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Drakos Galadrjim

Human Warlock 1
XP 0/2500
Alignment Neutral
XP Modifier 0
Max Level 14


STR 11
INT 12
WIS 12
DEX 16 (+2)
CON 10
CHA 13 (+1)

Class abilities/Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills

Class Abilities

  • Eldritch Blast. Warlocks can focus and fire the energy they siphon as a magical ray, but require time to recharge the needed power. Every time an eldritch blast is used, roll 1d6 in the subsequent round; the blast recharges and can be used again if the indicated range is rolled. Ex. A 1st-level warlock uses an eldritch blast. They may use it again once they roll a 1 on 1d6. Upon reaching 2nd level the blast recharges on a roll of 1-2. Eldritch blasts function as follows:
    • Range of 60’.
    • Requires a ranged attack roll to hit and can be used in lieu of a physical attack or spell.
    • Inflicts 1d6 points of damage on the target with no saving throw. This damage increases as indicated on the table.
    • Considered to be a magical weapon when determining what targets are affected.
    • Cannot Cleave.

A warlock can increase the chance of recharge by spending hp. Each hp spent improves the chance by 1.The hp must be spent before rolling the recharge die, but the increased chance persists until it is recharged. Ex. A 1st-level warlock uses eldritch blast. Normally it would recharge on a roll of 1 in 6, but they want to improve those chances, and spend 2 hp to improve the odds to 1-3 in 6.The first roll is a 4, so it does not recharge. The following round the roll is a 3, so it does. At this point the recharge chance resets itself back to 1 in 6.

  • Spellcasting. Can cast one 1st level spell per day. Does not need to prepare, but can cast from the following list:
    • First Level - detect magic, light (darkness), phantasmal force*, protection from evil, shield, sleep, wall of fog*

  • Invocation. Can use one invocation per day. Knows how to use:
    • Stoneskin - The warlock suffers half damage from all physical attacks for a number of rounds equal to their level. During this time their movement is reduced by half as their skin hardens and becomes inflexible.
    • Slowing Blast - The target of the warlock’s eldritch blast must make a Save v. Spells or be slowed for 1d4 rounds. During this time their movement is halved and they act last in the initiative order.


Perhaps trying to steal that spellbook was a mistake. Drakos thought to himself. That mage was not the fool he appeared to be. Sighing, the warlock adjusted his robes as he stole a look through the curtains into the field scanning for any sign of the irate mage and his flunkies.

Barely staying ahead of a full 10 days of relentless pursuit, Drakos had stumbled into the bustling frontier town of Dry Gulch.

Good. I will just blend in here and bide my time for now.

Let's see now...how can I make some coin here..


  • Common


  • Added Invocation. The warlock knows an additional invocation. This Knack can be selected multiple times, and each selection grants an additional invocation.


AC 14
HP 5/5
HD 1d6
Movement Rate 120' (40')
Initiative Modifier +2


  • Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8) +0 to hit
  • Secondary Melee Attack:
  • Primary Ranged Attack: Dagger (1d4), +2 to hit


  • Poison 13
  • Wands 14
  • Paralysis 13
  • Breath 16
  • Spells 13


  • Money: 5 gp
  • Encumbrance: 355
  • Readied:
    • Sword (60 cn)
    • Dagger (10 cn)
    • Leather armor (200 cn)
  • Packed
    • Backpack (315 of 400 cn available)
    • Waterskin
    • Lantern
    • 3 flasks of oil
    • Tinderbox
    • 4 sheets of paper plus quill and ink