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Human Form: Makato


I lift a single arm experimentally, finding my motions to be serviceable for my needs. I feel my face--smooth, save a smattering of coarse fiber along my jaw, but--what's the word?--used. Slightly stretched, with a valley here, a canyon there. The suit adorning my form is exquisitely crafted, though it fits my body far better than it does my mind. I take a hesitant step in heavy shoes, feeling strength through my legs, taking care to ensure that the motion is executed with elegance and precision.


Personality: I look at the others, and it comes to me that people are effectively simple creatures. My voice yearns to be heard, to beguile, to entice, to speak their dreams in order to achieve my own. A second thought comes: it's easy to help in superficial ways but impossible to do so in meaningful ones. Why try? All the better for each to seek their own desires, to strive for them--yet, those are thoughts one cannot speak, for doing so would unravel everything.


Starting Ability Scores

Str: 11 Con: 16 Dex: 11 Int: 15 Wis: 10 Cha: 17

Final Ability Scores

Str: 11 Con: 16 Dex: 11 Int: 17 Wis: 10 Cha: 17


AC: 13 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 28 Surges: 2 Surge Value: 7

Trained Skills

Endurance (CON), Heal (WIS), Bluff (CHA), Athletics (STR), Diplomacy (CHA), Technology (INT)


Skill Focus: Diplomacy
Weapon Proficiency: Pistol, Club


1: At-Will: Manifest Persona



Persona: Bast


Bast was generally considered the primary cat goddess of Egypt. Among other things, she's referred to as as a divine mother, a protector, and the goddess of ointment. Though the goddess herself is depicted in a few different ways, the character appears as a human woman with a cat's head.


I stand tall and proud, chin level, ears up. My light brown hands, flawless and nimble, grasp a single, lengthy blade of steel without perceived difficulty. My whiskers twitch, feeling the air, while my amber eyes dart back and forth along their place in my dusky fur. My lips quirk in a benign smile as I turn, slender form moving lithely.


I love them all, but I think them... misguided. Preoccupied with such petty matters: power, possessions, money. I could help them, but they would never learn--they would repeat everything and be all the worse for it. I must guide them as a mother would--gently nudging them, giving oblique hints, even tricking them to the right path. I will shield them from permanent injury or heal them outright if needed, but I cannot walk their paths for them.


Starting Ability Scores

Str: 12 Con: 13 Dex: 11 Int: 10 Wis: 16 Cha: 14

Final Ability Scores

Str: 12 Con: 13 Dex: 13 Int: 12 Wis: 16 Cha: 14


AC: 16 Ref: 11 Fort: 11 Will: 16
HP: 25 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6

Trained Skills

Religion (INT), Heal (WIS), Insight (WIS), Arcana (INT + 2, Racial Bonus), Perception (WIS)
+2 to History (INT) due to racial bonus.


1: Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chainmail)
1: Weapon Proficiency (Longsword (Racial), Simple Melee, Simple Ranged)
1: Sehanine's Reversal
1: Ritual Casting


1: At-Will: Revert
1: At-Will: Sacred Fire
1: At-Will: Lance of Faith
1: Encounter: Healing Strike
1: Encounter: Fey Step
1: Daily: Cascade of Light

Class Features

Encounter: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Turn Undead, Sehanine's Reversal
Encounter: Healing Word


Gentle Repose


Chainmail Armor
Holy Symbol