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http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs20/300W/f/2007/305/6/3/Malhavok_Returns_by_Onmitsu.jpg ; or alternately  [[Image:http://blog.news-record.com/staff/culture/Culture%20Shock%20-%20The%20Joker-thumb.jpg]]

Name: Generally goes by "Crowley Malhavok", but in truth, has long forgotten his true name.
Name: Generally goes by "Crowley Malhavok", but in truth, has long forgotten his true name.

Revision as of 19:16, 7 October 2008

http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs20/300W/f/2007/305/6/3/Malhavok_Returns_by_Onmitsu.jpg  ; or alternately File:Http://blog.news-record.com/staff/culture/Culture Shock - The Joker-thumb.jpg

Name: Generally goes by "Crowley Malhavok", but in truth, has long forgotten his true name.

Age: 24


Class and stats: CN (evil tendencies) Fighter 3/rogue 2

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 16

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 18

Wisdom: 6

Charisma: 16


Appearance: He was born with cloven feet, a tail that appears both draconic and demonic, bat wings, goat like irises, and two spiralling horns jutting out of his head, and due to his forced slavery, numerous scars and marks adorn his flesh. In particular, a mark of ownership is on each shoulder, a crest of a dead alchemist above the mark of the Serpent Gang's wares. He has been mistaken for a demon because of these attributes, and the fact that he generally is seen with something on fire behind him, and a deranged grin on his face.


Personality: He is a man driven to madness, and with a goal in mind. That goal is the eventual murder of every slaver in the city and the gang that had caused so much pain in his life. However, that isn't the only part to him. When going about day to day business, such as getting alchemical ingredients for the next fire bomb, he seems alright, if somewhat creepy with how he seems to be looking past you and with a faint tic of a smile on his lips. However, he seems kindest to slaves in particular, often going out of his way to help them.


Abilities: Minor alchemic knowledge, without the actual magical ability they have. His focus is primarily combustible materials, and he knows how to make many basic explosives and special oils. His innate magic has unconsciously made him resilient to heat, such that he could be engulfed in a fireball and come out only slightly singed, but that is the extent of his magical ability so far. However, due to chemical compounds he keeps on his person, he can generally trick people into believing he can conjure fire, and primarily uses it on a sword he picked up at some point or as a ranged weapon. Also has limited flight capability due to the wings. In melee, he generally just hacks away at people with the longsword.


Background: For the first ten years of his life, he was a normal member of a family of Lilin. Then, on his tenth birthday, his world burned down around him as his parents, deeply in debt, refused to pay the debt holders, the Serpent Gang seized them, everything they owned that was movable, and burnt down the rest. From there, things got worse. His parents and siblings were sold off as slaves to different merchants, and he has never seen or heard from them since. Four years after, being abused, brainwashed, and beaten into a servile nature by the gang (which is also why he doesn't remember his own name), he was sold to a particularly sadistic alchemist.

That's when his life really went downhill, as for six years he was basically a test subject to try and learn about why different mutations happen in Lilins. However, he picked up some things secretly while in the hands of the mad genius, mostly chemical reactions that could help him. At the age of 20, he snapped. He managed to break free of restraints holding him to a table (it was going to be a study of the Lilin brain) and mix a pair of particularly volatile chemicals together. The resulting explosion killed his master and left him a free man, said freedom now devoted to trying to stop his fate from being that of others. However, he has only become noticed really as a nutjob vigilante by the gang, disrupting only a few of their weakest parts of the organization with his antics, really. This means that, for the most part, they will kill him if they get the chance to, but they will not actively search for him quite yet, when there are bigger threats out there. As for the name, he heard it somewhere and liked it, so kept it.

Quote: Crowley: "Nothing like a nice fire, don't you agree?" :D

Serpent member mook: *tied to a stake as the fire gets higher* "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLP! FOR THE LOVE OF THE HOLY, SOMEONE HELP!"

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown