IPC:Bastion Kael: Difference between revisions

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Line 32: Line 32:
| d8|| d6-1|| d8|| d10||d10
| d8|| d4-1|| d8|| d10||d10
Line 56: Line 56:
| Athletics || d8 ||Common K. || d4-1 || Fighting || d10 ||Intimidation || d6+2
| Athletics || d8 ||Common K. || d4-1 || Fighting || d10 ||Intimidation || d6+2
|Notice || d8-1* || Persuasion || d4 ||Shooting || d12+1 ||Stealth || d6
|Notice || d6-1* || Persuasion || d4 ||Shooting || d12+1 ||Stealth || d6
|Thievery || d6+1
|Thievery || d6+1
Line 94: Line 94:
|Trademark Weapon: +1 to Shooting & Parry with Clarisse.
|Mutual Understanding: Bastion gains Spirit, Vesper gains Agility.
|Mutual Understanding: Bastion gains Spirit, Vesper gains Agility.
Line 137: Line 135:
|+ Cybernetics
|+ Cybernetics
|Combat Edge: Bodyguard; Trademark Weapon
|Combat Edge: Bodyguard
|Integrated Gear: Power Gauntlets & Hard-Light Emitters
|Integrated Gear: Power Gauntlets & Hard-Light Emitters

Revision as of 01:19, 17 March 2025

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"A job’s a job, but my honor stays intact. Strength exists for a reason—use it wisely, or don’t bother having it at all. And if you ever find yourself stuck between realities with a spoiled AI wearing a ballgown in your head? Just roll with it."

Name: Bastion Kael & V.E.S.P.E.R.
Role: Half-Giant Cyborg Soldier & Hard-Light AI Tactician
Rank: Novice (0)
d8 d4-1 d8 d10 d10
Pace Run Parry Size Tough
6" d6 9 (2) 3 16 (6)
Ranged attackers use Parry as TN
Athletics d8 Common K. d4-1 Fighting d10 Intimidation d6+2
Notice d6-1* Persuasion d4 Shooting d12+1 Stealth d6
Thievery d6+1
Big: -2 to trait rolls when using "normal" sized equipment. x2 Cost for Food & Equipment.
Bonehead: -1 to Smarts rolls
Clueless: -1 to Common Knowledge & Notice
Illiterate: Cannot read or write. Can still perform maths.
Oblivious: Take 1/2 damage when successfully evading.
Size +3
Very Strong: d8 starting Strength; d12+2 max
Very Tough: d8 starting Vigor; d12+2 max
Menacing: +2 to Intimidation
Mutual Understanding: Bastion gains Spirit, Vesper gains Agility.
Bodyguard: Once/turn, swap places with adjacent character as free action.
Sidekick: V.E.S.P.E.R.
Missile Deflection: Ranged attackers use character’s Parry as base TN.
Professional (Shooting): Raise max and current Shooting one die type.
Thief: +1 Thievery, Athletics rolls made to climb, Stealth in urban environments
Code of Honor
Sudden Shakes: Distracted on Action Card of Club.
Nonstandard Build (Minor): Four arms!
Combat Edge: Bodyguard
Integrated Gear: Power Gauntlets & Hard-Light Emitters
Targeting System: Reduce 2 points of direct-fire penalties
Enhanced Vision: 50x magnification, negate 4 points of illumination penalties, +2 to Notice (Sight)
Comms: An integrated communications suite that can connect to other comm devices within 20 miles.
Extra Arms: Ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties each turn; does not stack with Additional Action. Gain Nonstandard Build (Minor).
Nano-Repair System: Heal one Wound per day, +4 to resist Bleeding Out. 50% chance to reject poison or disease in the system.
Nuclear Power Cell: Powers the borg's built-in systems and weapons, and connects to carried weapons using cables, but can't recharge E-clips.
  • Power Gauntlets (Repulse): Str + 2d6;
    • Power, Heavy Weapon,
    • Repulse
  • "Clarisse" - Laser Rifle (Energy): 30/60/120 3d6+1d6 AP 2+4 ROF 3 Shots 30;
    • Cauterize, No Recoil, Overcharge.
    • Energy
    • IR Laser
    • Advanced Scope
    • 4 extra Power Packs
  • Heavy Power Blast Pistol: 10/20/40 3d6+1d6 AP 2 ROF 1 Shots 40
    • Power: +1d10 damage on raise; Requires a Universal battery (drained on fumble and loses "Power")
    • IR Laser: +1 to Shooting & Short & Medium Range
    • 4 Extra Particle packs
  • WL-LP3 Pepperbox: 6/12/24 3d4 AP 1 ROF 4 Shots 4
    • Cautarize
    • No Recoil
    • IR Laser
  • Grenades
    • Frag: 5/10/20 3d6 MBT (3 carried)
    • Stun: 5/10/20 Vigor -2 or Stun in MBT (3 carried)
    • Smoke: 5/20/20 Heavy Concealment in LBT (3 carried)
  • Infantry Battle Suit & Helmet: Armor 6; +4 armor vs Slugthrowers
  • Minimalist Chest Armor: Armor 4; +4 vs Slugthrowers
  • Hard-Light Emitters
  • Small polymer buckler: +1 Parry
  • Thieves Tools
  • Survival Kit
  • Weapon Properties:
    • Power: +1d10 damage on raise instead of 1d6
    • Heavy: Can damage heavily armored targets
    • Repusle: Shaken or Wounded foes are knocked back d4" (d6" with a raise).
    • Cauterize: +2 on Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out.
    • No Recoil: No recoil penalty for firing at greater than ROF 1.
    • IR Laser: +1 to Shooting at Short & Medium range. Laser requires augmented vision to be seen.
    • Energy: + d6 damage, AP +4, Heavy
    • Advanced Scope: ignore illumination penalties and 4 points of Range and Scale penalties when Aiming or Noticing through it.
  • Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4-2, Vigor d4
  • Skills: Battle d8, Electronics d6+2, Hacking d8+2, Notice d4+2*, Research d8+2, Science d8+2
  • Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 2; Power Points: 15
  • Edges: Arcane Background (Hard-Light Controller); Investigator, Scholar (Science); Power Hacker, Command
  • Hindrances: Quirk (Petulant); Tethered (INTx2" from Bastion); Vulnerability to Electricity (-4 to resist or +4 damage); Curious; Insubstantial; Dependency: Must rejoin Bastion daily
  • Special Abilities:
    • Interface: +2 to Hacking & Electronics
    • Polyglot: Can read/write/speak all known languages (covered by Universal translator)
    • Doesn't Sleep
  • Powers: Control Machine, Create Item, Illusion

Bastion Kael is a towering Half-Giant cyborg, a hardened soldier of fortune who fell through the cracks of reality and landed in the Interstices, where he now works as an agent of the IPC. A warrior with a strict personal code, he believes strength should be used wisely—whether to protect the weak or maintain order—and refuses to compromise his honor, no matter how much easier it might make things. His cybernetics, rugged and utilitarian, are maintained by a swarm of nanites that prioritize his survival above all else, often at the cost of what little remains of his original body. His most recent "upgrade" came in the form of **V.E.S.P.E.R.**, a prototype AI installed in his head without his consent. While competent and tactical, she is also petulant and dramatic, frequently appearing as a hard-light projection in absurd outfits, much to Bastion’s irritation. Despite their rocky start, he has come to acknowledge her as a full partner, even if she frustrates him to no end. Bastion favors overwhelming firepower, carrying an enormous automatic laser cannon named **Clarisse**, after a past lover, alongside his cybernetically enhanced fists, grenades, and a giant-sized utility knife. While he takes his work seriously, he has a bad habit of smoking and drinking (requiring extremely potent alcohol to feel the effects), an unfortunate weakness for the fairer sex, and is completely illiterate—though he’s made peace with that, relying on V.E.S.P.E.R. to read for him when necessary. Stoic and pragmatic, Bastion rolls with whatever the multiverse throws at him, keeping his feet planted and his gun at the ready.

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