Horrors of Averoigne: Lucien Reynard: Difference between revisions

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Line 275: Line 275:
| History
| History
| 10
| 10
| 32
| 34
| Homeland
| Homeland
Line 285: Line 285:
| Insight
| Insight
| 10
| 10
| 58
| 61
| Literacy
| Literacy
Line 310: Line 310:
| Persuade
| Persuade
| 20
| 20
| 44
| 48
| Procuratio
| Procuratio
Line 330: Line 330:
| Reassure
| Reassure
| 10
| 10
| 52
| 56
| Religion (Catholic)
| Religion (Catholic)
| 10
| 10
| 20
| 23
| Repair/Devise
| Repair/Devise

Revision as of 02:16, 22 February 2024

  • Character name: Lucien Reynard
  • Player name: btranwrites
  • Archetype: Healer
  • Family/liege: (orphan)
  • Sex/Age: M 32
  • Home town/village: Chalisse


Score x5 What others notice
STR 12 60 Some muscular definition, not bulky but lean
CON 12 60 Reputation of handling strong herbs and herbal concoctions
DEX 10 50 A little clumsy sometimes
INT 15 75 Very intelligent, expert and reputable herbalist
POW 10 50 Timid, soft spoken, shy
CHA 14 70 Kind and caring, charming like one would by a fluffy cow

Derived Attributes

Max Current
HP 12 12
WP 10 9
SAN Max: 94, Recovery: 50 43
BP 30 30
Damage bonus 0
Permanent At hand Stowed In storage Check Boxes
Resources 14 6 6 2 3
  • Runs the local apothecary
  • Donates 2 RP to the new Val Retrouve fief
Resources check boxes

SAN Losses

Violence O O O
Helplessness O O O


Type Score
Odila Bouvier Personal 14
Chalisse villagers Communal 12
Arnaud Gauthier Personal 8
Val Retrouve Communal 9
  • Reputable, liked, respected healer


1. Gain more knowledge of the healing arts to help more people

2. Chalisse and Retrouve will need more healers; train more healers, or teach healing

3. Help fight the Pestilence

4. Help establish the new Val Retrouve fief

5. Gain more understanding of the unnatural, to make sense of the Retrouve trauma


Skill Base rating Rating Failed
Alchemy 0 48
Alertness 20 26
Animal Handling 10
Appraise 10 50
Art (Type) 0
Athletics 30
Beguile 20 21
Carouse 0
Chirurgery 0 52
Ciphers 0
Craft (Type) 10
Disguise 10
Dodge 30
Drive 20
First Aid 10 80
Folklore 10 64
Forage/Hunt 10 53
Foreign Court/Kingdom (Type) 0
Foreign Language (Type) 0
Harangue/Taunt 10
Herb Lore 20 64
History 10 34
Homeland 0
Insight 10 61
Literacy 0 40
Melee Weapons 30 34
Navigate 10 30
Occult (Type) 10
Persuade 20 48
Procuratio 0
Quadrivium 0
Ranged Weapons 20
Reassure 10 56
Religion (Catholic) 10 23
Repair/Devise 0 20
Ride 10
Sailing (Type) 0
Scavenge 10
Search 20 52
Siege Weapons 0
Stealth 10 30
Swim 20
Trivium 0
Unarmed Combat 40
Unnatural 0 5

Personal Details, Obligations, Heirlooms, and Other Notes

Lucien was found abandoned on the doorsteps of the church one quiet day when not even the birds sang. The baby was too weak to cry loud enough to get noticed; when the nuns found him, Lucien was so, so pale. So weak, they said. So fortunate of him to have been saved by the grace of the Lord.

They made him earn it. He was born of sin; why else did his parents leave him? The church was tough because they cared; why else would they hurt him?

His durance at the church lasted until his working age, when he had grown into a timid, soft spoken young man, if a bit easily spooked. Estelle Reynard, bless her heart, found Lucien one day crying over a squashed bee getting yelled at by a nun and an hour later, got him the sweetest custard in his life. He snuck out to Estelle's apothecary, Les Pierres Jaunes, again and again, and before long Lucien Reynard was a familiar face there, helping his adoptive mother out with the medicine and care for the townsfolk, and stayed so when she passed away.

One Odile Bouvier ran Les Pierres with Lucien, a few years after the original Reynard passed. Some of the townsfolk wondered when they would get married, but they would brush off the topic when prodded. They were close indeed, great friends, but when the sun set and the streets emptied, Odile courted the affection of one mysterious Beatricia who terrorised the comforts of those up in high towers, while Lucien worked with the plants, studied books, and tried for a calm heart anytime Arnaud the solider came by for a salve.

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