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|Melee Weapons 40%
|Bark River Mini Aurora Knife

Revision as of 21:33, 23 February 2025

Agent Name: Jin Yamamura
Code Name: TBD
Profession: Washington State Police psychologist
Nationality: Japanese America
Sex (Age): Male (38)
Education: University of Washington


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 9 45
Constitution 11 55
Dexterity 13 65 Quick
Intelligence 15 75 Incisive
Power 11 55
Charisma 13 65 Reassuring

Derived Attributes

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 10 10
Willpower (WP) 11 11
Sanity (SAN) 55 55
Breaking Point (BP) 44

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence 0 0 0
Helplessness 0 0 0


Wife, Annalise 13
Son Aaron 13
Washington Backcountry Hunters & Anglers 13

Motivations and Mental Disorders



Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) 60 Science (Psychology) (0%) 60
Alertness (20%) 60 Forensics (0%) Search (20%) 40
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) SIGINT (0%)
Archeology (0%) History (10%) Stealth (10%) 50
Art (0%): HUMINT (10%) 70 Surgery (0%)
Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Survival (10%) 30
Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) 60 Swim (20%)
Bureaucracy (10%) 50 Melee Weapons (30%) Unarmed Combat (40%)
Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%) Unnatural (0%)
Craft (0%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills:
Criminology (10%) Navigate (10%) Language
Demolitions (0%) Occult (10%) Language (Japanese) 20%
Disguise (10%) Persuade (20%) 40
Dodge (30%) Pharmacy (0%) 50
Drive Auto (20%) Pilot (0%):
Drive Heavy Machine (10%) Psychotherapy (10%) 60
Firearms (20%) 40 Ride (10%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Police badge and identification card, medium pistol, deer rifle, spare ammo, suppressor, telescopic sight, hi-vis hunting vest, hunting knife, radio, vest with identification, gloves, binoculars, high-power flashlight, first aid kit, pharmaceuticals.


Skill % Weapon Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots
Firearms 40% H&K VP9 Tactical, 9mm 15M 1d10 15
Firearms 40% Proof Research MTR 150M 1D112+2 10
Melee Weapons 40% Bark River Mini Aurora Knife Hand 1D6

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

Jin is a Japanese American who relocated out of Seattle way back, drawn by the call of the wild. In his free time, there's nothing he likes so much as hiking up in the mountains with his deer rifle. As a psychologist, he provides both counselling and expert support to the WSP.

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