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| [[Category:Games]] | | [[Category:Games]] |
| <!-- This page is only for common abbreviations of game books and game lines. Not things like GM, PC, GNS or ISTTKO. For simplicity's sake I suggest that supplements only get an entry if they are almost games in themselves, such as the exalted fatsplats, Delta green or the D&D worlds.--> | | <!-- This page is only for common abbreviations of game books and game lines. Not things like GM, PC, GNS or ISTTKO. For simplicity's sake I suggest that supplements only get an entry if they are almost games in themselves, such as the exalted fatsplats, Delta green or the D |
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| <!-- "Official acronym" is for when the abbreviation is the name of the game and what it stands for is mostly academic. -->
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| <h2> Overview </h2>
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| This is a guide to the many abbreviations for game books and game lines that you may encounter on the RPG.net forums.
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| Numbers at the end of an abbreviation usually indicate the edition. UA2 or UA2E, for example, would mean 'Unknown armies second edition'.
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| A very useful resource for publication histories and brief descriptions of these games (and many others) is the online Encyclopedia of Role-Playing Games: [http://www.darkshire.net/~jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ Encyclopedia of Role-Playing Games]
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| __TOC__
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| == # ==
| |
| * 3.5 - [[Dungeons & Dragons]] Edition 3.5
| |
| * 3E - [[Dungeons & Dragons]] 3rd Edition
| |
| * 7S - [[7th Sea]]
| |
| * 5ER - [[Hero System]] 5th edition Revised rulebook
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| == A ==
| |
| * AD&D - [[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]
| |
| * ADRPG - [[Amber Diceless RPG]]
| |
| * AE - [[Amazing Engine]] ''or'' [[Arcana Evolved]]
| |
| * AFMBE - [[All Flesh Must Be Eaten]]
| |
| * AGOT - [[A Game Of Thrones]]
| |
| * ArM - [[Ars Magica]]
| |
| * AtSA - [[Atlantis: the Second Age]]
| |
| * AU - [[Arcana Unearthed]]
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| == B ==
| |
| * B&B - [[Bunnies and Burrows]]
| |
| * BD&D - [[Basic Dungeons & Dragons]]
| |
| * [[BESM]] - [[Big Eyes Small Mouth]] (official acronym)
| |
| * BG - [[Blood Games]]
| |
| * BGC - [[Bubblegum Crisis]]
| |
| * BNW - [[Brave New World]]
| |
| * BoJ - [[Book of Jalan]]
| |
| * BP - [[Blue Planet]]
| |
| * BR - [[Blue Rose]] ''or'' [[Birthright]]
| |
| * BRP - [[Basic Roleplaying]]
| |
| * BRPG - [[Battleaxe Roleplaying Game]]
| |
| * BTS - [[Beyond the Supernatural]] (Palladium Books)
| |
| * BtVS - [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]
| |
| * BW - [[Burning Wheel]]
| |
| * BWc - [[Burning Wheel]] Classic, first edition
| |
| * BWr - [[Burning Wheel]] Revised, current edition
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| == C ==
| |
| * C&C - [[Castles and Crusades]]
| |
| * C&S - [[Chivalry and Sorcery]]
| |
| * CAH - [[Cartoon Action Hour]]
| |
| * CC - [[Core Command]]
| |
| * CoC - [[Call of Cthulhu]]
| |
| * ConX - [[Conspiracy X]]
| |
| * CP - [[Cyberpunk]]
| |
| * CP2020 - [[Cyberpunk]]
| |
| * CS - [[Cold Space]]
| |
| * CT - [[Classic Traveller]]
| |
| * CTD or C:TD - [[Changeling: The Dreaming]]
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| == D ==
| |
| * D&D - [[Dungeons & Dragons]]
| |
| * DA:F - [[Dark Ages: Fae]]
| |
| * DA:I - [[Dark Ages: Inquisitor]]
| |
| * DA:M - [[Dark Ages: Mage]]
| |
| * DA:V - [[Dark Ages: Vampire]]
| |
| * DA:WW - [[Dark Ages: Werewolf]]
| |
| * DC - [[Dark Conspiracy]] ''or'' [[DC Heroes]]
| |
| * DG - [[Delta Green]]
| |
| * DG:C - [[Delta Green: Countdown]]
| |
| * DITV - [[Dogs in the Vineyard]]
| |
| * DMG - [[Dungeon Master's Guide]] (usually in reference to [[Dungeons & Dragons]])
| |
| * DND - [[Dungeons & Dragons]]
| |
| * DQ - [[Dragonquest]]
| |
| * DS - [[Dawning Star]] ''or'' [[Dark Sun]]
| |
| * DTF or D:TF - [[Demon: The Fallen]]
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| | |
| == E ==
| |
| * ED - [[Earthdawn]]
| |
| * E:tA - [[Exalted: The Abyssals]]
| |
| * E:tAu - [[Exalted: The Autochthonians]]
| |
| * E:tDB - [[Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded]]
| |
| * E:tFF - [[Exalted: The Fair Folk]]
| |
| * E:tL - [[Exalted: The Lunars]]
| |
| * E:tS - [[Exalted: The Sidereals]]
| |
| * EPT - [[Empire of the Petal Throne]]
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| == F ==
| |
| * [[FATE]] - [[Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment]] (official acronym)
| |
| * FB - [[Fireborn]]
| |
| * FF - [[Forgotten Futures]]
| |
| * FR - [[Forgotten Realms]]
| |
| * FRED - [[Hero System]] Fifth Revised Edition
| |
| * FS - [[Feng Shui]] ''or'' [[Fading Suns]]
| |
| * [[FUDGE]] - [[Freeform Universal Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine]] (official acronym)
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| == G ==
| |
| * GB - [[Gangbusters]] ''or'' [[Ghostbusters]]
| |
| * GBI - [[Ghostbusters International]]
| |
| * GH - [[Greyhawk]] ''or'' [[Golden Heroes]]
| |
| * GK - [[Gear Krieg]]
| |
| * GoO - [[Guardians of Order]]
| |
| * [[GURPS]] - [[GURPS|Generic Universal Role-Playing System]] (official acronym)
| |
| * GT - [[GURPS Traveller]]
| |
| * GW - [[Gamma World]]
| |
| | |
| == H ==
| |
| * HG - [[Heavy Gear]]
| |
| * HOL - [[Human Occupied Landfill]]
| |
| * HM - [[High Medieval]]
| |
| * HQ - [[Heroquest]]
| |
| * HTR or H:TR - [[Hunter: The Reckoning]]
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| == I ==
| |
| * IC - [[Ironclaw]]
| |
| * IH - [[Iron Heroes]]
| |
| * IK - [[Iron Kingdoms]]
| |
| * IN - [[In Nomine]]
| |
| | |
| == J ==
| |
| * [[JAGS]] - [[Just Another Generic System]] (official acronym)
| |
| * JC - [[Jovian Chronicles]] ''or'' [[Jadeclaw]]
| |
| * JD - [[Judge Dredd]]
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| == K ==
| |
| * KAP - [[King Arthur Pendragon]]
| |
| * KOTE - [[Kindred of the East]]
| |
| * KPFS - [[Kill puppies for Satan]]
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| == L ==
| |
| * L&S - [[Lace and Steel]]
| |
| * L5R - [[Legend of the Five Rings]]
| |
| * LBS - [[Legend of the Burning Sands]]
| |
| * LOTR - [[Lord of the Rings]]
| |
| * LS - [[Lost Souls]]
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| == M ==
| |
| * M&M - [[Mutants and Masterminds]]
| |
| * M2 - [[Mekton II]]
| |
| * MA - [[Metamorphosis Alpha]]
| |
| * [[MEGS]] - [[Mayfair Exponential Gaming System]] (official acronym)
| |
| * MERP - [[Middle-Earth Roleplaying]]
| |
| * MET - [[Mind's Eye Theatre]]
| |
| * MII - [[Mekton II]]
| |
| * MM - [[Monster Manual]] (usually in reference to [[Dungeons & Dragons]])
| |
| * MLWM - [[My Life With Master]]
| |
| * MSH - [[Marvel Super Heroes]]
| |
| * MSPE - [[Mercenaries, Spies, and Private-Eyes]]
| |
| * MT - [[MegaTraveller]]
| |
| * MTA or M:TA - [[Mage: The Ascension]] ''or'' [[Mage: The Awakening]]
| |
| * MTAs or M:TAs - [[Mage: The Ascension]]
| |
| * MTAw or M:TAw- [[Mage: The Awakening]]
| |
| * MTDA or M:TDA - [[Mage: The Dark Ages]]
| |
| * MTSC or M:TSC- [[Mage: The Sorcerers' Crusade]]
| |
| * MTR or M:TR- [[Mummy: The Resurrection]]
| |
| * MURPG - [[Marvel Universe RPG]]
| |
| * MW - [[Mechwarrior]]
| |
| * MWWG - [[Macho Women With Guns]]
| |
| * MZ - [[Mekton Zeta]]
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| == N ==
| |
| * N&SS - [[Ninjas and Superspies]]
| |
| * NB - [[Ninja Burger]]
| |
| * NWOD - [[New World of Darkness]]
| |
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| == O ==
| |
| * OD&D - [[Original Dungeons and Dragons]]
| |
| * ORE - [[One Roll Engine]]
| |
| * OTE - [[Over the Edge]]
| |
| * [[OVA]] - [[Open Versatile Anime Role-Playing Game]] (official acronym)
| |
| * OWOD - [[Old World of Darkness]]
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| == P ==
| |
| * PD - [[Pendragon]]
| |
| * PHB - [[Player's Handbook]] (usually in reference to Dungeons & Dragons)
| |
| * PTA - [[Primetime Adventures]]
| |
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| == Q ==
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| == R ==
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| * RA - [[Random Anime]]
| |
| * RC - [[Rules Cyclopedia]] ([[Dungeons & Dragons]])
| |
| * RD - [[Red Dwarf]]
| |
| * RL - [[Ravenloft]]
| |
| * RM - [[Rolemaster]]
| |
| * RQ - [[Runequest]]
| |
| * RW - [[Ringworld]]
| |
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| == S ==
| |
| * SAS - [[Silver Age Sentinels]]
| |
| * SB - [[Stormbringer]]
| |
| * SC - [[StarCluster]] ''or'' [[Sweet Chariot]]
| |
| * SF - [[Star Frontiers]]
| |
| * SLA - [[SLA Industries]]
| |
| * SoJ - [[Skyrealms of Jorune]] ''or'' [[Secrets of Japan]] ([[Call of Cthulhu]] supplement)
| |
| * SR - [[Shadowrun]]
| |
| * ST - [[Star Trek]] ''or'' [[Storyteller]]
| |
| * SW - [[Savage Worlds]] ''or'' [[Star Wars]] ''or'' [[Superworld]]
| |
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| == T ==
| |
| * T&T - [[Tunnels and Trolls]]
| |
| * T20 - [[Traveller 20]]
| |
| * T4 - [[Marc Miller's Traveller]]
| |
| * T5 - [[Traveller]] 5th Edition
| |
| * T8 - [[Tribe 8]]
| |
| * Tal - [[Talislanta]]
| |
| * THS - [[Transhuman Space]]
| |
| * TINS - [[There Is No Spoon]]
| |
| * TMNT - [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness]]
| |
| * TNE - [[Traveller: The New Era]]
| |
| * TOJ - [[Time of judgement]]
| |
| * ToMN - [[Tribes of Mother Night]]
| |
| * TROS - [[The Riddle of Steel]]
| |
| * TS - [[Transhuman Space]] ''or'' [[The Terran Story]] ''or'' [[Top Secret]]
| |
| * TSOY - [[The Shadow of Yesterday]]
| |
| * Tw2k - [[Twilight 2000]]
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| == U ==
| |
| * UA - [[Unknown Armies]] ''or'' [[Unearthed Arcana]] ''or'' [[Urban Arcana]]
| |
| * Univ - [[Universe, The Sci-Fi RPG]]
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| == V ==
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| * V&V - [[Villains and Vigilantes]]
| |
| * VAV or VA:V - [[Victorian Age: Vampire]]
| |
| * VTDA or V:TDA - [[Vampire: The Dark Ages]]
| |
| * VTM or V:TM - [[Vampire: The Masquerade]]
| |
| * VTR or V:TR - [[Vampire: The Requiem]]
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| == W ==
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| * WC - [[Witchcraft]]
| |
| * WFRP - [[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]
| |
| * WHFRP - [[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]
| |
| * WLD - [[World's Largest Dungeon]]
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| * WOD - [[World of Darkness]]
| |
| * WoT - [[The Wheel of Time]]
| |
| * WOTG - [[Weapons of the Gods]]
| |
| * WoW - [[Worlds of Wonder]]
| |
| * WTA or W:TA - [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]
| |
| * WTF or W:TF - [[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]
| |
| * WTGW or W:TGW - [[Wraith: The Great War]]
| |
| * WTO or W:TO - [[Wraith: The Oblivion]]
| |
| * WWTA or WW:TA - [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]
| |
| * WWTF or WW:TF - [[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]
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| * WWTWW or WW:WW or WW:TWW - [[Werewolf: The Wild West]]
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| == X ==
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| == Y ==
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| == Z ==
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| ZoZ - [[The Zorcerer of Zo]]
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