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===M&M2e Stats===
PL: 10  (150 pp)
ABILITIES:  STR: 22 (+6)  DEX: 14 (+2)  CON: 14 (+2)  INT: 22 (+6)  WIS: 14 (+2)  CHA: 14 (+2)
SKILLS:  Acrobatics 4 (+6), Bluff 8 (+10), Climb  (+6), Computers 1 (+7), Concentration  (+2), Electronic 1 (+7), Diplomacy  (+2), Disable Device 1 (+7), Disguise  (+2), Drive 1 (+3), Escape Artist 18 (+20), Gather Info  (+2), Handle Animal  (+2), Intimidate  (+2), Investigate 2 (+8), Current Event 1 (+7), Technology 1 (+7), Notice 6 (+8), Search  (+6), Sense Motive  (+2), Stealth 8 (+10), Survival  (+2), Swim  (+6)
FEATS:  Attack Focus (Melee) (4), Chokehold, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Stunning Attack, Instant Up, Interpose, Acrobatic Bluff, Taunt
POWERS:  *Elongation - base 80ft, extended 1,250ft [8], *Enhanced Attribute: Intelligence [8], *Enhanced Attribute: Strength [8], *Immunity [13], Life Support (9); need not eat (1), needs no sleep (1), critical hits (2), *Leaping [5], *Protection [8], *Strike [10] - DC:25:tough
COMBAT:  Attack 6  [Unarmed +6 (Bruise), whip-lash snap +10 (Bruise)]  Defense 10 (6 flat-footed)  Init  15
SAVES:  Toughness 10 (10 flat-footed)  Fortitude 6  Reflex 4  Will 4
COMPLICATIONS:  Responsibility, Rivalry
Abilities 24  +  Skills 11 (44 ranks)  +  Feats 15  +  Powers 60  +  Combat 32  +  Saves 8  –  Drawbacks 0 = 150 / 150
==Physical Appearance==
==Villainous Motivations==
''(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)''
==History & <s>Heroic</s>Villainous Origin==
==Battle Tactics==
==3x3 NPCs==
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???
* ???

Revision as of 23:06, 10 April 2007


a.k.a. Brandon Hamilton.
