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===Greater Avaos===
===Greater Avaos===
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  '''NAME ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL'''
  Insanity Touch deals Wisdom damage. / Creature reads your mind. '''<=>''' Creature becomes ''confused''.
  Chaostouch Touch deals Wisdom damage. / Creature reads your mind. '''<=>''' Creature becomes ''confused''.
  Just Chance Target gets no bonuses or maluses to a roll. / ---
  Just Chance Target gets no bonuses or maluses to a roll. / ---
  Karma Take 10 on all rolls. / Roll a natural 1 now. '''<=>''' Get a natural 20 for later.
  Karma Take 10 on all rolls. / Roll a natural 1 now. '''<=>''' Get a natural 20 for later.

Revision as of 03:25, 5 October 2007

Aside from the Void, Chaos is one of the more esoteric Forces in Trinity, making its Force-using class - the anarch - difficult to write. In addition to difficulties in coming up with precisely what is meant by "chaos," in the Force sense, there is also the difficulty of making the anarch different enough from other classes, while retaining the feel of chaos and also being a viable character option.

What follows is a rough write-up of the anarch.

The Anarch

								Active Avaos	Reaction
Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special			S   L   G   O	Slots
1	+0	+0	+2	+2				1 / - / - / -	2
2	+1	+0	+3	+3				2 / - / - / -	4
3	+1	+1	+3	+3				2 / - / - / -	6
4	+2	+1	+4	+4				3 / - / - / -	8
5	+2	+1	+4	+4	Avaos (Lesser)		3 / 1 / - / -	10
6	+3	+2	+5	+5				3 / 1 / - / -	12
7	+3	+2	+5	+5				3 / 2 / - / -	14
8	+4	+2	+6	+6				3 / 2 / - / -	16
9	+4	+3	+6	+6				3 / 2 / - / -	18
10	+5	+3	+7	+7	Avaos (Greater)		3 / 3 / 1 / -	20
11	+5	+3	+7	+7				3 / 3 / 1 / -	22
12	+6/+1	+4	+8	+8				3 / 3 / 2 / -	24
13	+6/+1	+4	+8	+8				3 / 3 / 2 / -	26
14	+7/+2	+4	+9	+9				3 / 3 / 2 / -	28
15	+7/+2	+5	+9	+9	Avaos (Overwhelming)	3 / 3 / 3 / 1	30
16	+8/+3	+5	+10	+10				3 / 3 / 3 / 1	32
17	+8/+3	+5	+10	+10				3 / 3 / 3 / 2	34
18	+9/+4	+6	+11	+11				3 / 3 / 3 / 2	36
19	+9/+4	+6	+11	+11				3 / 3 / 3 / 2	38
20	+10/+5	+6	+12	+12				3 / 3 / 3 / 2	40


An anarch

Freedom, randomness, entropy - these are the essences of Chaos, in the Trinity sense. While the Blue is constricting with its memories and insistence that cause precedes effect, and Time's assures that all things move forward in lockstep unless otherwise told, Chaos is the memory that can't stay put, the time that can't be pinned down. Chaos laughs in the face of causality, and mocks the certainty of the passage of time.

For the anarch, Chaos is supreme. Too many Forces are insistent that there are rules to be followed, or none to be broken in the first place - but Chaos would demand otherwise. Nothing can be contained forever, nothing goes on forever. The anarch grabs a hold of all these wildly disparate concepts that Chaos is composed of and mashes them together, wielding the power of uncertainty and lawlessness to whatever end seems best at the moment.

Game Rule Information

Anarchs have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Chaos.

Force Resistances: UO 5 + level, TO 5 + level.

Abilities: Charisma is the most important ability for an anarch. To laugh in the face of causality requires a good deal of strength of personality, of certainty in the self. Wisdom is also important, as it allows the anarch to pull forth more raw power from the Chaos.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills: The Anarch’s class skills are Avaocraft (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Per), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int.

Alignment: Any chaotic.

Starting Age: As a rogue.

Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10gp.

Favored By: None.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the anarch.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Anarchs are proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.

Avaos (Ch): Avaos are the raw essence of Chaos - fuelled by randomness, the anarch can call upon these abilities.

Each day, the anarch chooses a number of avaos. These are avaos he chooses to study, and they allow him to call upon Chaotic abilities that are removed from their normal cause or effect. However, in exchange, they are not nearly as possible as when the anarch uses them in their natural state; Avaos that are used in this manner are Active avaos.

An anarch may use his Active avaos as many times per day as he wishes.

Note that not all avaos may have an Active use; if this is the case, the avao cannot be readied as Active.

All anarchs have access to all avaos of the appropriate grade; at 1st level, an anarch only has access to Subtle avaos, but as he progresses, he learns to tap into more powerful aspects of Chaos. At 5th level, he gains access to Lesser avaos; at 10th, he gains access to Greater avaos; and at 15th, he gains access to Overwhelming avaos.

Trigger Slots (Ex): No matter what avaos the anarch has readied each day, he always has access to Chaos in its natural state.

Each day, an anarch has a number of Trigger Slots, which he can use to activate any avao of the grades he knows (see Avaos, above). Whenever an avao would be Triggered, the anarch may choose whether or not to trigger it; if he does so, he may expend a Trigger slot to activate the avao. Using an avao in this manner uses the avao's Causal activation.

In addition, the anarch may use a Trigger Slot to activate an avao. Using an avao in this manner uses the avao's Precausal activation.

Note that not all Avaos have a Causal or Precausal use.

Using a Trigger Slot is always an immediate action.

Limitless Reaction (Ex): Unlike other characters, an anarch is not limited to one immediate action each round. An anarch can continue taking immediate actions until he is out of Trigger Slots.


An incomplete list of avaos follows; the full list can be found here.

Subtle Avaos

NAME		ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL
Chaos Nova	Deal 1d6 damage in a burst around you. / Die. <=> Deal 1d6/level damage in a burst.
Deny Gravity	You float a small distance above the ground. / Fall. <=> Fall slowly.
   Shield	Ranged attacks sometimes miss. / Get hit. <=> All attacks sometimes miss.
Free Mind	Gain +4 bonus on Will saves. / Affected by mind-influencing. => Gain immunity.
Luck		Gain a limited reroll. / Fail a roll. <=> Gain a reroll.
Reciprocity	When you take damage, deal some to your attacker. / Take damage to deal damage.
		   / Deal damage, but next attack against you automatically hits.
Shoutout	Talk when it's not your turn. / Get silenced or muted. => Gain a sonic attack.
   Moves	Gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. / Affected by an AoE. <=> Gain Evasion.

Lesser Avaos

NAME		ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL
Chaosflame	Hurl a ball of chaotic flame. / Take fire damage. <=> Become wreathed in flame.
Escape Bonds	Gain a +4 bonus against touch-based effects. / Grappled or Bound. => Gain Freedom of Movement.
Free Your
   Mind		Target creature gets +4 on saves against mental influence. / Another creature is affected
		   by mind-influencing. => That creature becomes immune.
   Strike	--- / A creature fumbles. <=> A creature crits.
Surprise	Gain sneak attack. / Become flanked. => Gain improved uncanny dodge.

Greater Avaos

NAME		ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL
Chaostouch	Touch deals Wisdom damage. / Creature reads your mind. <=> Creature becomes confused.
Just Chance	Target gets no bonuses or maluses to a roll. / ---
Karma		Take 10 on all rolls. / Roll a natural 1 now. <=> Get a natural 20 for later.
My Time		Ignore the initiative order. / Your initiative is changed. <=> Gain a move action now.

Overwhelming Avaos

NAME		ACTIVE / CAUSAL ( <=> or => or / ) PRECAUSAL
   Effect	--- / An avao would be triggered. => Trigger any avao.