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===Combat Details===
===Combat Details===
*AC: 19 (Wits, ''cloak of protection'')
:AC: 19 (Wits, ''cloak of protection'')
*HP: 93
:HP: 93
**Fire Resistance
**Fire Resistance
**Hit Dice: 10d8
**Hit Dice: 10d8
*Speed: 50 feet
:Speed: 50 feet
*Proficiency: +4
:Proficiency: +4
*Poise: 10 (refresh on Short Rest)
:Poise: 10 (refresh on Short Rest)


Revision as of 13:30, 11 July 2024

Tycho Silverhand

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  • Personality Trait: I live for derring-do, for the adventure, for the glorious story!
  • Ideal: Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
  • Bond: If the common folk need help, I will be there.
  • Flaw: I get into trouble looking for the next thrill.
  • Aligned Icon: The Lady (flirts with death)
  • Disaligned Icon: The Raven (a poor end to a story)


  • Astral Elf Eternal Blade (Kensei Monk) Level 10
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Background: Folk Hero



STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 20 (+5)
CON: 19 (+4) Amulet of health - base 8
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 14 (+2)


  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortsword, Longsword, Longbow, Whip
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Tool Proficiencies: Woodcarver's Tools, Playing Cards, Lute, Painter's Supplies
  • Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Perception, Performance, Survival


Skill Expert (Insight proficiency, Athletics Expertise, +1 Dex)

Combat Details

AC: 19 (Wits, cloak of protection)
HP: 93
    • Fire Resistance
    • Hit Dice: 10d8
Speed: 50 feet
Proficiency: +4
Poise: 10 (refresh on Short Rest)


Longsword +9 , Damage 1d8+5 slashing, Versatile (1d10)
Unarmed Strike: Attack +9 melee, Damage 1d6+5 bludgeoning
Whip: Attack +9 melee, Damage 1d6+5 slashing, Reach, Finesse
Longbow: Attack +9 ranged 150/600, Damage 1d8+5 piercing
Throwing knife (dart): Attack +9 ranged 20/60, Damage 1d6+5 piercing, Finesse, Thrown
Silvered dagger: Attack +9 melee or ranged 20/60, Damage 1d6+5 piercing, Finesse, Thrown

Saving Throws

  • Strength +5
  • Dexterity +10
  • Constitution +5
  • Intelligence +2
  • Wisdom +4
  • Charisma +3


Acrobatics +9
Athletics +8
Insight +7
Perception +7
Performance +6
Survival +7

Traits and Features

Folk Hero

Rustic Hospitality (common folk grant you succour and shelter); Performance and Survival skill proficiency; Woodcarver's Tools and Gaming Set (Playing Cards) proficiency

Astral Elf

+2 Dex, +1 Wis; Spd 30’; Medium size
Darkvision 60’
Astral Fire (you know the Dancing Lights Cantrip, Wisdom spellcasting ability)
Fey Ancestry (Advantage on saves to avoid or end the Charmed condition)
Keen Senses (Perception skill proficiency)
Starlight Step (PB/LR Bonus Action: teleport 30 feet to a place you can see)
Astral Trance (Long Rest in 4 hours of trance, gain proficiency in one skill and one weapon or tool until end next Long Rest)
Languages: Common, Elven (bonus language: Draconic)

Eternal Blade

Strength and Dexterity saving throw proficiency; Simple weapons and shortswords proficiency; Musical Instrument (Lute) proficiency
Wits (unarmoured AC = Dex + Wis when not incapacitated); Sword and Fist (Bonus Action: unarmed strike after an Attack action); Poise (points = level, spend to activate features, save DC 15); Press the Attack (1 Poise: make 2 unarmed strikes as a Bonus Action after an Attack action); Extravagant Footwork (1 Poise: Dodge as a Bonus Action); Surge of Effort (1 Poise: double jump distance and take Dash or Disengage as a Bonus Action); Extra Practice (one proficient weapon becomes a Eternal Blade weapon); Free Running (+20 feet movement speed and move along vertical surfaces and over liquids without falling during the move); Dash Aside (Reaction: reduce damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1d10+level+Dex mod, if reduced to 0 can catch it and then spend 1 Poise to throw it ranged 20/60); Weaponmastery (gain proficiency in Longsword, Whip, and Longbow and they are Eternal Blade weapons); Agile Parry (if holding a Weaponmastery melee weapon and make an unarmed strike during an Attack action, gain +2 AC until start next turn); Deep Breath (Bonus Action: all Ranged attacks deal +1d4 damage); Painter's Supplies proficiency; Follow-up Blow (if you spend 1 Poise as part of your action, make one attack as a Bonus Action); Heroic Landing (fall damage is reduced by 5 × level); Steely Determination (2 Poise: regain 1d6+PB hit points as an Action); Extra Attack; Dazzling Strike (1 Poise: when you hit with a melee weapon, target must make a Constitution save DC 8 + PB + Wis mod or be Stunned until end of your next turn); Perfected Strike (1 to 3 Poise: gain +2 to an attack roll per point spent); Spot the Weak Point (unarmed strikes ignore resistance and immunity to nonmagical weapon damage); Blade Strikes True (Eternal Blade weapons ignore resistance and immunity to nonmagical weapon damage); Deft Strike (1 Poise, 1/turn: +1d6 damage to a hit with an Eternal Blade weapon); Evasion (successful Dexterity saving throws for half damage are instead no damage, failed saves are half damage); Enormous Ego (Action: end one effect of Charm or Frighten on you); Dissolute Lifestyle (immunity to poison and disease)


Amulet of health
Cloak of protection
Deck of miscellany (Book of Many Things - Action, choose a card which becomes the item it shows)
Long sword, "Maicaril" (Elven: glittering blade)
Longbow, quiver of 20 arrows
8 throwing knives (darts)
Silvered Dagger
Alchemist Fire
Explorer's pack
a backpack
a bedroll
a mess kit
a tinderbox
10 torches
10 days of rations
a waterskin
50 feet of hempen rope
Fine Wine (bottle)
Grappling Hook attached to 50' Silk Rope
Holy Water
Oil flask
Playing Cards
A small songbird made of enamel and wire; uttering the songbird's name in Elvish causes the trinket to emit that bird's birdsong. (Nightingale/"Vanimé")


Background: Tycho was born in the Sprawl to an elven common family in one of the small villages there, while an astral storm wracked the clear night sky, filling it with aurora and lightning and wheeling stars. It left him sickly, but starlight glints in his eyes, and in his elven trances he found links to the shared memories of his people - and there, inspiration in lifetimes of heroism and daring.

Those dreams never left him. He joined a band of outlaws pitted against the local tyrannical Lord Dragomir. The farms and villages under Dragomir's rule writhed under cruel oppression, and with Tycho to lead them the outlaws struck at Dragomir's holdings and faded away, leaving the spoils to the common folk. His reputation grew. One lucky raid saw him snatch a magic amulet from one of Lord Dragomir's sons and from that moment, his vigour tenfold, he threw himself into melee to hone his swordsmanship in clash after clash. Now, it's practically all he lives for, the next challenge, the next test of skill, live or die.

A chance encounter in the city brought Zeru and Tycho together. Tycho sensed something of a kindred spirit, and for a while they ran the city ragged between them... Until Tycho bet Zeru he wouldn't be able to bed the local priestess of Light.

Things went differently for a while. Tycho began to become bored, and dallied in the arena, there meeting Saarkh and striking up a friendly rivalry. Saarkh, attended in spirit by his people, understood at least a little Tycho's connection to the memories of the past.

Then Tycho learned of what Dragomir had done. He found Zeru - and Saarkh - and convinced his outlaw band that now was the time to strike at Lord Dragomir's heart. When it happened, in truth the outlaws could barely keep up with Zeru - but they played their part, and the three adventurers escaped with their lives.

Tycho split off for a while as the heat died down. He took the remains of his outlaw band deeper into the forests of the Sprawl. A community of smallfolk there sought aid: a hunting party backed by house Khetru of the city had killed several and taken others hostage: they were looking for something. Tycho tracked them quickly to a gorge filled with petrified trees; as he drew closer reptilian shrieks and gouts of fire preceded the tableau of a chained green wyrm, bleeding from the flank, surrounded by mercenaries. Lord Khetru wanted a wyrm and wasn't willing to wait to get it.

Tycho stepped out and called a duel. Khetru and Tycho fought back and forth between the petrified trunks, the nobleman's classical training matched by Tycho's verve and speed. A cut, a thrust, and Tycho was wounded in the side; the two came apart and flew at each other again; a flash and a shower of sparks, and Khetru howled and fell left - his dueling hand fell right, severed at the wrist. Tycho kicked his blade away and left the man to bleed and rage on the ground.

The outlaw band were overmatched by the soldiers, forced to retreat. Tycho cut the nets and the green wyrm roared and tore free. The mercenaries encircled him and he readied himself to fight to the death - but instead turned and came eye to eye with the scaled beast. Something passed between them. Before he knew why, he leaped athwart it's back - and together they took to the air, roaring a song of freedom, leaving the petrified gorge, the bloody battlefield, and Tycho's past life behind.

Description: Tycho is on the tall side for an elf and possessed of a quick, wiry build. His mane of thick black hair is held back with a cloth headband. His green eyes gleam with the twinkle of stars. He wears no armour, his clothing good-craftsmanship but well-worn. A long sword is always at his hip; like ships, every blade he calls a woman and names as such. A smile is always near to his lips.

His love of adventure and his thrillseeking are not only on the battlefield, and he is often engaged in games of chance, outlandish betting, heists, stunts, and performances. In fact he's a skilled performer and enjoys playing his lute, which often draws him very welcome admirers.

Changed Class Feature names

Unarmoured Defence = Wits
Martial Arts = Sword and Fist
Ki = Poise
Flurry of Blows = Press the Attack
Patient Defense = Extravagant Footwork
Step of the Wind = Surge of Effort
Dedicated Weapon = Extra Practice
Unarmoured Movement = Free Running
Deflect Missiles = Dash Aside
Kensei Weapons = Weaponmastery
Agile Parry = Agile Parry
Kensei's Shot = Deep Breath
Ki-Fueled Attack = Follow-Up Blow
Slow Fall = Heroic Landing
Quickened Healing = Steely Determination
Stunning Strike = Dazzling Strike
Focused Aim = Perfected Strike
Ki-Empowered Strikes = Spot the Weak Point
Magic Kensei Weapons = Blade Strikes True
Deft Strike = Deft Strike
Evasion = Evasion
Stillness of Mind = Enormous Ego
Purity of Body = Dissolute Lifestyle

Cards in the Deck of Miscellany

Wooden abacus
Four vials of perfume
5 days' worth of rations
Iron pot
Disguise kit
Window (up to 5 feet wide and 5 feet high), which you can place on a vertical surface up to 5 feet thick and which allows you to look through the surface
Ten sheets of parchment
Three daggers
Four flasks of oil
Five silk robes
Forgery kit
Fishing tackle
Leather pouch containing 18 gp
10 crossbow bolts
Three books, written in Common, about random historical events
Canvas tent
50 feet of coiled silk rope
Two crowbars
Healer's kit
Eight gems worth 5 gp each
10 feet of iron chain
Three spears
Steel mirror
15-foot wooden pole
Burlap sack
Two sets of fine clothes
Light hammer
Ten arrows


Name: Maelgwyn

Breath weapon: 30-foot line of fire, 5d10 damage, Dexterity saving throw DC 17 for half


Favourite food: horses

Things he's carrying for me: Bullseye Lantern, 4 oil flasks, Exotic saddle, Saddlebags, Scroll Case, Ink, Ink Pen, 5 Sheets of paper, Whetstone, Woodcarver's Tools, Painter's Supplies

On its turn, a wyrm may use its breath weapon (see above) or make a melee attack with its bite or its tail (wyrm claws are not suited to attacks).

Bite: +5 to hit; reach 5'; 2d10+2 damage.

Tail Slap: +7 to hit; range 15'; 3d10+3 damage

Natural AC 17 | Max HP 50 | 5d10 HD | Action Surge 1/rest


Speed: Fly 100 | Walk/Climb/Swim 75

Language: Wyrms speak and understand draconic. Riders all get Draconic as a free language.

Skills: Psychic Bond grants proficiency to the wyrm's rider's Perception rolls while they are within sight of one another. If the rider is already proficient, double their bonus.

Saves: STR, DEX, and CON +5; CHA +3

Because of their Psychic Bond, while the rider is riding their wyrm, use the better of their two saves.