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[[File:MarakKjaelos.jpg|thumb|right|Kjaelos Marak]]
[[File:MarakKjaelos.jpg|500x500px|right|Kjaelos Marak]]
'''Kjaelos Marak''' is a '''Wizard''' [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Category:Player_Character player character] in the '''Realms of Adventure''' PBP game on [https://forum.rpg.net/index.php RPGnet] played by [[User:Howareyou| howareyou]].
'''Kjaelos Marak''' is a '''Wizard''' [https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Category:Player_Character player character] in the '''Realms of Adventure''' PBP game on [https://forum.rpg.net/index.php RPGnet] played by [[User:Howareyou| howareyou]].

Revision as of 10:50, 2 October 2024

Kjaelos Marak
Kjaelos Marak

Kjaelos Marak is a Wizard player character in the Realms of Adventure PBP game on RPGnet played by howareyou.


A figure, roughly 5'8", broad-shouldered and spare of frame, stands before you. Dressed in thick, travel-worn robes that had clearly once been of a pristine white and rich brown color, he looks around briefly at his surrounding before turning towards you.

Chestnut brown hair peek out from under a hood, framing the smooth youthful face of a human male in his mid twenties. His face is ordinary enough but as you look closer, you feel your gaze inexorably drawn by his bright arresting eyes. As your eyes meet, you suddenly find yourself held fast by his strange eyes. One of them, the left, is a mesmerizing deep azure-blue, and the other, the right, a glittering dark emerald green. For a brief uncomfortable moment, you perceive an almost palpable aura of power, humming as it surrounds the man. A sudden inexplicable chill runs down your spine.

Dipping his head with a slight nod of greeting, the man breaks the moment of awkwardness as he turns to survey his surrounding once again. Throwing back his hood to uncover a head of rakish sunbleached brown hair that falls down to the collar, the man self-consciously runs one hand through the tangled mess in a vain attempt to straighten out the kinks. His movements are deft and precise. His other hand slides down to his waist where a simple leather belt holds a sheathed dagger and several nondescript looking pouches.


Current Status

Joining in the adventure? Maybe..
Condition: healthy, unimpaired
Hit Points (1d4): 4 / 4
Encumbrance: 10 lbs, unencumbered
Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
Armor: none
Armor Class: 8
Experience (+10%): 0 / 2500

Character Profile

Name: Kjaelos Marak
Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
Background: TBD
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Goblinish, Orcish
Class Level: Wizard 1
Experience (+10%): 0 / 2500

Character Abilities

Strength: [8] hit +0, dam +0, weight allowance 35, max press 90, doors 5, bars/gates 1%
Dexterity: [16] reaction +1, missile attack +1, defense -2
Constitution: [14] hp +0, system shock 88%, resurrection 92%, poison save +0, regen nil
Intelligence: [18] proficiencies 7, max spell lvl 9, learn spell 85%, max spells per lvl 18, spell immunity none
Wisdom: [16] magical defense +2, spell immunity none
Charisma: [12] max henchmen 5, loyalty +0, reaction +0
Literacy: [12]

Combat Abilities

Armor Class: 8
Hit Points (1d4): 4


  • Dagger
type: melee piercing
damage (s-m/l): 1d4/1d3
speed factor: 2

Saving Throws

  • Paralyzation, Poison or Death Magic: 14
  • Rod, Staff or Wand: 11
  • Petrification or Polymorph: 13
  • Breath Weapon: 15
  • Spell: 12

Saving Throw Modifiers

  • Dexterity 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs fireballs, lightning bolts, crushing boulders, and other attacks where nimbleness is helpful.
  • Wisdom 16 grants -2 advantage to saves vs illusions, charms and other mental attacks.

Class Abilities/Traits

Spell Casting

Highest Spell Level Attainable: 9th
Chance to Learn Spell: 85%
Maximum # of Spells Known per Level: 18
Spells Prepared
  • Level 1 (1 slot): Sleep
Spells Known
  • Level 1: Color Spray, Detect Magic, Phantasmal Force, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep

Magical Items

Can use all magical items.

Spell Research


Weapons (1 slot)
  • Dagger
Non-Weapons (11 slots)
  • Herbalism 18
  • Riding, Land-based 19
  • Swimming 8
  • Reading/Writing 19: Common, Gnomish
  • Spellcraft 18

Treasures & Cash

Platinium: 0
Gold: 24
Electrum: 0
Silver: 8
Copper: 0


Encumbrance: 10 lbs (unencumbered)


  • Robes (common)
  • Belt
  • Boots (soft)
  • Sheath


  • Dagger


  • Backpack
  • Pouch (large)
  • Pouch (small/coins)
  • Lantern (hooded)
  • Flask of Oil x2
  • Flint & Steel
  • Wineskin
  • Spellbook (weight?)
  • Scroll Case
  • Papyrus x10
  • Charcoal (several bits of charcoal whittled down into crude pencils)
  • Oilskin Bag (weight? cost?)