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Kuros: I'm going to award some extra xp points for doing things like the logs. For now, I only have the logs in mind, but there will be other stuff.

Kuros: So from now on, it will be 1xp point for doing the logs.

Beyond the Tomb of Five Corners - Session 13

Kuros: We're going to fast forward a day, unless anyone has an objection?

SonoftheMetalFlame: (No objection, though that evening I will like to have summoned my demon)

Kuros: (Of course you would have. Which demon?)

Silk: (we were planning on capturing the Bull's DBs IIRC, so unless that day is spent pursuing them ...?)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (The memory-eating one)

Kuros: (We'll start right when you guys are getting ready to go look for them.)

Alyssa: (has our dragonblooded prisoner said anything more?)

Kuros: (No.)

Kuros: Have you guys stacked up wood or anything for the corposes the agatae are retrieving?

SonoftheMetalFlame: (My students will have done some work on preparing for the burials.)

Kuros: As you are standing next to the site of the upcoming pyre, you hear an agatae buzzing towards you.

Kuros: A few moments later, it releases an object that falls toward he ground, and lands a few yards in front of you. It is the corpse of the Dragon-Blooded called Cheyasa

Silk: As he recognizes the face Silk moves forward in a flash, a knife at the body's throat.

SonoftheMetalFlame raises an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?"

Silk carefully ascertains whether he is truly dead.

SonoftheMetalFlame approaches the corpse, bending over to examine any possible wounds.

Alyssa: "Where did you find this?" Alyssa asks the Agatae

Kuros: The agatae lands and walks over, and points to the north with a leg. "There. THere are more."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "How many?"

Kuros: The body has a gaping wound through its chest.

Kuros: "Two, master. Would you like to go see them?" It sounds eager.

Kuros: Its hand is tied with a piece of red silk, and you see a crumpled roll of parchment in it.

Kuros: The hand is tied shut around the parchment, rather.

Silk: In that case Silk examines the silk and the way it is bound first, trying to discern whether it was done in any distinctive style.

Kuros: It is a simple square knot.

Silk retrieves the parchment and examines it

Kuros: As you open the parchment, a silver coin falls out and to the ground.

Alyssa: "One of us probably should," Alyssa observes. "Would you like me to?" She actually looks quite eager.

Silk gives the parchment to Alyssa. The parchment says, in block letters, "My dearest Alyssa, Thank you."

Silk: "Not one of us, it may well be a trap."

Silk picks up the silver coin, too

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Agreed. Two people at least shall leave to investigate."

Silk: "I will accompany you, Alyssa, agreed?"

Silk: "Ambushes and traps are something I am familiar with."

Alyssa: "Agreed then. I think I would like to know who this correspondent of mine is."

Silk: "You do not recognize the writing?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then as you two investigate further, Thelaos and I shall tend to our... basement guests."

Alyssa: (does the block text mean anything to me?)

Kuros: (No, but it is fairly obvious it is written specifically to avoid a personal handwriting style.)

Alyssa: "No, whoever it is disguised their hand well."

Silk nods. "It is to be expected, unless identity is intented to be communicated."

Alyssa mounts the Agatae.

Silk follows

SonoftheMetalFlame bows to Silk and Alyssa, and heads into his manse.

Kuros: Silk and Alyssa to one, Thelaos to the other?

Kuros: It takes about an hour and a half of flying north to reach the spot. The agatae slowly buzz down towards the road heading north.

Kuros: On the road lies two bodies, that of Kainon and Issaga, and quite a bit of blood has soaked into ground below them.

Silk methodically examines the area, trusting in his essence-sharpened senses to pick up on any possible ambush

Kuros: The area around them is rather devastated, with furrows torn into the ground, and a few tree trunks shattered.

Alyssa: "My first suspicion is that you were dupes," Alyssa tells the two bodies, before examining them to try to determine how they were killed.

Kuros: As with Cheyasa, they have extremely obvious wounds to the chest. Issaga's arm is barely attached to the body, and Kainon's throat has been torn out.

Thelaos jumps down once the demon lands and joins Alyssa by the two slain dragonblooded.

Silk: After satisfying himself that he is not about to be ambushed Silk joins Alyssa in examining the bodies and their surroundings, trying to determine the sort of weapons used as well as the strength and skill behind them.

Alyssa: "Well other than that someone or something was quite formidable, I don't know what did this."

Thelaos crouches over the body and looks over the wounds. "I'm at a loss, myself. All I can figure is that this happened several hours ago."

Silk: "One person did this, it seems. He or she was riding south, met these two here, then rode back north."

Thelaos: "It doesn't *look* like the work of a man.. but I've seen Son of the Metal Flame grow claws."

Alyssa: "So they were either intercepted, or this was a planned rendevous."

Thelaos: "Can you track it, Silk?"

Silk: "There are weapons which leave such marks."

Alyssa: "How clear are the tracks?"

Silk: "Look here. And there. Hoofprints, quite clear. We could follow them, yes."

Alyssa: "Then perhaps we should. And with haste. If this is the Bull or one of his agents, I'd rather that they didn't get away."

Silk: "Indeed. Though it is hard to say, what force and agenda is behind this, we should endeavour to gain more information."

Thelaos looks back in the direction of Son's manse. "Whatever did this has been moving for hours already.."

Silk: (can we follow the tracks while flying low on the agatae?)

Kuros: (Yes, as long as they remain obvious)

Alyssa shrugs. "We should hurry then." *

Kuros: You follow the tracks to the north, but after several miles, they just stop.

Silk: (any sign of what happened that made the tracks stop or disappear?)

Kuros: (No, they just stop.)

Alyssa: "I hate it when that happens."

Alyssa checks around looking for any hidden tracks.

Silk: "This is curious. Some magic at work, no doubt."

Kuros: (Per+Survival, Alyssa)

Silk: 5 sux

Alyssa: 10 sux

Kuros: (Neither of you find anything. They just disappear.)

Alyssa starts swearing like a sailor.

Silk: "Great skill and power. Not entirely unexpected from someone capable of taking out three Dragonblooded at once."

Thelaos: "I suggest we search this area briefly and return to Son's manse if we find nothing. Who ever did this wanted Alyssa to follow this far.."

Silk frowns. "Careless of me not to consider that. If it was meant as a distraction ... yes, let us hurry!"

Alyssa: "I suppose you are correct. We are accumulating unidentified adversaries at a rate that defies all measures of paranoia."

Silk grins crookedly. "Now does my paranoia still seem unwarranted?"

Alyssa: "Insufficient rather."

Silk sighs.

Alyssa: "We should leave now I think. I do not believe that there is anything here and we can talk as we travel."

Silk just nods and remounts the agata

Thelaos: "Very well."

Thelaos takes one last glance around the area, and climbs on the demon again.

Kuros: As you arrive back at the manse, work on a wall has begun.

Silk: With practiced motions Silk checks his multitude of weapons, a ritual that seems to calm him.

Thelaos dismounts his ride and joins the others in looking for Son.

Silk: As he dismounts he directs the two agatae: "And now please retrieve those two bodies and place them with the other over here."

Kuros: The agatae buzz off, heading north

Alyssa goes over to help preparing the many bodies for cremation.

Silk: "Let's hold off on cremating the three Dragonblooded for the moment, Alyssa. I want to see if there's more we can learn from them yet and that will have to wait for nightfall." He places the Dragonblooded's jade daiklaves with their corpses.

Silk: That said Silk quickly follows Thelaos, looking for Son.

Alyssa looks perplexed and then arranges for the three bodies to be laid out seperately from the main heap of bodies.

Alyssa: "I can cremate them myself, when the time comes."

SonoftheMetalFlame can be found out behind the shop, directing students on how the wall will be built.

Silk: "Son of the Metal Flame, a word please?"

SonoftheMetalFlame nods, and turns to his students. "If there are any questions, come find me." With that, he walks over to Silk.

Silk: "We found the two other dragon-graced agents, both dead, killed by someone of great power."

Thelaos nods, "they were quite literally ripped apart."

Silk: "That person came from the north and there are tracks returning north, but they disappear after a few miles. Likely some sort of Charm."

Silk: "It would have required a lot of information to set up, but it may have been a ploy to lure us away from here. Have you noticed anything unusual in our absence?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Nothing here has been unusual, no."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I suspect this could easily have been the work of the Twilight that I met in the crystal."

Silk: "All students, all prisoners, all items of value are accounted for?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It would appear so. I have not been checking on the prisoners frequently, but they have not left that I know of."

Silk nods. "I will check again, just in case, if that is ok."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Certainly."

Thelaos follows Silk to the prisoners' room, thinking out loud, "It may not be the same woman. This attacker seemed more concerned about Alyssa.. and we had no indication that the Bull's servants knew about her."

Kuros: The blood ape is still standing outside the door, glaring at everything in general.

Silk: "Difficult to say whether it is any of the known players or a new one, yes."

Thelaos: "Whatever the case, we need to act quickly. Whether this is one enemy or three, we are falling behind."

Silk: "I am keeping a list ..."

Silk gestures for Thelaos to go ahead and open the door. "Don't be alarmed now, I will return to you in a bit." As Thelaos opens the door to the prison room there is a strange flash of colorless essence, then only a white silhouette that quickly evarporates into nothing remains where Silk was just standing.

Silk: (Hidden Sun Prana, don't want the DBs to see my face)

Thelaos smiles slightly at Silk's abrupt disappearance, and steps into the room to check on the prisoners.

Kuros: The prisoners are still bound, but both are awake now.

Kuros: The leader looks up as you enter. "You!"

Thelaos nods, "me, yes. Good to see you recovering."

Kuros: "Release us! Or House Tepet will raze this place to the ground!"

Thelaos: takes a few steps toward them, only close enough to get a better look at their wounds, "The politics of the Realm do not interest me. I am not the most well-informed on the activities of your houses.. but last I heard, House Tepet was not at the height of its power."

Kuros: "I said, release me!"

Kuros: The second Dragon-Blooded says nothing, watching his commander

Thelaos simply shakes his head. "You're wasting your breath, Tepet."

Thelaos crosses his arms and watches the two, wondering what to do with them.

Kuros: The Dragon-Blooded growls, and says again, "You will release me, or you will suffer for this!" His voice seems more authoritative this time, more powerful...(13 dice to release him)

Thelaos: (mdv 11.. castemark is barely visible)

Thelaos sighs at the DragonBlooded's continued insistence. After a pause, he simply states, "we're done here."

Thelaos turns and heads for the exit (going to look for Son)

Kuros: (You find him outside his workshop)

Thelaos: "We need to talk about those prisoners.."

Silk leaves the room as well and spends about half an hour methodically sneaking through all parts of the academy, looking for anything that seems out of place or otherwise suspicious.

(Silk botches his Per+Investigation roll)

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Certainly. What about them?"

Thelaos: "We need to discuss those prisoners. Right now, they're our only clue about what was stolen from your library and its significance."

Thelaos: "We need to find out what that is now. We could be facing a number of enemies, and right now we're doing nothing."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "So they appear uncooperative?"

Thelaos: "Yes. I've never been skilled in manipulation, but someone needs to convince them to talk."

Thelaos: "This is all we have to work with.. we can not make a move until we know more. And our enemies are certain to be moving as we speak."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Well. I have summoned a demon that can rid them of their memories of the battle. It is possible that we might make progress if they forget what exactly happened."

Thelaos: "Is there a chance that they will forget what little they may know about what happened here?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I think it is likely they will only forget the battle itself. The demon can only consume passionate memories."

Thelaos: "Where is this demon?"

SonoftheMetalFlame points to a spot on the grass next to him, the color completely drained from the ground. "He is hard to see, but he is sitting right there."

Thelaos blinks, "ah.. I see."

Thelaos: "I will find Alyssa - we should consult her about this first. How soon can you have the demon.. do its work?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It can begin at any time.":

Alyssa approaches the three of them. "The funeral for the soldiers should be ready before the sun sets," she advises. "What do you have in mind for the dead Exalted?"

SonoftheMetalFlame shakes his head. "I have nothing in mind for the dead other than a proper burial. Silk sounded like he had some plans, though."

Thelaos: "Alyssa.. unless Silk learns something from those three, our only hint as to what has been happening and why will come from our two prisoners."

Thelaos: "Son of the Metal flame says that a demon can remove their memory of the battle, possibly making them more amenable to working with us. But you've spoken with them already. What do you think..?"

Alyssa: "I do not like the idea, but I can see the value of doing so. At the least, it would hide our capabilities. Do you mean to release them then?"

Thelaos: "I'm not sure yet."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We will have to figure out what to do with them once we have what we want out of them."

Thelaos: "If they were here for something.. making them think that they've gotten it and sending them on their way could distract their allies.. but we don't know enough yet."

Alyssa: "I might be able to bargain with them, if we can offer them some hope. If you are out of sight, Thelaos, then it might be possible to persuade them that the 'anathema' has left and offer them freedom to leave in return for an explanation of their presence here."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Well, without their memories of the battle, they shouldn't at all recall that Thelaos is an Exalted of any sort."

Thelaos: "Whatever the two of you feel is best.. but we should do it soon."

Alyssa: "Can you be sure that removing their memories will not affect their ability to answer our questions? If not then it would best be done after they have been questioned."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It is only the battle that will be erased from their minds. I assure you."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "But Thelaos is correct. We should begin soon."

Alyssa: "Can you rig some item up that I can present as an artifact that detects lies? A little showmanship might not go amiss."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I can easily make something like that, yes."

Alyssa: "And what do you propose if they are not forthcoming? I am hardly a torturer, you understand. I cannot force them to talk, only make the best of whatever they do say."

Silk drifts by looking haunted, constantly looking to all sides as if expecting an ambush any second.

Silk: "Something is not right. Everything looks normal, nothing is out of place, everything is quiet. Too quiet. I must be missing something."

SonoftheMetalFlame cracks a smile at Silk and chuckles quietly. "It is actually fairly comforting to hear you say that."

Alyssa blinks. "Don't worry. I'm sure that some catastrophe will materialise any moment now." Then she looks around suspiciously.

Silk is dead serious. "You feel it too? A sense of foreboding, something warning me of danger ... but I can sense nothing."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Well, while you two await disaster, I am going to quickly make a little trinket that will hopefully look somewhat mystical."

Thelaos: "Silk.. they're about the interrogate those two prisoners. You and I should find a place with a good view of the area in case something *is* coming."

SonoftheMetalFlame bows and heads into his workshop.

Alyssa: "Merely an appreciation that fate rarely misses such a cue."

Alyssa follows Son but waits at the door to the workshop, not wanting to disturb any of Son's work.

Silk: "I will keep making my rounds and notify you if I find anything. I just wanted to make sure you're warned."

Thelaos nods, "I will be up there."

Thelaos makes for the top of the manse (assuming it's accessable) and strings his bow.

Silk keeps walking around the academy, sometimes sneaking from shadow to shadow on silent feet, sometimes walking openly in a student's clothes, under the cover of Charm-powered anonymity. He keeps an especially close eye on one of Son's students, Durnid, the one who was assigned to 'assist' the three Dragonblooded.

Kuros: You hear two piercing screams, one after the other, from where the Dragon-Blooded are being held.

Alyssa runs in the direction of the prisoners

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I guess I should have realized that it would hurt to have your memory eaten.)

Kuros: The door is open, and the two Dragon-Blooded are lying on the ground, quivering.

Silk: In a moment Silk's clothes reconfigure themselves and as a figure cloaked in gray, hooded and veiled he races towards the source of the screams, weapons drawn.

Kuros: Several of Son's students are standing beside the door.

Thelaos: (I'm staying up top, looking to see if I can find anyone/anything coming or going in a hurry)

Kuros: The Dragon-Blooded are just lying on the ground, quivering.

Kuros: One of the students looks up "Is something wrong?"

Alyssa: "Apart from the unexpected screaming?"

Alyssa: "Sol, no. What could possibly be wrong? And where's Son?"

Kuros: "Well, I can't imagine the process of having your memory eating is pleasent."

Kuros: The student shrugs. "I don't know. He ordered the noresore to...deal with the Dragon-Blooded."

Silk wordlessly checks that the prisoners' shackles are in order, the room secure, no strangers present, then nods once to Alyssa and leaves again.

Kuros: Son arrives a few moments after.

SonoftheMetalFlame approaches the small crowd. "Everyone please return to your duties. Their pain is quite temporary and will leave no lasting damage, so there is no need for concern."

Kuros: The students mill about, and then depart.

Alyssa looks unimpressed. "A little warning wouldn't have hurt. You know how edgy Silk can be."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I'm sorry. I thought I had been clear that I was going to remove their memories while I worked on the 'truth-telling artifact'."

Alyssa: "Yes. Well, the non-savants amongst us weren't expecting such a noisy process. For all I knew, your demonic evil-twin had turned up to kill our prisoners or something."

SonoftheMetalFlame shrugs. "Truthfully, I didn't know it would be so noisy either. This is the first time I have done this."

Alyssa: "In any event, no use crying over spilt milk. How long is this likely to take."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I don't know how long their recovery will take."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We can have someone keep watch, but I imagine it won't take much longer than an hour - two at the most."

Kuros: (We'll fast forward an hour unless someone wants to do something)

Kuros: The Dragon-Blooded begin to stir, and struggle to sit up

SonoftheMetalFlame sets off to find Silk.

Alyssa makes sure the door is secure and goes after him for the trinket she requested.

Alyssa: (doesn't need to do anything, just look artifacty)

SonoftheMetalFlame hands Alyssa the trinket before he sets off.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (And it definitely does nothing other than look artifacty, haha)

Alyssa waits until the Dragonblooded are relatively coherent before entering.

Silk: A few hours later Silk finally seems to have overcome his bout of paranoia.

Alyssa closes the door behind her. "Gentlemen. You have, I regret to say, blundered quite spectacularly." (Judge's Ear, Sagacious Reading of Intent)

SonoftheMetalFlame approaches Silk, his pace deliberate. "My students are becoming uneasy at your behavior. Is there something that I should know about?"

Silk frowns. "I was certain there was something malign at work or about to begin its work here, but I have no found anything substantial. Now I am not so certain anymore. Sometimes the same instincts that warn of danger can mislead."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Well, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. Just... try not to scare my students anymore." He smiles and walks off, back to the door of the prisoners.

Silk: As Son leaves Silk continues, more to himself than to anyone else. "But then, maybe I am meant to think that. Such techniques exist ..." He shakes his head, frustrated at this infinite recursion.

Silk: After a few seconds he follows, deciding to hear what informations the prisoners can give as well.

Alyssa: "Silk, I'm going to release one. The other is going to be allowed to watch him leave."

Alyssa: "They do not recall the battle, so it seems as safe as it would ever be."

Silk: "What do they recall?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Indeed, what is it that they do remember?"

Alyssa: "One of them - Desane - claims to recall their orders. He has offered, sincerely, to explain to the full extent of his knowledge, their presence here."

Silk: "What will they tell upon returning to their commanders?"

Alyssa: "No way of knowing without showing more of my hand than I care to."

Alyssa: "And in any case, I'm hard pressed to find out the present and past, I'm not an astrologer to tell you the future."

Silk thinks. "If they are without any memory of the battle then their minds are fertile soil for any suggestions you would plant."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "What suggestions would we make?"

Alyssa: "As best I can tell they don't know exactly how they were captured."

Silk: "Our cover story was great sorcery, as I recall."

Silk: "Illusions to turn their fears against them would explain any wild stories other survivors might have about Anathema."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "And we can also squarely pin the blame on the three dragon-blooded that they were no doubt after."

Silk: "That a single sorcerer can easily decimate an army is also well known."

Alyssa: "Simple enough."

Silk: "What do we gain by blaming others?"

Silk: "If we say those three are gone, they might try again. If it is the power of this academy that denied them, they will think twice."

Alyssa: "Simply state that sorcery caused their soldiers to kill each other and that we captured the two of them for information."

Alyssa: "Assuming that they ask, which seems likely since I can't imagine they'll miss seeing the pyre."

SonoftheMetalFlame sighs. "I do not want House Tepet to return. If they learn that I killed their soldiers, they shall do just that. If they learn that some men deceived me and then ran off with my possessions after laying waste to their army, I imagine they would be far more interested in those men."

Alyssa: "Very well then. Three visitors claiming to be here on behalf of the Bull. They panicked when the Tepet soldiers arrived and used sorcery on them."

Silk sighs. "How will House Tepet react to that, I wonder? Is there even any way we can predict that?"

Alyssa: "Best chance of getting what Son wants. I imagine that the Bull scares most of them near witless."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I don't think that we can. The best we can hope for is that they will do nothing. If they choose to attack again, they will find I am much better prepared."

Silk: "Mentioning the Bull could be advantageous, yes, they will fear him."

Silk: "Yes, let's keep that story."

Alyssa: "Alright. Ready to play guards?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Oh, I shall play myself. I wish to apologize to them for what has occurred."

Silk hides his face behind a grey mask. "Yes."

Alyssa: "Don't apologise. I've told them we know they were here on a landgrab and that we don't approve."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Then there shall be no apology, but I shall not pretend to be anyone other than myself."

Alyssa: "Sympathy, yes. Actually showing remorse would not be useful."

Alyssa: "And by all means. Do you want to have Sibu on hand as well?"

Alyssa: "Oh, and a horse. The tiredest nag you can find on short notice."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I'll ask Sibu if he wishes to be here, but you'll have to excuse me momentarily to scare up a horse."

Alyssa: "Fair enough. I don't see any reason to give their own horses back to them."

SonoftheMetalFlame bows and walks off.

Alyssa: "Alright. Who wants to unchain the dragonblood?"

Alyssa: "I'm not muscular enough to wrestle with him if he gets rowdy."

Silk: "I will do it."

Alyssa: "I suggest Desane - the talkative one - be taken first and chained to something. Then take Neset up and release him."

Silk: Behind his mask Silk's eyes change to blue and what little can be seen of his skin takes on a more regional tone.

Silk nods and does as instructed

Kuros: (Let's compress a bit, since I have to go soon.)

Kuros: (Do you free Neset?)

Alyssa: (and let him ride off on the worst horse Son can find)

Silk: (according to Alyssa's instructions, yes)

Alyssa: (without his artifacts either)

Kuros: OK. Nesane watches him ride off, then turns to Alyssa.

Kuros: "As we agreed, then."

Kuros: "We were sent to take possession of the library in this manse, and to search for information regarding a city called Shebeth."

Alyssa does not react to the name.

Alyssa: "And who gave those orders, please."

Kuros: He sighs. "Tepet Svartha. He is desperate to find some way to regain our power, after the...conflict with Yurgen."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Please tell Tepet Svartha to send a request rather than an army next time. I am certain that we could have done this peacefully."

Kuros: "It was not his idea," he snaps.

Alyssa: "Oh?"

Kuros: "This...temptress has him ensnared."

Alyssa: "Really. Does she have a name?"

Kuros: "Rose Blossom is what he calls her."

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Does that sound at all familiar?)

Kuros: (No.)

Kuros: "There. I have told you what I know. What do you intend to do with me?"

Alyssa: "I have a few more questions. Answer them and you can join your kinsman in leaving."

Kuros: "I make no promises. What do you wish to know?"

Alyssa: "Tell me more about this Rose Blossom."

Kuros: He shrugs. "She arrived several months ago, and within weeks, she had Svartha under her control."

Kuros: "Now, he does little that isn't at her behest."

Alyssa: "And no one has taken steps against her? This Svartha certainly has you all under his thumb."

Kuros: He growls, "Only a few of us suspect what influence she has. Strangely, we often find ourselves sent away from the capital."

Alyssa: "How coincidental," Alyssa says sarcastically.

Alyssa: "I take it that they are resident in the Imperial City then?"

Kuros: He nods.

Alyssa: "Do you have any idea why they want to know about this Shebeth? Or where that city might lie?"

Kuros: "I do not knwo where it is, just that the information was in this library."

Kuros: Sarcasm drips into his voice, "As for why, I would imagine the benefits of a First Age city would be obvious."

Alyssa: "A First Age city? Well that's more information than I had, so thank you."

Kuros: (I have to get ready to go.)

Kuros: (So we will stop here.)

Kuros: (7 xp)