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Contact Emma Hamilton.
Given KoL's plans, I'm not sure if this is advisable.
Meet with Cecil Becker.
The reclusive industrialist, Cecil Becker, seems to be a player in 'mystical' matters. It was he who sent Henrik to the Sandoo Islands to examine the guardian stones that were originally trapping the Principle of Compassion. We had set up a meeting with him some time ago, but after journeying to Tibet we never returned to speak with him.

Given Pentheus's English designs and the possible knowledge/power possessed by Cecil, it would behoove us to expend some effort to meet with him. I think we shouldn't forget about this. We've put it off for quite awhile, but he is involved somehow with Henrik. He could be as important as Pentheus and we just don't know.
Contact Auda's new 'Balance'.
Given the results of the meeting with Usher, if this becomes in any way feasible, I should seek to take care of this issue.
Talk to the Kings.
I need to open a dialogue with all of the kings. The current path they are following is chaotic and counterproductive.