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Challenges for one of the 150 seats of a Lord of the Game are always Death Match Rules, though a defeated Lord can be resurrected honorably but does not retain his seat. Few defeated Lords of the Games ever retake a seat.   
Challenges for one of the 150 seats of a Lord of the Game are always Death Match Rules, though a defeated Lord can be resurrected honorably but does not retain his seat. Few defeated Lords of the Games ever retake a seat.   
====[[Lucy's Texas Avaxala]]====
What the auto correct thought I meant.
====[[Ludus Vexas Avaxala]]====
A major gladiator school involved in supplies and combatants to the WC&LGA.

==Stories Concerning Ang Ri==
==Stories Concerning Ang Ri==

Revision as of 08:00, 2 June 2024

A Jeweled Amber file

Ang Ri is a popular world in the Black Zone. It is a signatory kingdom of the Black Zone Pact Instrument.


A world near Chaos but still due over is remarkable. In general there are 3 fairly stable shadow system that are overlapping and the world of Ang To has managed to remain stable.

The less one looks hard at it the better.


There is no central government. However there are hundreds of groups that think they are the Fed, or federal government. All are wrong, but telling them that fact starts fights and wars. In general they all have vested interests in thinking secretly that they are the central authority about something and everyone else knows it. .

HOWEVER, all these groups are scared crackers out of the Courts of Chaos. Someone once controlled enough of Ang Ri to try and sign a BZPI and reep the rewards. Luckily no one in the Office of Diplomacy of Chaos is any more organized then the Empire of Soya I Saret was.

Azcalan looms like a dark yellow sun only a few shadows away and it influences politics and cuisine.

Amber is the great giant bogey man that is out there and no one wants to piss it off.

Regor is a highly xenophobia world yet it does extensive trade trade in almost everything. The height of diplomacy and style is serving Regorian caviar.

Agents or refugees from Cynasure and a hundred other travesties of life run their own Federal Governments on Ang Ri.

Ang To tries to balance them all and hopes no one does anything stupid.

In the mean time, word is spreading that a shadow of the pattern of Amber has arrived on Ang Ri, for better or catastrophically worse.

That's GOVERNANCE" on Ang Ri.

Commerce and Industry


Warrior Core and Lord Gladiators Association

Ang Ri subscribes to the multi-world Warrior Core and Lord Gladiators Association. It practices all forms of the combat conventions. There are strong distinctions between participants of various forms. In general Blood Fight Rules[[1]] are only common at the Rank Gladiator and Lord Gladiator level.

Challenges for one of the 150 seats of a Lord of the Game are always Death Match Rules, though a defeated Lord can be resurrected honorably but does not retain his seat. Few defeated Lords of the Games ever retake a seat.

Lucy's Texas Avaxala

What the auto correct thought I meant.

Ludus Vexas Avaxala

A major gladiator school involved in supplies and combatants to the WC&LGA.

Stories Concerning Ang Ri

As discussed in the Diners of Amber article by Prince Bleys of Amber.

I have visited Ang Ri twice. Both times in order to prepare comments for these decks. That will do.

Ang Ri is a Black Zone world and a signatory kingdom of the Black Zone Pact Instrument. The kingdom is a vicious, deadly place where life is cheap.

This shadow is in a sword age and a wizard's age. As with most such places there is a wild danger to traveling here. The predominant life form is human but many humans do not end their lives as human. Lycanthropy is rampant. Magical initiations and chaos effects warp forms. Animals merge with men. Form is mutable. Dragons are a frequent presence and the Council of the Wing oversees and often violently vetoes what governments exist here.

Subsistence farming and isolated enclaves and sparse city-states dot this realm. Trade is dangerous but portal ways provide a degree of security for merchants.

Magic abounds this close to chaos. Everything works.

Here is one comment in favor of the city-state of GjYfil, which is where the trump delivers you. The region around this massive tent city is rolling hills sparsely speckled with the Unsat trees[[2]]. There is a cooking area called Ganli's Pits. They make a weird meal I might have to stop by for again. The trees have a thick, pear like fruit with a distinctively honey taste that are a full yard across. The livestock can be called cow-like, despite their bulbous faces and 20 tiny legs, because the meat is beef-like. When I asked them what they called these animals they said they had no name. Gotta love Chaos for not cluttering up the language.

So what they do is take the fruit and the beef-like things and cut them into 1/2" thick, 1' wide, 3' long slabs. They then marinade them in a vat the contents of which all looked benign enough. Spices, oils, onions, are tossed into the pits to keep the marinade fresh. The slabs stay in them for a day or so. Then they remove them and roll one of each together with marinated onions between the layers. This tube is wrapped in Unsat leaves, which apparently are immune to fire, and they pitch them into a fire pit. Hours later they remove it and slice it to serve.

The result is exotic, but pleasing. Onions add a nice division between meat and fruit. I don't know if this dish will find its way to Random's table but I would bet credits to navy beans that Swayvill has eaten it.

I recently had to go here for purposes not necessarily pertinent to this article. Once there I went through a series of trials and tribulations which included an encounter with a weapon-master. This guy used a weapon he called a Deathwheeler. It was a pike on the back end, and on the front business end was three rows of curved knives. 4 curved up and forward, 4 curved down and backward, 4 in the center curved right and 4 in the center curved right. A pike point stuck straight forward. The knives spun somehow. The damn thing looked deadly as all heck. They have ones that don't magically spin. They have armies using it. Scary...

Another thing i learned about Ang Ri is that it was originally four other worlds, each very different except for having similar lifeforms. Not existing in a rational universe of stars and physics, but in the waves of variations that culminates in the Stuff of Chaos, four separate worlds at various point came into contact and instead of erupting in shards of ruined worlds they melted together like flavored butters. Now, centuries or millennia later, the cultures have grown together too. It explains a lot about the way the people in this world interact.

Conference in the Tower[[3]]

A conversation concerning the Arrival of Lord Angrom in the realm of Ang Ri. Present are King Random, Princes Benedict, Bleys, Brand, and Arloxedra. Also Lord Despil Sawall