Tony Ricci: Difference between revisions

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Line 115: Line 115:
|Sally Anne McFrey || 14 || Sweetheart back home. Exchanges letters at almost every opportunity.
|Sally Anne McFrey || 14 || Sweetheart back home. Exchanges letters at almost every opportunity.
|Salvatore (Sal) Ricci || 14 || Older Brother who joined up at the same time.  
|Salvatore (Sal) Ricci || 14 || Younger Brother who joined up at the same time.  
|colspan="3" style="text-align: center;|'''Communal'''
|colspan="3" style="text-align: center;|'''Communal'''

Revision as of 14:49, 26 September 2024

Character Name: Antonio (Tony) Ricci
Player Name: Eplov
Profession: Commando
Nationality: Italian American from New Jersey
Sex (Age): Male (23)
Education: Public School


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 17 85 Massive
Constitution 15 75 Healthy
Dexterity 15 75 Agile
Intelligence 9 45 Average
Power 15 75 Tenacious
Charisma 14 70 Charming

Orokos Stat Array

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 16 16
Willpower (WP) 15 15
Sanity (SAN) 75 75
Breaking Point (BP) 60 60
Damage Bonus +2


Resources Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage Check Boxes
3 3 / 0 / 0 O O O

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Bond Score Notes
Sally Anne McFrey 14 Sweetheart back home. Exchanges letters at almost every opportunity.
Salvatore (Sal) Ricci 14 Younger Brother who joined up at the same time.

Motivations and Mental Disorders


Skill (Base) (Picks) Total Skill (Base) (Picks) Total Skill (Base) (Picks) Total
Alertness (20%) 70 Foreign Language (Italian) (0%) Psychoanalyze (10%)
Anthropology (0%) Harangue (10%) Regional Lore (Type) (0%)
Appraise (10%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Research (10%)
Archaeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Ride (10%)
Art (Drawing) (0%) History (10%) Scavenge (10%) (2) 50
Artillery (0%) Insight (10%) Science (0%)
Athletics (30%) (1) 90 Law (0%) Search (20%)*
Craft (Mechanic) (0%) (1) 60 Medicine (0%) Stealth (10%) 70
Demolitions (0%) (4) 80 Melee Weapons (30%) 70 Streetwise (Type) (0%)
Disguise (10%) Military Science (Land) (0%) 40 Surgery (0%)
Dodge (30%) Natural World (10%) Survival (Urban) (10%) 50
Drive (20%) 60 Navigate (10%) 50 Swim (20%) 60
Espionage Training (Type) (0%) Occult (10%) Unarmed Combat (40%) (1) 90
Firearms (20%) (1) 90 Persuade (20%) Unnatural (0%)
First Aid (10%) 50 Pilot (Type) (0%) Use Gadgets (0%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further.

Armor and Equipment


Weapon Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Radius Shots
Boot Knife 70 Melee 1d4+2
Boot Knife (Thrown) 90 85 ft 1d4+2
Unarmed 90 Melee 1d4+1
Steel Toed Boots 90 Melee 1d4+2
Mc 2 Grenades (4) 90 51 yds 12% 4 yds
M1A1 Thompson SMG 90 50 yds 1d12 10% 1-3 yards 30
M1911 Colt 90 20 yds 1d12 7


Armor Armor Rating
Military Flak Jacket 6

Other Equipment

Steel pot, painted camo with netting
US Army fatigues
Webbing w mag pouches and canteen/cup
First aid kit with dressings, sulfa, morphine and methamphetamines
Wool shirt
Mountaineering boots
Pack with frame
Sleeping bag
Weapon cleaning gear
Primus cooker and billy
Extra socks
Sharpening stone
Pocket knife
Wire cutters
Hand axe

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training, and Other Notes

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