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Some conflicts require a subtraction to determine the size of
The core mechanic of conflict resolution in MY LIFE WITH
one of the opposed pools (e.g. Love minus Weariness). If a
THE BATMAN is opposed rolls of d4 pools. Rolled fours are
subtraction would result in a negative, or zero sized pool, that
discarded. Totals of the remaining dice are compared, with
side of the conflict rolls a single die.
victory going to the highest total.
In every man who is healthy and natural there is a
The game is nuanced by the use of differently calculated
germinating force as in a grain of wheat. And so
pools for the various types of conflict, and by a mechanic
natural life is germination. What the germinating
that reflects one side or the other trying to influence conflict
force is in the grain of wheat, love is in us.
outcomes by playing upon the emotions of the opposition.
Vincent van Gogh to his sister Wil,
summer or autumn, 1887

Revision as of 17:47, 8 August 2008

The core mechanic of conflict resolution in MY LIFE WITH THE BATMAN is opposed rolls of d4 pools. Rolled fours are discarded. Totals of the remaining dice are compared, with victory going to the highest total. The game is nuanced by the use of differently calculated pools for the various types of conflict, and by a mechanic that reflects one side or the other trying to influence conflict outcomes by playing upon the emotions of the opposition.