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'''Race''': Human (Werewolf)
'''Race''': Human (Werewolf)
'''Secret Identity''': Kinda, but not really.
'''Power Level''': 10

Revision as of 13:12, 5 June 2008


Real Name: David Helman

Code Name (only used under duress): The Beast

Age: 29

Race: Human (Werewolf)

Secret Identity: Kinda, but not really.

Power Level: 10

Appearance: A rough looking man with a wild spirit hidden behind a haggard gaze. His black hair is perpetually messy, but it seems to suit him rather than make him seem unkempt.

Powers: Werewolf legends are at once a good indicator and an exaggerated or twisted account of what he can do. In his human form, he is roughly equivalent to a very well muscled normal human with few overt indications he is more. In his wolf or hybrid form, he possesses inhuman strength, speed, and fortitude, as well as hightened senses. His body heals far faster than normal, even more so while transformed.

He also has a telepathic connection to the one who infected him, though he'd rather not.

Weaknesses: Silver (blessing seems to have little effect) is his greatest weakness, his natural healing having no effect on wounds caused with it, and even normal healing seeming to be retarded by its effects. Belladonna weakens him, although it seems to be a reaction to the toxins within the leaf rather than any magical reason.

For those few days per month when the moon is mostly full, David completely loses control of himself, and must be chained with Silver till it passes, or he will attempt to kill anyone and everyone he can get his claws on.

Background: A former street fighter of Freedom City, his life was forever changed when he was assaulted by a vaguely human-like wolf. She, as it turned out, was looking for someone to "keep her company", and had stubled upon him merely by chance. He was bitten several times during the night, waking up in a strange house next to a young woman with wolf features.

Quickly putting some distance between her and himself, he later found his temper flaring out of control, especially when it involved "territorial" style disputes or others who seemed to threaten his standing in a group. It wasn't until the first Full Moon that he fully came to understand what had happened to him. He doesn't remember what he did, but he came to his senses covered in blood in the middle of Liberty Park.

He turned himself in for murder, the police quickly tracing nearly a dozen gruesome deaths to him. Much to his surprise, he was found Not Guilty by plea of insanity and was released, even more to his surprise, to the custody of the woman who had done this to him. He still has no idea how or why.

Elena, as she is known, made his life a living hell. Her unpredictable personality and insatiable appetite for sex mixed with her tendency to act more like a wolf than a human drives him crazy half the time. The rest of it is spent trying not to think about the wierdos that seem to hang around near her apartment.

While he dislikes her as a person, he can't leave her thanks to the apparent Master/Minion relationship between them. He was initially furious that she'd even think he'd want anything to do with her considering SHE'S the one who made him a murderer, but when she seemed genuinely perplexed by his lack of control (seems Natural and Infected have different baselines), he slowly got used to the idea it wasn't intentional. She's also taught him to use the transformation, even if the Full Moon requires he be bound tightly.

Adding to his troubles is the naively violent Silmaril, a Valkyrie of Odin he's apparently supposed to help adjust to the Modern World as penance for his evil deeds. Given she's about 1000 years out of date on what is acceptable and what isn't, he often wonders if eternal damnation isn't preferable to his current situation.

Motivation: Several competing factors determine his actions, the most important two being his bond with Elena and his pact with Silmaril. It seems the first is a permanent hook in his subconsciousness, even if she's too busy chasing her own tail half the time to exercise it, while the second involves keeping an ancient god from being angry at him, and perhaps other, less pleasant forces at bay.

That, and it seems making either girl happy gets him laid. It's one of the few things that keeps him sane.

Personality: He likes to be in control of a situation, and his lack thereof lately has him somewhat bitter, but he's also adaptable and has adjusted pretty well to what fate has thrown at him. Moonlight (non-full) tends to make his temper flare, but his training has helped him reign it in till more appropriate times.

Silmaril demands he help her with destroying Evil, and he reluctantly accompanies her to keep an eye on her. He won't admit it, but he's beginning to wonder if he could get used to it.

Elena, on the other hand, demands he play with her in whatever way she feels like at the moment. He finds it demeaning to play fetch for three hours only to be jumped the moment she gets bored.

Halt Evil Doer!