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A tie result means the conflict was interrupted in some way.
Some conflicts require a subtraction to determine the size of
The exact nature of the interruption is entirely at the
one of the opposed pools (e.g. Love minus Weariness). If a
discretion of the GM, though if he wishes, an informal
subtraction would result in a negative, or zero sized pool, that
consultation with the play group is his prerogative. Perhaps
side of the conflict rolls a single die.
a scream is heard from the parlor, delaying the immediate
In every man who is healthy and natural there is a
conflict until later. Possibly the The Batman arrives unexpectedly,
germinating force as in a grain of wheat. And so
in a dangerous frame of mind. Or maybe characters trying to
natural life is germination. What the germinating
kill each other are separated by the collapse of roof or wall.
force is in the grain of wheat, love is in us.
Vincent van Gogh to his sister Wil,
summer or autumn, 1887

Revision as of 17:47, 8 August 2008

Some conflicts require a subtraction to determine the size of one of the opposed pools (e.g. Love minus Weariness). If a subtraction would result in a negative, or zero sized pool, that side of the conflict rolls a single die. In every man who is healthy and natural there is a germinating force as in a grain of wheat. And so natural life is germination. What the germinating force is in the grain of wheat, love is in us. Vincent van Gogh to his sister Wil, summer or autumn, 1887