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'''Guys Mattind'''
'''Guys Mattind'''

Revision as of 23:42, 5 September 2007

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Guys Mattind

"You want me to tell you my life story? Alright. I'll make you a deal. You tell me the name of the world you came, the one you originally called home, and I'll share my tale.

Heh. Haven't heard of that one before. You miss it? Been back lately? Ah, you're right. That wasn't part of the deal. Fair enough.

Well, I started off in an orphanage in a small village. It was a strange place to call home. A good place, don't get me wrong. I mean they let my buddy Marcus keep a hunting dog. It's just the make up of who was in the orphanage was unusual. A village composed entirely of humans, and we had a gnome, a halfling, and an elf in the place. It doesn't make much difference now I suppose.

Anyway, I was getting on in years. I was going to have to leave the place I had called home all my life in a year or two. Then one day, the matron asked me to run an errand for her. I was on my way back when the hawkmen attacked. Just a swarm of them dropping out of the sky. I tried to fight. I remember seeing Marcus knocking one out with just one swing of his staff before the world went black to me.

When I woke up, I was in a cell with some big, green thing sliding a bowl of "food" into the cell with me. There were other people there too, but I didn't recognize any of them from my home town. And I never saw any of the hawkmen among my captors again. The theory among the other prisoners were that we had been taken by slavers. The next time we stopped, I got a cellmate named Mattind. There was something strange about him. It seemed like as soon as he woke up, he started trying to plan our escape. He said he could cast spells, but he didn't look nearly as old as the wizard that lived in my village. One of the others said that if was a Wizard, how come he hadn't freed himself already. Mattind said it was probably something in the rations we were being fed.

I don't know how many days past in that cell. I just know that every time we stopped, more prisoners were taken aboard. And every time he was sure a guard wasn't looking, Mattind would show me a small trick he could do. He didn't want to have the guards thinking that they should up the dose of what they were giving him is what he said. Judging from how many of us were aboard, we figured we might be getting close to the end of our trip. So the next time a guard brought us food, Mattind put him to sleep and floated the key from the guard's belt to his hand. We set to work freeing everyone we could and then we attacked our captors. We took the ship, but not without casulties. It wasn't until after the fight that we noticed that the ship wasn't sailing the seas. That news didn't seem to trouble some of the former prisoners, and they had little trouble steering us towards Hallows.

I didn't know to do when I got there. No one aboard the ship knew of my home world, and I didn't have any way of reaching it myself. All I had were the clothes on my back, and the Heron belt buckle that Mattind handed to me as he lay dying from his injuries. So when we reached port, I started to search for someone that could tell me what the buckle ment. That's when I ran into Anaximander. He convinced me that joining the group of explorers and adventurers might be my best chance at finding my way back home. I can't say that I would disagree, but it's been a few years now, and I still haven't found my way home. And it's a mighty big universe."

Age: 21
Ht: 5'8"
Build: Thin.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

The Short Version: Raised in an orphanage in a small village on his home planet, he was abducted from his home by slavers. Among the other prisoners was a captured member of the Heron, a Sorcerer by the name of Mattind. He saw what Guys could become, and taught him a few basic spells. When the slaves revolted and took over the ship, Mattind was fatally wounded. Guys took on the name of his fallen friend and mentor as his surname, and when the ship reached Hallows he searched out the Heron. Guys has since joined the Heron, figuring that their explorations might be his best hope at finding his way back to his home world.

Planet of Origin: Yestin
Sorcerer 3/ Swashbuckler 1
Chaotic Good Human

Str 10 +0 Dex 15 +2 Con 10 +0 Int 14 +2 Wis 10 +0 Cha 16 +3 (+1 for 4th level ability score increase)

BAB: +2 Melee: +2 (+4 for Weapon Finesse weapons) Range: +4

Fort: +3 Refl: +3 Will: +3

HP: 14 ( AC: 13

Skills (20 to start, +5 per level of Sorcerer (15), +7 per level of Swashbuckler= 42 total.)

Bluff 6+3= +9 Concentration 6+0= +6 (+10 When Casting Defensively) Knowledge (Arcana) 6+2= +8 Spellcraft 6+2+2= +10 Spot (CC) 3+0= +3 (+6 in bright light from familiar) Tumble 2+2= +4 Climb 2+0= +2 Use Rope 2+2= +4 Sense Motive 1+0= +1

Feats: 4 (1 start, 1 bonus human, 1 at lvl 2, 1 at lvl 4) Combat Casting Magical Aptitude Combat Expertise Quick Draw

Special Abilties: Summon Familiar Weapon Finesse

Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin.

Spells: lvl 0 (6/day) Read Magic, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Message lvl 1 (5/day) Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Sleep

Familiar: Talon (A Hawk)

Equipment: +1 Rapier Ring of Protection +1 Masterwork Longbow with Quiver and 20 arrows Spell component bag. Regular clothes. Explorer's outfit 589 gold

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