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=='''Chaon, CA  *est.-1887  pop.-12,585  elev.4,654'''==
=='''Chaon, CA  *est.-1887  pop.-12,585  elev.4,654'''==
A small timber and copper mining town established in 1887 where the redwood forests meet the fertile plains of the central valley. The town could have easily withered and died had the railroad not decided to build a station there. Today the primary industries of Chaon include timber, copper mining, shipping and agriculture. It is a moderate sized town surrounded by large areas of unincorporated county land. It is about 50 miles from Oakland and Sacramento and 35 miles from Stockton and Lodi. The town retains much of its 1950s feel and look to it and most businesses are still mom and pop owned since the powers that be (both governmental and outlaw) have worked to keep franchises and chain stores out.  
The area has a long history as something of a refuge for outlaws who in turn help keep the town safe from outside exploitation. The MC has a symbiotic relationship with several members of the county sheriff which is rife with corruption. The MC has something of a grudging truce with local police who have to admit that the club does at least as good of a job keeping meth-dealing Aryans from Lodi and heroin-dealing gangs from the bay area from making inroads into the town of Chaon itself. The Chaos Riders like to say “nothing happens in Chaon that we don’t control or get a piece of.”
A small timber and copper mining town established in 1887 where the redwood forests meet the fertile plains of the central valley. The town could have easily withered and died had the railroad not decided to build a station there. Today the primary industries of Chaon include timber, copper mining, shipping and agriculture. It is a moderate sized town surrounded by large areas of unincorporated county woodlands leading up into the Rocky Mountains. It is some miles from Oakland and Sacramento and closer to Stockton and Lodi. The town retains much of its 1950s feel and looks like it. Most businesses are still mom and pop owned since the powers that be (both governmental and outlaw) have worked to keep franchises and chain stores out.  
The area has a long history as something of a refuge for outlaws who in turn help keep the town safe from outside exploitation. The MC has a symbiotic relationship with several members of the county sheriff which is rife with corruption. The MC has something of a grudging truce with local police who have to admit that the club does at least as good of a job keeping meth-dealing Aryans from Lodi and heroin-dealing gangs from the bay area from making inroads into the town of Chaon itself. The Chaos Riders like to say “nothing happens in Chaon that we don’t control or get a piece of.”

=='''Places of interest in and around Chaon'''==
=='''Places of interest in and around Chaon'''==

Revision as of 01:31, 17 April 2024

The multiverse twisted in a corner of shadow outside the wide Tosian Sway and the dominant Amber Sway. Few in either would know it but the wizards that traveled the road that roamed it called it the Repeating Earth Sway. It consisted of thousand of primary worlds and shadows shaved from them.

As occurred from time to time a number of world made a psychic connection and over several decades people with a small key shaped birthmark were born. For most over these people it went unnoticed and perhaps only a few thing happened in their lives that were unusual or extraordinary.

For others, their lives became heroic, for good or evil, Law or Chaos.

In the cyclic worlds of the Repeating Earth Sway the first of the cycle's Key-marked was born.

More would come in time


  1. choan-riders-of-the-amber-sway


Filthy Game Synopsis

Chaos Riders MC- est. 1952.

Originally called the Chaon’s Riders club for the small central California town of Chaon where the club was founded by disillusioned and bored returning Korean War vets. When the first new chapter was added in Stockton in late 1955 the club’s name was changed to Chaos Riders and the original back piece of an 8 pointed compass rose was changed to an 8 point wheel of chaos. Locals had long called the gang Chaos Riders anyway due to the rebellious and freewheeling nature of the club’s founding members. After the Vietnam War the MC experienced a major wave of growth and expansion with new chapters starting throughout the northwest and central California.

Today it is 1992 and Chaon is the smallest chapter of the MC, especially when compared to the closest other chapter Stockton, which is something of a threat to steal away the spiritual leadership of the club. Today the Chaon charter, known as the Mother Charter due to it’s status as the MC’s birthplace, is still afforded a great deal of respect among the club and the MC world, but is in need of younger and more active members to ensure it retains it’s status as the seat of leadership for the entire MC. Different charters have different sources of income, both legitimate and criminal. The Chaon chapter is involved in the smuggling and distribution of counterfeit automotive and computer parts, as well as some small scale gun running and protection rackets. ‘Jimbo’ Teller the MC’s president since 1971 has recently began to make noises about retiring from the club’s presidency. Due to his longtime status as a strong leader for the gang, his retirement would leave the primacy of the Mother Charter in jeopardy so he is asking the younger members to step up their level of involvement and attract some new blood as well. That is where you all come in.

Current Charters

  • Chaon, CA-Mother Charter
  • Stockton, CA
  • Eugene, OR
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Tacoma, WA
  • Chico, CA
  • Seattle, WA
  • Bakersfield, CA
  • Reno, NV
  • Salt Lake City, UT

Chaon, CA *est.-1887 pop.-12,585 elev.4,654

A small timber and copper mining town established in 1887 where the redwood forests meet the fertile plains of the central valley. The town could have easily withered and died had the railroad not decided to build a station there. Today the primary industries of Chaon include timber, copper mining, shipping and agriculture. It is a moderate sized town surrounded by large areas of unincorporated county woodlands leading up into the Rocky Mountains. It is some miles from Oakland and Sacramento and closer to Stockton and Lodi. The town retains much of its 1950s feel and looks like it. Most businesses are still mom and pop owned since the powers that be (both governmental and outlaw) have worked to keep franchises and chain stores out.

The area has a long history as something of a refuge for outlaws who in turn help keep the town safe from outside exploitation. The MC has a symbiotic relationship with several members of the county sheriff which is rife with corruption. The MC has something of a grudging truce with local police who have to admit that the club does at least as good of a job keeping meth-dealing Aryans from Lodi and heroin-dealing gangs from the bay area from making inroads into the town of Chaon itself. The Chaos Riders like to say “nothing happens in Chaon that we don’t control or get a piece of.”

Places of interest in and around Chaon

  • Teller’s Garage- owned by current club president Jimbo Teller. The garage is located next to the clubhouse, and although they are technically (and legally) separately owned, the 20 foot rolling gate that separates the 2 properties has not been closed since some legal troubles back in the seventies. The garage has 4 bays with 2 car lifts and 3 cycle lifts as well as a small machine shop and office. The garage has its own gas pump and a flatbed tow truck. Known as an excellent garage it turns a decent profit and club members with reasonable mechanical or fabrication skills can often find work here.
  • Chaos Riders Clubhouse (Chaon Cycle Riders Club est. 1952) – Large cinderblock building on a large lot next door to Tellers Garage. The clubhouse has security cameras on the street entrance as well as the front and back doors. In addition to the clubs sound-proofed meeting room (known as chapel while Friday night meetings are known as church.) The clubhouse contains a well stocked bar with a small kitchen, 2 bathrooms with multiple stalls, urinals and showers (1 which is handicap accessible). Another area encompasses the intelligence office which houses the CCTV monitors as well as the computers, CB radios, police monitors, etc that the gang uses to acquire intelligence. There are also a rack of pagers and sheets of contact codes and their meanings.
There are 4 small private rooms available as housing for club members and members as well as friends of the club are welcome to crash on the several couches or the 2 pool tables. One of the private rooms contains a well executed hidden panel in the wall with a small stash of assault weapons behind it. Weapons are forbidden in the clubhouse due to a long history of raids by law enforcement, but this stash and a rack of baseball bats by the front door are the exceptions. The walls of the clubhouse are decorated with military and club memorabilia. There is a stage in one corner of the main room and a stripper pole on a small round stage near it. A large awning out front provides shade for a few tables and a boxing ring. There is a black Dodge cargo van with tinted windows that the club uses for discreet transport.
  • Floyd’s Barber Shop – One of Chaon’s oldest businesses. Floyd has run the barber shop since taking it over from his father Floyd Sr. 35 years ago. Floyd is renowned for his hot shave and many of Chaon’s notable citizens can often be found there. Floyd’s shop is often the site of informal parlays between club members and law enforcement. In most cases Floyd will be willing to pass along information to the club. He has also lied to protect club members who have gotten into altercations at his shop before. Floyd Sr. was the same way. No one is entirely sure why.
  • The Doll House – Chaon’s only strip club. Owned by Loraine Webb, beloved wife of longtime club member Henry ‘Fuse’ Webb (currently doing 10 years for arson in Stockton State Prison). The club’s bouncer is ‘Big Mike’ Miller, a local who is the youngest son of a local longtime logging family. Big, powerful and slow he is terrified of motorcycles which is why he has never prospected the gang. Club members needing $ can often get jobs working as doormen and bouncers here. Dancers are often at club parties and several have ended up as old ladies to club members. Loraine is the ultimate success story. Fuse loved her so much he ended up buying her the club. It is well known that anyone hurting one of Loraine’s girls had better watch out for the club’s vengeance.
  • Doc’s Pool Hall (& Emergency Surgery) – Large 2 story pool hall and bar. Doc lives on most of the 2nd floor with a couple of hot nurses. He was originally a successful and talented surgeon in Manhattan until he had his license to practice revoked for molesting his female patients under anesthesia. Now he runs a pool hall with a large, well equipped, illegal surgery in his spacious basement. He has been known to operate on gangsters and others wanted by law enforcement or who want to avoid legal entanglements. There is an intercom by a ramp down to the basement level that rings his apartment upstairs. He charges exorbitant rates, especially when he is interrupted with the nurses. It is understood no partisan violence at Doc’s if you ever want his services again.
  • St Francis Hospital – Local Hospital
  • Hippy Lettuce – A small farm/commune community in the foothills about 2.5 miles N.E. in the unincorporated land outside of town. Originally started as Paradise Hill Commune in the 60s, it is today a small arts and crafts community of trailers and small houses or domes with about 60 residents. The owners of Hippy Lettuce Farms (an actual working organic farm) are the 3 weird sisters. The sisters are witches and there combination of holistic medicine and magic allows those treated and convalescing there to heal at 2.5 times the normal rate. Several old bikers and other types have come here to retire or rehabilitate. Their sweat lodge and ceremony site is actually built on an ancient Indian holy site.
  • Fishhook Canyon/Sticky’s Cabin – a dirt side road off from the main road to Hippy Lettuce leads to Fishhook Canyon and Sticky’s Cabin. Sticky had been growing herb up here for years before joining the gang. With the MCs help in sales and distribution he made enough to buy the land and build this cabin and likely a lot more money than that. Sticky stills grows a few dozen plants for personal use and pocket cash. Back in the seventies he is known to have grown hundreds of plants and employed several Nam vets as full time guards for them. The canyon acquired the name Fishhook Canyon from the locals at HL due to the booby traps Sticky and his boys used to employ to guard it. They included everything from strings of fishhooks at eye level & pungi sticks to AP mines. Locals still avoid the place today. Since Sticky now lives at his house in town the place is used as a secondary clubhouse and a place to keep people out of sight.
  • Hairy Dog – Bar in an industrial area on the outskirts of town proper, frequented by truckers and Aryans. Used by Aryans from Lodi making a push into Chaon.
  • Lumpy’s Burgers – Local burger joint and sponsor of the yearly underground bare knuckle fighting championship.
  • Thornton Lumber – Local logging and lumber mill owned by Chaon’s leading family.
  • Thornton Beef – See above.
  • Mount Hope Mortuary – Head Mortician Skeeter Brown. Local boy w/ lots of gambling debts who sometimes disposes of bodies for the club.
  • Broken Spoke Saloon – Large crossroads biker bar about 15 mi out of town on the way to Stockton. Good place to find a fight.
  • 8 Points Auto Dismantling & Supply – Junkyard & warehouse located in an industrial area outside city limits. Owned by 8 Points a dummy corporation for the MC. The club stores counterfeit and stolen items here, and does things like weapons assembly and serial # removal here.
  • Morada Self-storage – Located near 8 Points Auto and owned by Gul’s character Sidewinder. However it is ran by Kiki Dewitt a local lush. There is an employee Gus Hunkapapa who is available 24/7 to unlock, unload or recruit labor. Unsurprisingly there are several units full of stolen goods here and even a few full of home brew.
  • Kwik-E Mart - Local 24/7 store ran by Abdul Kareem Johnson. An Iraqi immigrant. Good source of local information and occasionally illegal items.
  • Tall Pines Coffee Shop – Local coffee shop. Head waitress is Sarah Ann Jones a friend of the club.