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=MacKenzie Bjôrn=
=MacKenzie Bjôrn=
==''Don't throw that out. It'll make good shrapnel.''==
==''Don't throw that out. It'll make good shrapnel.''==

Latest revision as of 15:42, 11 January 2024

MacKenzie Bjôrn[edit]


Don't throw that out. It'll make good shrapnel.[edit]

Attributes d6Arrow03.png[edit]

Physical d10 || Mental d8 || Social d6 ||

Trained Skills d6Arrow03.png[edit]

Craft d6 || Drive d6 || Know d6 / Current Events d6 ||

Move d8 || Sneak d8 || Throw d8 ||

Fix d10 || Operate d10 / Security Systems d6 || Trick d10 ||

Untrained Skills d4[edit]

Fight d4 | Fly d4 | Focus d4 | Influence d4 | Labor d4 | Notice d4 | Perform d4 | Shoot d4 | Survive d4 | Treat d4

Distinctions/SFX d8[edit]

Mechanic - You can fix damned near anything, or you can use your skills to fuck shit up.

Check002.png Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a D4a.png instead of a D8a.png
Check002.png Gremlin: Sometimes Fixing a thing means teaching it to do something it was never meant to do. When subverting the original purpose of a system or device, spend 1pp to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Craft, Fix, or Operate action.

Highlighted Skills: Craft | Fix | Know

Slip of a Girl - You're good at getting into and fitting into places and situations you maybe shouldn't.

Check002.png Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a D4a.png instead of a D8a.png
Check002.png Ghost in the Machine: You are so good at blending in, it's scary. Spend 1pp to state a fact about a location or situation and why that helps you go unnoticed. Take it as a d8 scene asset.

Highlighted Skills: Move | Sneak | Trick

Adrenaline Junkie - You ain't met an edge you didn't want to push.

Check002.png Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a D4a.png instead of a D8a.png

Highlighted Skills: Drive | Operate | Throw

Signature Assets d6Arrow03.png[edit]

Grenades. So Many Grenades d8 Mac has a number of homemade IEDs on her person at any given time.

Mamas Little Helpers d8 Mac has a team of micro-drones that can get into spaces she can't and act as extra sets of eyes or hands.


To listen to her prata and peep her skryt, most folk tend to assume Mac is new city Mariehamn, born on the streets with gutterstain and plascrete in her DNA, but it's none of it true. She's old city pedigree with parents in academia and the privilege of old money and status.

She knows the expectations and etiquettes of proper society. She won't use them. But she knows them.

And while the streets and sea lanes toughened her and honed her skills, she knows full well it was the fallback of a respected, entrenched family that allowed her to indulge in the risky path she chose for herself.

She knows it has a price tag, and that it is coming due.

But for now, she does her job: builds things, fixes things - fucks things up when the stars align, and generally keeps her head down. When she can, she runs the tight edge just to feel something, anything, and tracks social platforms and reliable - and unreliable - media outlets to stay up with the times.