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===<span style=color:green>'''[[The Mace of Soya I Sarit]]'''</span style>===
===<span style=color:green>'''[[The Mace of Soya I Sarit]]'''</span style>===
(( picture of fancy mace))
The Loimal rarely make weapons and only a few shields. But when Empress Soya I Sarit asks for a weapon, one does.
The Loimal rarely make weapons and only a few shields. But when Empress Soya I Sarit asks for a weapon, one does.

Latest revision as of 01:32, 2 June 2024

The Mace of Soya I Sarit[edit]

(( picture of fancy mace))

The Loimal rarely make weapons and only a few shields. But when Empress Soya I Sarit asks for a weapon, one does.

Stats. 42[edit]

  • 4 Vitality : The weapon was eager to be used.
  • 4 Engine Speed. The mace was quick to action.
  • 4 Tireless Stamina. Transfer 5.
  • 4 Multiply wielder strength by five. Transfer 5
  • 4 Invulnerable. Transfer 5.
  • 2 Speak & Sing. Transfer 5
  • 2 Danger Sense
  • 2 Psyche Neutral
  • 4 Seek in Shadow.
  • 2 Mold shadow stuff.
  • 4 Regeneration
  • 4 limited Shapechange. Usually a light flanged hammer. Frequently carried as a silver flute which Soya I played as a 4 skilled player.
  • 1 Ability: Wielder can play the flute at 2 skill unless they already play the flute. Then it is played as 4.
  • 4 Ability: Strike at a distance. She saw a target within 300 meters and swung, hitting it as,if they stood face to face. This lead to assassination done on the ground.
  • 1 Trump image of Zargata
  • 4 Summon willing dragon,as a mount.
  • 1 Ability: Summon to place/ return to place.
    • 42 x2 N/N . Loimal Moro

Effects of the Mace[edit]

Effect of Vitality:[edit]

A ruling empress of nearly a 10th of Ang Ri during a war phase, even the council of the Wing bowed to her. This was her dragon riding weapon. Her main love among the dragons was Zargata but the mace's call effected all dragons. .

Effect of Stamina:[edit]

It made the wielder feel able to go till 3 times their endurance. At that point they started becoming emaciated until 6 times their endurance when they died. Then,if they had under a psyche of 40 they became a Skeleton. If they had a psyche of 41 to 80 they became a wraith. If they had over an endurance of 81 they became a Lich. Soya I Serit had a psyche of 120 and became a Ruling Lich, commanding the loyalty of all undead.

Effect of strength multiplication[edit]

In her Lich form she was 5 times as strong then other powerful liches

Effects of Speak & Sing.[edit]

The mace could sing and tell tales with great charm and skill. It never forgot a song it heard. This lead to the legend that a person singing a song or telling a tale it had never heard was safe from harm. During the song and afterwards. It gave legend of her generosity to bards and her support of them and the Great Bardic Circle of Ang Ri. However, the mace did not speak or sing itself. It communicated through Soya and made it seem her already great voice was performing.

Effects of Seek in Shadow & Mold Stuff[edit]

The weapon was deeply bonded to Soya and its subsequent wielders. As such it was dedicated to finding its way back to them. Its ego is strong but its usual tactic was to find someone able to travel in shadow then control them to do so. As a reward it often made them extremely wealthy and bonded some prized animal to them: fine horses, great flying beasts, powerful burrowing moles, even young dragons. It then made them forget the mace so it could continue its travels. In its legends are three such adventures ending in it finding its beloved. Once when the beloved wished it hadn't.. .

Effects of Limited Shapechange[edit]

During one of its adventures trying to return to beloved owner it came into the hands of a woman whose greatest wish was to perform and be adored. The tale telling and singing was wonderful to her. Her meager skill at flute, skill level one, was boosted to skill level four. No amount of riches or fine animals could make her set the flute aside till she died of natural causes.

Effect of Strike at a distance[edit]

She saw a target within 300 meters and swung, hitting it as,if they stood face to face. This lead to assassination done on the ground.

Current status of the weapon[edit]

Missing after the defeat of Janaxsa Stormlord and his bonded dragon Mumpsar