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<!-- This page is only for common abbreviations of game books and game lines. Not things like GM, PC, GNS or ISTTKO.  For simplicity's sake I suggest that supplements only get an entry if they are almost games in themselves, such as the exalted fatsplats, Delta green or the D&D worlds.-->
<!-- This page is only for common abbreviations of game books and game lines. Not things like GM, PC, GNS or ISTTKO.  For simplicity's sake I suggest that supplements only get an entry if they are almost games in themselves, such as the exalted fatsplats, Delta green or the D
<!-- "Official acronym" is for when the abbreviation is the name of the game and what it stands for is mostly academic. -->
<h2> Overview </h2>
This is a guide to the many abbreviations for game books and game lines that you may encounter on the forums.
Numbers at the end of an abbreviation usually indicate the edition.  UA2 or UA2E, for example, would mean 'Unknown armies second edition'.
A very useful resource for publication histories and brief descriptions of these games (and many others) is the online Encyclopedia of Role-Playing Games: [ Encyclopedia of Role-Playing Games]
== # ==
* 3.5 - [[Dungeons & Dragons]] Edition 3.5
* 3E -  [[Dungeons & Dragons]] 3rd Edition
* 7S - [[7th Sea]]
* 5ER - [[Hero System]] 5th edition Revised rulebook
== A ==
* AD&D - [[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]
* ADRPG - [[Amber Diceless RPG]]
* AE - [[Amazing Engine]] ''or'' [[Arcana Evolved]]
* AFMBE - [[All Flesh Must Be Eaten]]
* AGOT - [[A Game Of Thrones]]
* ArM - [[Ars Magica]]
* AtSA - [[Atlantis: the Second Age]]
* AU - [[Arcana Unearthed]]
== B ==
* B&B - [[Bunnies and Burrows]]
* BD&D - [[Basic Dungeons & Dragons]]
* [[BESM]] - [[Big Eyes Small Mouth]] (official acronym)
* BG - [[Blood Games]]
* BGC - [[Bubblegum Crisis]]
* BNW - [[Brave New World]]
* BoJ - [[Book of Jalan]]
* BP - [[Blue Planet]]
* BR - [[Blue Rose]] ''or'' [[Birthright]]
* BRP - [[Basic Roleplaying]]
* BRPG - [[Battleaxe Roleplaying Game]]
* BTS - [[Beyond the Supernatural]] (Palladium Books)
* BtVS - [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]
* BW - [[Burning Wheel]]
* BWc - [[Burning Wheel]] Classic, first edition
* BWr - [[Burning Wheel]] Revised, current edition
== C ==
* C&C - [[Castles and Crusades]]
* C&S - [[Chivalry and Sorcery]]
* CAH - [[Cartoon Action Hour]]
* CC - [[Core Command]]
* CoC - [[Call of Cthulhu]]
* ConX - [[Conspiracy X]]
* CP - [[Cyberpunk]]
* CP2020 - [[Cyberpunk]]
* CS - [[Cold Space]]
* CT - [[Classic Traveller]]
* CTD or C:TD - [[Changeling: The Dreaming]]
== D ==
* D&D - [[Dungeons & Dragons]]
* DA:F - [[Dark Ages: Fae]]
* DA:I - [[Dark Ages: Inquisitor]]
* DA:M - [[Dark Ages: Mage]]
* DA:V - [[Dark Ages: Vampire]]
* DA:WW - [[Dark Ages: Werewolf]]
* DC - [[Dark Conspiracy]] ''or'' [[DC Heroes]]
* DG - [[Delta Green]]
* DG:C - [[Delta Green: Countdown]]
* DITV - [[Dogs in the Vineyard]]
* DMG - [[Dungeon Master's Guide]] (usually in reference to [[Dungeons & Dragons]])
* DND - [[Dungeons & Dragons]]
* DQ - [[Dragonquest]]
* DS - [[Dawning Star]] ''or'' [[Dark Sun]]
* DTF or D:TF - [[Demon: The Fallen]]
== E ==
* ED - [[Earthdawn]]
* E:tA - [[Exalted: The Abyssals]]
* E:tAu - [[Exalted: The Autochthonians]]
* E:tDB - [[Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded]]
* E:tFF - [[Exalted: The Fair Folk]]
* E:tL - [[Exalted: The Lunars]]
* E:tS - [[Exalted: The Sidereals]]
* EPT - [[Empire of the Petal Throne]]
== F ==
* [[FATE]] - [[Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment]] (official acronym)
* FB - [[Fireborn]]
* FF - [[Forgotten Futures]]
* FR - [[Forgotten Realms]]
* FRED - [[Hero System]] Fifth Revised Edition
* FS - [[Feng Shui]] ''or'' [[Fading Suns]]
* [[FUDGE]] - [[Freeform Universal Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine]] (official acronym)
== G ==
* GB - [[Gangbusters]] ''or'' [[Ghostbusters]]
* GBI - [[Ghostbusters International]]
* GH - [[Greyhawk]] ''or'' [[Golden Heroes]]
* GK - [[Gear Krieg]]
* GoO - [[Guardians of Order]]
* [[GURPS]] - [[GURPS|Generic Universal Role-Playing System]] (official acronym)
* GT - [[GURPS Traveller]]
* GW - [[Gamma World]]
== H ==
* HG - [[Heavy Gear]]
* HOL - [[Human Occupied Landfill]]
* HM - [[High Medieval]]
* HQ - [[Heroquest]]
* HTR or H:TR - [[Hunter: The Reckoning]]
== I ==
* IC - [[Ironclaw]]
* IH - [[Iron Heroes]]
* IK - [[Iron Kingdoms]]
* IN - [[In Nomine]]
== J ==
* [[JAGS]] - [[Just Another Generic System]] (official acronym)
* JC - [[Jovian Chronicles]] ''or'' [[Jadeclaw]]
* JD - [[Judge Dredd]]
== K ==
* KAP - [[King Arthur Pendragon]]
* KOTE - [[Kindred of the East]]
* KPFS - [[Kill puppies for Satan]]
== L ==
* L&S - [[Lace and Steel]]
* L5R - [[Legend of the Five Rings]]
* LBS - [[Legend of the Burning Sands]]
* LOTR - [[Lord of the Rings]]
* LS - [[Lost Souls]]
== M ==
* M&M - [[Mutants and Masterminds]]
* M2 - [[Mekton II]]
* MA - [[Metamorphosis Alpha]]
* [[MEGS]] - [[Mayfair Exponential Gaming System]] (official acronym)
* MERP - [[Middle-Earth Roleplaying]]
* MET - [[Mind's Eye Theatre]]
* MII - [[Mekton II]]
* MM - [[Monster Manual]] (usually in reference to [[Dungeons & Dragons]])
* MLWM - [[My Life With Master]]
* MSH - [[Marvel Super Heroes]]
* MSPE - [[Mercenaries, Spies, and Private-Eyes]]
* MT - [[MegaTraveller]]
* MTA or M:TA - [[Mage: The Ascension]] ''or'' [[Mage: The Awakening]]
* MTAs or M:TAs - [[Mage: The Ascension]]
* MTAw or M:TAw- [[Mage: The Awakening]]
* MTDA or M:TDA - [[Mage: The Dark Ages]]
* MTSC or M:TSC- [[Mage: The Sorcerers' Crusade]]
* MTR or M:TR- [[Mummy: The Resurrection]]
* MURPG - [[Marvel Universe RPG]]
* MW - [[Mechwarrior]]
* MWWG - [[Macho Women With Guns]]
* MZ - [[Mekton Zeta]]
== N ==
* N&SS - [[Ninjas and Superspies]]
* NB - [[Ninja Burger]]
* NWOD - [[New World of Darkness]]
== O ==
* OD&D - [[Original Dungeons and Dragons]]
* ORE - [[One Roll Engine]]
* OTE - [[Over the Edge]]
* [[OVA]] - [[Open Versatile Anime Role-Playing Game]] (official acronym)
* OWOD - [[Old World of Darkness]]
== P ==
* PD - [[Pendragon]]
* PHB - [[Player's Handbook]] (usually in reference to Dungeons & Dragons)
* PTA - [[Primetime Adventures]]
== Q ==
== R ==
* RA - [[Random Anime]]
* RC - [[Rules Cyclopedia]] ([[Dungeons & Dragons]])
* RD - [[Red Dwarf]]
* RL - [[Ravenloft]]
* RM - [[Rolemaster]]
* RQ - [[Runequest]]
* RW - [[Ringworld]]
== S ==
* SAS - [[Silver Age Sentinels]]
* SB - [[Stormbringer]]
* SC - [[StarCluster]] ''or'' [[Sweet Chariot]]
* SF - [[Star Frontiers]]
* SLA - [[SLA Industries]]
* SoJ - [[Skyrealms of Jorune]] ''or'' [[Secrets of Japan]] ([[Call of Cthulhu]] supplement)
* SR - [[Shadowrun]]
* ST - [[Star Trek]] ''or'' [[Storyteller]]
* SW - [[Savage Worlds]] ''or'' [[Star Wars]] ''or'' [[Superworld]]
== T ==
* T&T - [[Tunnels and Trolls]]
* T20 - [[Traveller 20]]
* T4 - [[Marc Miller's Traveller]]
* T5 - [[Traveller]] 5th Edition
* T8 - [[Tribe 8]]
* Tal - [[Talislanta]]
* THS - [[Transhuman Space]]
* TINS - [[There Is No Spoon]]
* TMNT - [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness]]
* TNE - [[Traveller: The New Era]]
* TOJ - [[Time of judgement]]
* ToMN - [[Tribes of Mother Night]]
* TROS - [[The Riddle of Steel]]
* TS - [[Transhuman Space]] ''or'' [[The Terran Story]] ''or'' [[Top Secret]]
* TSOY - [[The Shadow of Yesterday]]
* Tw2k - [[Twilight 2000]]
== U ==
* UA - [[Unknown Armies]] ''or'' [[Unearthed Arcana]] ''or'' [[Urban Arcana]]
* Univ - [[Universe, The Sci-Fi RPG]]
== V ==
* V&V - [[Villains and Vigilantes]]
* VAV or VA:V - [[Victorian Age: Vampire]]
* VTDA or V:TDA - [[Vampire: The Dark Ages]]
* VTM or V:TM - [[Vampire: The Masquerade]]
* VTR or V:TR - [[Vampire: The Requiem]]
== W ==
* WC - [[Witchcraft]]
* WFRP - [[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]
* WHFRP - [[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]
* WLD - [[World's Largest Dungeon]]
* WOD - [[World of Darkness]]
* WoT - [[The Wheel of Time]]
* WOTG - [[Weapons of the Gods]]
* WoW - [[Worlds of Wonder]]
* WTA or W:TA - [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]
* WTF or W:TF - [[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]
* WTGW or W:TGW - [[Wraith: The Great War]]
* WTO or W:TO - [[Wraith: The Oblivion]]
* WWTA or WW:TA - [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]
* WWTF or WW:TF - [[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]
* WWTWW or WW:WW or WW:TWW - [[Werewolf: The Wild West]]
== X ==
== Y ==
== Z ==
ZoZ - [[The Zorcerer of Zo]]

Revision as of 19:41, 23 June 2007