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The GM will, optionally, populate the setting with one or two
When ever a conflict resolution results in a minion’s
‘innocents.’ These are NPCs who embody pureness of heart,
Weariness increasing to a value greater than Reason, the
whose souls are untarnished by sin. When one or more of the
minion is captured by the Townspeople or Outsiders:
Innocents is in a scene, Reason is increased by one point for each
of them. Essentially, their presence acts to bolster and galvanize
This is a temporary situation, however, and should resolve with
the moral strength and resolve of the environment, which has
the minion again at large after the next scene, or small handful
its source in the decency and goodness of the Townspeople.
of scenes.
Having an Innocent around makes it easier for everyone
present to do what’s humanly decent in the face of opposition,
and harder to do what’s not. And when an Innocent is killed or
violated, Fear goes up by a point.

Revision as of 17:44, 8 August 2008

When ever a conflict resolution results in a minion’s Weariness increasing to a value greater than Reason, the minion is captured by the Townspeople or Outsiders: WEARINESS > REASON This is a temporary situation, however, and should resolve with the minion again at large after the next scene, or small handful of scenes.