesses and immunities through trial and error.

PLAYER: What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)

I really like character-driven subplots that may or may not have any real bearing on the main story. Anything that specifically stems from a certain PC's nature or backstory, either the one I'm playing or someone else's, is always a lot of fun.

Midnight: North & South Portal