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1 Strain for being healed after arratu battle.

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Alchidai the Hunter

Dark skinned wild lands hunter.

Alchidai's hunting grounds were, until earlier this year, the western banks of the Usuldarum River, under the escarpment between Acitor and Thuvad. Ducks and Geese, antelope, and the occasional bison were your quarry. You know the twists and turns of that length of the Usuldarum like the back of your hand. For centuries, the river has been under the king’s protection. The king's power has faded in recent years until several months ago, House Zernunol, under the Baroness-Autocra Ydress, claimed the Riverlands adjoining hers, levying a tariff on river traffic and banning hunters, not of-house. You and two dozen other hunters requested a hearing with the Baroness-Autocra to argue the point. The hearing was granted, and a date was set. You arrived at Renith Keep and were ushered into the great hall. Suddenly, the heavy doors were clapped shut and locked, steel sang as the Baroness-Autocra’s soldier’s swords left their sheathes, and the petitioners fell, massacred under the olive branch, as it were. Every soul sent to its maker but a few wily hunters. Somehow escaping murder, you are now a marked man in Zernunol Lands. Short description or Background

  • Partial Warrior - Partial Expert L3
  • Background: Wanderer
  • Class Ability: Quick Learner
  • Languages: Trade Cant, Llagasian
  • XP:


Strength 13 +0
Intelligence 10 +0
Wisdom 11 +0
Dexterity 18 +2
Consitution 14 +1
Charisma 7 -1


Notice +2
Shoot +2
Sneak +2
Survive +1
X banked SP +3


  • Ghost Archer Style Level 1

You have developed a profound spiritual connection to the concept of the bow. You suffer a -4 penalty to hit with all non-bow or non-crossbow weaponry. Level 1: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. As an On Turn action, generate a spiritual copy of any bow you’ve ever fired; this copy has no encumbrance and vanishes when it leaves your hands but has all the properties of the original bow. Once a specific bow has been copied by a style practitioner, no one else can manifest that bow until the practitioner is dead. These bows generate their own magical ammunition, though the arrows have no separate hit or damage bonus. You may fire this bow normally even when meleed by a foe.

  • Master Tracker Level 1

You have an instinctive sense for the trails of those whom you would pursue. Level 1: Gain Survive as a bonus skill. You can follow any trail created within the past day in a city or past week in the wilderness, detecting even the minutest traces of passage and ignoring the obfuscations of weather or water. You can identify numbers of creatures from trail sign and their general physical shape and condition.

  • Sniper's Eye Level 1

You are an expert at placing a thrown knife or arrow on an unsuspecting target. These special benefits only apply when making an Execution Attack with a bow, hurlant, or thrown weapon, as described on page 44. Level 1: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. When making a skill check for a ranged Execution Attack or target shooting, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

  • Trapmaster Level 1

You have uncommon expertise in handling traps and snares, both mundane ones and the magical perils sometimes found in Deeps or the lairs of sorcerers. You know how to improvise traps with materials you easily carry. Level 1: Gain Notice as a bonus skill. Once per scene, reroll any failed saving throw or skill check related to traps or snares. Given five minutes of work you can trap a portal, container, passageway, or other relatively narrow space with foot snares, caltrops, toxic needles, or other hazards. Non-lethal traps cause the first victim to trigger it to lose a round of actions while dangerous ones inflict 1d6 damage plus twice the character’s level, with an appropriate saving throw for half. Only one such improvised trap can be maintained at a time. More fearsome traps may be laid with congenial circumstances and the GM’s permission.


  • HP: 20
  • System Strain: 14
  • AC: 14 (War Robe)
  • Initiative Bonus: 1d8+1

Basic Attack Bonus: +2

  • Melee Attack Bonus: -4 (unless a bow) which can be used in Melee
  • Ranged Attack Bonus: +4 (Dexterity)


  • Long/Large Bow, attack +4, damage 1d8, 100'/600' range, 2H R PM, Enc 2

Saving Throws

Saving Throws
Physical 14
Evasion 13
Mental 15
Luck 15


Readied (X/max):

  • X

Stowed (Backpack, X/max):

  • X

Stashed (where): --


  • Coinpurse:

Hired Help


1 Strain for being healed after arratu battle.