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(The hidden cave)
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Behind the tribe village is a hidden cave, here we found constructs and undead garding our every move.
Behind the tribe village is a hidden cave, here we found constructs and undead garding our every move.
Room 1
'''Room 1:''' From the village outside there are two passeges leading towards this room. Between these two passiges is a thirt passige that has a misterius doorway that alows people to exit normaly but is rock solid when trying to enter.
From the village outside there are two passeges leading towards this room. Between these two passiges is a thirt passige that has a misterius doorway that alows people to exit normaly but is rock solid when trying to enter.
opiside of the magical doorway is a normal door that can only be opend with a lever that is carryed by one of the enemys.  
opiside of the magical doorway is a normal door that can only be opend with a lever that is carryed by one of the enemys.  
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after opening the door the party found a small room with streaps on the wall. In the 21th centurie this would be known as a elivator with savety belts.  
after opening the door the party found a small room with streaps on the wall. In the 21th centurie this would be known as a elivator with savety belts.  
Room 2
'''Room 2:''' The elivator travels very fast and passes many curves. anyone who is not scraped in the safty belts will be damaged severly. at the bottem of the elevator the preavius elivator cart disapears about one minut bevore the next cart arrives.  
The elivator travels very fast and passes many curves. anyone who is not scraped in the safty belts will be damaged severly. at the bottem of the elevator the preavius elivator cart disapears about one minut bevore the next cart arrives.  
Room 3
'''Room 3:''' Exiting the elivator the party enters in a larghe room with three exits. the first two are stone walls that can be controled with the lever. the last door is a normal heavy wooden door.  
Exiting the elivator the party enters in a larghe room with three exits. the first two are stone walls that can be controled with the lever. the last door is a normal heavy wooden door.  
in the center of the room are two large crystal constructs in the shape of scorpions. These constructs do frost damage with every hit.
in the center of the room are two large crystal constructs in the shape of scorpions. These constructs do frost damage with every hit.
Room 4  
'''Room 4:''' extending from the right most door is a Y shaped hallway whos left leg ends at a room of about 15 by 15feet. To enter this room you must go trough a normal looking wooden door. however, when you touch the door you get effected by a curse that makes you imprizon yourself by pulling the wrong lever (to room 5).
extending from the right most door is a Y shaped hallway whos left leg ends at a room of about 15 by 15feet. To enter this room you must go trough a normal looking wooden door. however, when you touch the door you get effected by a curse that makes you imprizon yourself by pulling the wrong lever (to room 5).
In the middel of the room is a small teleport path. on the wall opiside to the door are three levers. The left most lever opens a portal to a trauser room (room 6), the middel lever opens a portal to a recengular room with a statue (room 8) and the right most lever opens a portal to a prizon chamber of about 10 by 10 feet (room 5). these portals dont stay open for long so a quick jump is needed to get trough them.  
In the middel of the room is a small teleport path. on the wall opiside to the door are three levers. The left most lever opens a portal to a trauser room (room 6), the middel lever opens a portal to a recengular room with a statue (room 8) and the right most lever opens a portal to a prizon chamber of about 10 by 10 feet (room 5). these portals dont stay open for long so a quick jump is needed to get trough them.  
Room 5
'''Room 5:''' Going trough the portal of the right most lever you come into a small room of about 10 by to feet. The only door of the room has no known way of opening. inside the room are a goblin and a strange goblin. The goblin tells you he has been inside the room for a long time.   
Going trough the portal of the right most lever you come into a small room of about 10 by to feet. The only door of the room has no known way of opening. inside the room are a goblin and a strange goblin. The goblin tells you he has been inside the room for a long time.   
To get out of this room you have to hope that someone els pulls the right most lever so that you (if your quick eunogh) can jump back trough the portal.  
To get out of this room you have to hope that someone els pulls the right most lever so that you (if your quick eunogh) can jump back trough the portal.  
the door (if it could open) leads to the other path of the Y shaped hallway from room 4  
the door (if it could open) leads to the other path of the Y shaped hallway from room 4  
Room 6
'''Room 6:''' By pulling the left most levr you can open a portal to this room. It is a pritty large room with on one side two doors. on the other side is a treasure chest on a podium and three skeletons around it. Connecting the heads of the skeletons with the seeling is a small beam of light that comes in form a hole in the seeling.
By pulling the left most levr you can open a portal to this room. It is a pritty large room with on one side two doors. on the other side is a treasure chest on a podium and three skeletons around it. Connecting the heads of the skeletons with the seeling is a small beam of light that comes in form a hole in the seeling.
when eider the connection with the light is broken or the chest is touched the culperit will be attacked by one or all of the skeletons. our party found this out when one of our members flew up to fill the hole only to find out that a skeleton could run up the wall and cealing and sudddenly stood next to him.  
when eider the connection with the light is broken or the chest is touched the culperit will be attacked by one or all of the skeletons. our party found this out when one of our members flew up to fill the hole only to find out that a skeleton could run up the wall and cealing and sudddenly stood next to him.  
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from both doors of the room goos a hallways that connects in a Y shapen and leads to the main room (room 3).
from both doors of the room goos a hallways that connects in a Y shapen and leads to the main room (room 3).
Room 7
'''Room 7:''' The last exit of room 3, the normal heavy wooden door, leads with a bend hallway to a circular room with a radius of about 15ft. In the middel of room 7 is a flame hovering over a hole in the ground. entering the room makes it attack anyone in sight.  
The last exit of room 3, the normal heavy wooden door, leads with a bend hallway to a circular room with a radius of about 15ft. In the middel of room 7 is a flame hovering over a hole in the ground. entering the room makes it attack anyone in sight.  
Room 8
'''Room 8:''' Using the middel lever of room 4 you will open a portal to room 8. At one end of the room stands a large construct of about 10ft. high. opiside of him is a stange orb that absorbes everything that touches it, even partymembers.  
Using the middel lever of room 4 you will open a portal to room 8. At one end of the room stands a large construct of about 10ft. high. opiside of him is a stange orb that absorbes everything that touches it, even partymembers.  
on the long sides of the room are on both sides a normal door. Opening the door leads leads like room 4 to a trap. this time however in stead of a teleport the subject is droped down a trapdoor when pullign the lever.
on the long sides of the room are on both sides a normal door. Opening the door leads leads like room 4 to a trap. this time however in stead of a teleport the subject is droped down a trapdoor when pullign the lever.
comming within a few feet of the construct makes it come alive (and kill Sam).  
comming within a few feet of the construct makes it come alive (and kill Sam).  
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using the lever to go trough the trap door, that leads to a small (10ft) circulair room with one door. through that door you will come into what we belief a neverending hallway.
using the lever to go trough the trap door, that leads to a small (10ft) circulair room with one door. through that door you will come into what we belief a neverending hallway.
only with detect magic can you see that ther is indead a other door in the hallway. this door leads to some kind of transdementional keep.
only with detect magic can you see that ther is indead a other door in the hallway. this door leads to some kind of transdementional keep.
=== Transdementional keep  ===
=== Transdementional keep  ===

Revision as of 04:11, 25 July 2008

Locations (draft, spelling check not done yet)

campain site

The starting Pub

a pub of about 30 by 60ft. on the right side a long line of people who wanted te get a job on the next ship. On the left was a long bar the rest of the room was filled with tables. Near the fond of the job line where Hugh laurie and Tony Hawk. Sam and Bill where hanging around at some of the tables.

The blown up ship

This is a large ship with three decks. the main deck was clear exept for the main mast and the stering patch. below this are the holding cells. these cells ocupied about half the second deck. at the last deck is storige and rowers. these rowers are what you would call free slaves.

The 3 mountain island


A small ovel shaped island. the exact location is still unknown to the party. all they know that there ship blew up and the somehow whashed up on this island. The best discription is allot of green with 3 moutains roughly in the middle. This island seems full of poisones plants, hostile creatures and soon to be hostile creatures.

The pirates hidden ship

Acording to Brendal there is a hidden pirate ship that hold alot of trausure and alot of traps.

The spiders' cave

A half caved in tunnle that totaly distracted us from our main quest to help Brendal.

inside are four rooms.

room 1: nest of a giant hypnotizing spider.

room 2: a ghost filled bar with beer pouring out of a well in the corner.

room 3: the trausre room that contained the fairytail strory book gaurded by a talking doorknob.

room 4: the room with a tilting floor and a hole on one side. below the hole where a couple of skelletons guarding.

Fairy village

Still to be found village of the enoing Fairy people. acording to Brendal there should be alot of magical items here. The only downside is that we most likly don't stand a chance against them.

Tribe village

A small Village of a few huts that we encounterd on our way to see the chief of the tribs. This village seems te be an outpost to gaurd the hidden caves behind it.

The hidden cave

Behind the tribe village is a hidden cave, here we found constructs and undead garding our every move.

Room 1: From the village outside there are two passeges leading towards this room. Between these two passiges is a thirt passige that has a misterius doorway that alows people to exit normaly but is rock solid when trying to enter. opiside of the magical doorway is a normal door that can only be opend with a lever that is carryed by one of the enemys.

waying for the party in this room where three small tribesmen.

after opening the door the party found a small room with streaps on the wall. In the 21th centurie this would be known as a elivator with savety belts.

Room 2: The elivator travels very fast and passes many curves. anyone who is not scraped in the safty belts will be damaged severly. at the bottem of the elevator the preavius elivator cart disapears about one minut bevore the next cart arrives.

Room 3: Exiting the elivator the party enters in a larghe room with three exits. the first two are stone walls that can be controled with the lever. the last door is a normal heavy wooden door. in the center of the room are two large crystal constructs in the shape of scorpions. These constructs do frost damage with every hit.

Room 4: extending from the right most door is a Y shaped hallway whos left leg ends at a room of about 15 by 15feet. To enter this room you must go trough a normal looking wooden door. however, when you touch the door you get effected by a curse that makes you imprizon yourself by pulling the wrong lever (to room 5). In the middel of the room is a small teleport path. on the wall opiside to the door are three levers. The left most lever opens a portal to a trauser room (room 6), the middel lever opens a portal to a recengular room with a statue (room 8) and the right most lever opens a portal to a prizon chamber of about 10 by 10 feet (room 5). these portals dont stay open for long so a quick jump is needed to get trough them.

Room 5: Going trough the portal of the right most lever you come into a small room of about 10 by to feet. The only door of the room has no known way of opening. inside the room are a goblin and a strange goblin. The goblin tells you he has been inside the room for a long time. To get out of this room you have to hope that someone els pulls the right most lever so that you (if your quick eunogh) can jump back trough the portal. the door (if it could open) leads to the other path of the Y shaped hallway from room 4

Room 6: By pulling the left most levr you can open a portal to this room. It is a pritty large room with on one side two doors. on the other side is a treasure chest on a podium and three skeletons around it. Connecting the heads of the skeletons with the seeling is a small beam of light that comes in form a hole in the seeling.

when eider the connection with the light is broken or the chest is touched the culperit will be attacked by one or all of the skeletons. our party found this out when one of our members flew up to fill the hole only to find out that a skeleton could run up the wall and cealing and sudddenly stood next to him.

from both doors of the room goos a hallways that connects in a Y shapen and leads to the main room (room 3).

Room 7: The last exit of room 3, the normal heavy wooden door, leads with a bend hallway to a circular room with a radius of about 15ft. In the middel of room 7 is a flame hovering over a hole in the ground. entering the room makes it attack anyone in sight.

Room 8: Using the middel lever of room 4 you will open a portal to room 8. At one end of the room stands a large construct of about 10ft. high. opiside of him is a stange orb that absorbes everything that touches it, even partymembers. on the long sides of the room are on both sides a normal door. Opening the door leads leads like room 4 to a trap. this time however in stead of a teleport the subject is droped down a trapdoor when pullign the lever. comming within a few feet of the construct makes it come alive (and kill Sam).

using the lever to go trough the trap door, that leads to a small (10ft) circulair room with one door. through that door you will come into what we belief a neverending hallway. only with detect magic can you see that ther is indead a other door in the hallway. this door leads to some kind of transdementional keep.

Transdementional keep

The never ending hallway from the hidden cave come out at the transdementional keep. at least we think it might be a keep. so far we know it has cells that allow no magic and a painting room that shows the story of a great battle, a ruler and a amulet. Somehow the door in the wall of the hallway is is connected with a trapdoor at the bottem of one of the prizons rooms. the locals of this keep are what you can discribe as ogers in full plate, what they are really is still unknown to the party.