Sunflower: Difference between revisions

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Line 31: Line 31:
Memory: 5
Memory: 5

Nuyen: 11,160
Nuyen: 10,160

Initiate Grade 1
Initiate Grade 1

Revision as of 05:33, 22 June 2024


Street Name: Sunflower

Name: Sunflower World Peace

Movement: 10/25, Swim: 6

Karma: 25

Street Cred: 0 (1 in Ashbarrow)

Notoriety: 0

Public Awareness: 0

Elf Male

Age 43

Height 6'3"

Weight 155 lbs

Composure: 8

Judge Intentions: 11

Lift/Carry: 10 (90 kg/60 kg)

Memory: 5

Nuyen: 10,160

Initiate Grade 1


BOD: 4

AGI: 3 (5)

REA: 4 (5)

STR: 4 (6)

CHA: 5

INT: 3

LOG: 2

WIL: 3

EDG: 2

MAG: 5

Derived Attributes

Essence: 6

Initiative: 7 (8)

IP: 1 (2)

Astral Initiative: 6

Astral IP: 3

Matrix Initiative: 3

Matrix IP: 1

Physical Damage Track: 10

Stun Damage Track: 10

Ballistic Armor 7

Impact Armor 6

Active Skills

Archery  : 0 Pool: 4

Armorer  : 0 Pool: 1

Artisan  : 0 Pool: 2

Automatics  : 0 Pool: 4

Blades  : 6 [Swords] Pool: 11 (13)

Climbing  : 2 Pool: 8

Clubs  : 0 Pool: 4

Computer  : 0 Pool: 1

Con  : 4 Pool: 12

Cybercombat  : 0 Pool: 1

Data Search  : 0 Pool: 1

Demolitions  : 0 Pool: 1

Disguise  : 0 Pool: 2

Diving  : 0 Pool: 3

Dodge  : 4 [Melee Combat] Pool: 9 (11)

Escape Artist  : 0 Pool: 4

Etiquette  : 4 Pool: 12

First Aid  : 0 Pool: 1

Flight  : 2 Pool: 8

Forgery  : 0 Pool: 4

Gunnery  : 0 Pool: 4

Gymnastics  : 2 Pool: 7

Hacking  : 0 Pool: 1

Heavy Weapons  : 0 Pool: 4

Infiltration  : 2 Pool: 7

Instruction  : 0 Pool: 4

Intimidation  : 0 Pool: 4

Leadership  : 4 Pool: 12

Locksmith  : 0 Pool: 4

Longarms  : 0 Pool: 4

Navigation  : 3 Pool: 6

Negotiation  : 4 Pool: 12

Palming  : 0 Pool: 4

Parachuting  : 0 Pool: 3

Perception  : 3 Pool: 6

Pilot Ground Craft  : 1 Pool: 6

Pilot Watercraft  : 0 Pool: 4

Pistols  : 0 Pool: 4

Running  : 2 Pool: 8

Shadowing  : 0 Pool: 2

Survival  : 3 Pool: 6

Swimming  : 2 Pool: 8

Throwing Weapons  : 0 Pool: 4

Tracking  : 3 Pool: 6

Unarmed Combat  : 0 Pool: 4

Knowledge Skills

Area Knowledge: Seattle  : 3 Pool: 6

English  : N Pool: 0

Religion  : 4 Pool: 6

Sperethiel  : 1 Pool: 4

Underworld  : 3 Pool: 6


Club Bouncer (2, 4)

Comparative Religions Grad Student (1, 2)

Fixer (3, 3)



Computer Illiterate

First Impression


Low-Light Vision

Simsense Vertigo

The Warrior’s Way (Characters with this Quality may purchase the following powers at a 25 percent discount (rounding as normal), selecting one power for every two Magic points: Combat Sense, Counterstrike, Critical Strike, Improved Ability (Combat Skills), Improved Physical Attribute (Any), Improved Reflexes, Killing Hands, Missile Mastery, Mystic Armor, Quick Draw. In addition, they receive a +1 to effective Initiate grade for the Adept Centering technique (for Combat Active skills only, not Physical Active Skills), and for the Attunement (Item) Metamagic. Also, subtract one from the Karma cost to Attune to any weapon via the Attunement (Item) Metamagic. )



Commanding Voice

Cool Resolve Rating: 1

Improved Physical Attribute (STR) Rating: 2

Improved Physical Attribute (AGI) Rating: 2

Improved Reflexes 1

Kinesics Rating: 2


Street 1 months


Clothing 0/0

Helmet 1/2

Lined Coat 6/4


Ceramic Knife

  Pool: 11   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 0

Unarmed Attack

  Pool: 4   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 0

Vibro Sword

  Pool: 11 (13)   DV: 7P   AP: -2   RC: 0



Binoculars Rating 2

  +Vision Magnification

Climbing Gear


Gas Mask

Rappelling Gloves

Sleeping Bag

Survival Kit


Water Purification Tablet x4

Meta Link commlink pre-loaded with the basic Vector Xim OS


Hyundai Elvenstar

Vehicle Sensor

Engine Customization: Acceleration

Nitrious Injection

Personal Armor (Rating 3)


Tall and thin, as most elves are, Sunflower appears down on his luck, but still has a presence about him that commands respect. Cool under pressure, but gregarious and friendly, he easily fits into most groups, even those that shouldn't like him. Sunflower is a bit of a contradiction, as he's spent much of his life alone or isolated, and yet he does well in groups and with people.


Sunflower World Peace was born to human parents who belonged to a neoprimitive, hippy/New Age cult located on land in the backwaters of the Salish-Shidhe nation. This group was called Children of the Seventh World and believed that, contrary to mainstream belief, the Sixth World was a passing, transitive period that would soon end, ushering in the Seventh World, a prophesied utopian time where Earth and Heaven would merge.

As the first metahuman born to the community, Sunflower's birth was hailed as an omen and he grew up isolated from the rest of the group's children, held back from the farming and crafts they learned. Instead he spent most of his time with the cult's prophet/leader Ezekial Scion, listening to his preaching and learning about the promised utopia that was often predicted to be soon, but that never materialized, while the rest of Sunflower's time was spent on meditation, trying to perfect his soul and body through "self-actualization".

As he became an adult, the meditation and focus on his body paid off as he developed the powers of an adept. Having tired of waiting on a utopia that never came, Sunflower snuck away from the cult's compound one night and started living off the land. While he hadn't learned much from the cult, other than their dogma, a lot of the time he had spent with Ezekial was on trips out into the forests and he had picked up the art of surviving in the wild.

Eventually he gravitated to the Barrens of Seattle and lived on the outskirts of civilization, doing odd jobs when he felt he needed money, and living off the land or the streets when he didn't. While he doesn't believe in the religion he was brought up in, he still lives an ascetic lifestyle, spurning money and luxuries and spending much of his free time meditating. When he earns money from jobs, he's as likely to give it away to others in need as to spend it on himself.


Sword wielding adept with a side of face powers/skills