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Elohim is a sensuously beautiful Angel with a athlete's body and tendancy to not wear much. She is also driven by a Miko (Order of the Stick) like anger that causes her to attack everything that remotely strikes her as evil. Thankfully, she can be dismissed by an act of will from Gabrielle Rosenberg.

Gabrielle herself is a twenty-something college student and quite cute in a nerdy sort of way.


The two sides of Elohim could not be more different. The Silmaril side of Elohim is one that is imperious, passionate, and fully believing in her Old Testament wrathful justice. She's also equally sensual and not exactly the sharpest flaming sword in the shed. It's easy for her to get easily distracted, especially by the much smarter Lucien.

The Gabrielle Rosenberg half of her soul is a meek, shy, and quiet girl who has trouble expressing herself in anything more than squeaks. She's kind and compassionate but also easily flustered. Gabrielle is a bit of a geek as well. Gabrielle is a closeted bisexual and alternatively crushes on a number of her classmates.


Elohim, as an Angel of the Celestial Bureaucracy, has myriad powers. These include flight, healing, super-strength, extra-protection, and the ability to generate a mystical sword that can smite evil. As Gabrielle Rosenberg, she is an ordinary Claremont Academy student and has no special abilities.


To understand Elohim's complicated background, one has to realize that mythology is pretty intricate in the world of Freedom City. All the various gods of the Multiverse belong to a single cosmological bureaucracy with overlapping responsibilities and activities. Entities can appear in multiple incarnations across multiple religions.

Silmaril, in her various guises, has smoted the Firstborn of Egypt and also done some rather extensive demolition work in Jericho. She also gathered the Worthy Slain in the Norway region and did some excellent work slaughtering a bunch of Romans on behalf of the Druids. Bluntly, whenever you need something killed, she's quite happy to do it.

Unfortunately, Odin, or as his true name translates "Your Fairly Typical White Bearded Sky-Father Patriarch Figure in most major Western Religions" was not particularly happy with her last couple of assignments. Specifically, she didn't kill the right Austrian Artist and she killed half a dozen Rock Stars while trying to get the one that was leading kids to Satanism.

Banishing Silmaril to the mortal plane, Odin gave her one chance to prevent Ragnarok. Unfortunately, she blew it again by mostly hanging around David of FUBAR. Odin responded by then tying her soul to a mortal host. The result has somewhat addled Silmaril's mind and left her forgetting her membership in FUBAR.

She has responded in typical fashion by attempting to eliminate the most visible demon in the region (Lucien).

Halt Evil Doer!