Global Might

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Mordor: By his real name Moe Stark, he used to be a reasonably competent thug for the Megalopolis crime syndicates. That is, until they decided to get together to create the best supervillain they could to represent their interests against the city's superheroes. It is suspected that Shadow had a hand in the process, but whatever really happened, Moe volunteered to get hit with every super-power giving treatement the syndicates could get their hands on. He came out one of the strongest men in the world (with some regenerative capabilities), and was subsequently equipped with some very high-tech equipment, including (but not restricted to) a flight suit and a gun designed to kill the most robust capes out there.

He could now fight Megalopolis's superheroes, but he had bigger ambitions. With help from Shadow, Mordor found other A-list supervillains, and created Global Might - the dark reflection of the Global Champions. Under his competent leadership, Global Might has become feared the world over. They are known to maintain their HQ in the Cryosphere, and work on occasion both with Shadow and Cryo. Others have employed them at times, but they're not incapable of launching their own schemes.

Angelbane: Ever since Avalon has returned from Limbo, Nollius has seen several of his plans foiled by the world's superheroes. It is certainly with that in mind that he created Angelbane - a creature designed for the sole purpose of killing heroes. Her winged, sleek, monstrous form hides her equally monstrous powers, and killing heroes is more than an obsession for her - it's the very purpose of her existence.

Reaper (incomplete): Arguably the greatest serial killer of all times, Thomas Benson is said to need to kill at least one person every day, and at least one superhero every week. Arguably the weakest member of Global Might, he would probably be little more than a street-level villain, if he hadn't come into possession - no-one knows how - of some impressive equipment. His ghastly mask (combination of a skull mask and a "Scream" mask) is said to let him see through walls, and his scythe has a monomolecular edge, allowing it to cut through metal. Reaper has been heard bragging that he could behead the Statue of Liberty if he wanted to. That may not be exaggeration. It ought to be noted that, in addition to his great stealth, he is one of the greatest melee fighters in the world.

Jack of all Trades: Like Mordor, Wolf Nelson began his career as a simple (albeit more competent than average) thug. He eventually left his native London for Megalopolis; at some point, someone (identity subject to speculation) did an operation on him, grafting a micro-chip inside his brain. Said chip gives him improved learning capabilities, especially where physical skills are concerned. He soon became competent in many fields...And almost unmatched in combat. A few years ago, he visited the Shaolin monastery, and killed dozens of monks and students with his bare hands, for the sole purpose of watching their moves: Indeed, once he sees a technique, he is usually capable of replicating it. His chip is also believed to assimilate his opponent's fighting style and predict his next move. In addition to all that, Jack has come into possession of a kinetic gun - a deadly weapon, with which he has killed many superheroes.

Blitzkrieg: During WWII, Otto Skorzeny was nicknamed "the most dangerous man in Europe". A daring, highly competent officer of the Waffen SS, the Nazi soldier was already infamous for his achievements when the Reich began using magic in desperation. Skorzeny was picked for a special ritual, designed to turn him into the deadliest soldier at Hitler's disposal. The ritual was a success, giving him amazing speed, as well as the ability to imbue the bullets he shot with immense destructive energy. The newly christened Blitzkrieg became the Whermacht's best super-soldier.

At the war's end, Skorzeny would not go down. He escaped all attempts to catch him, together with some of his men. Over the years, he formed a mercenary group. It is believed that in recent decades, he has become more of mercenary than an actual Nazi; whether that is true or not, his powers and experience made him an obvious recruit for Global Might.

White Witch: Not much is known about this mysterious character, save that her powers make her one of the most powerful magic-wielders in the world. It is suspected that she is not exactly human, but rather elven, despite her white skin (as opposed to Avalon's green inhabitants). She has apparently come out of Limbo over a decade ago, and established herself as a cunning villainess.

Upstart: No less of a mystery than White Witch, the being known as Upstart has appeared some time ago, claiming to be a demigod from another world, and displaying powers not much unlike the Avatar's (though considerably weaker). This has fueled much speculation, though their attitudes are almost polar opposites - whereas the Avatar is every bit the selfless hero, Upstart is a selfish, proud tyrant.

Valerius: This strangely charismatic figure, believed to be a vampire, has in recent years pretty much become Techno-Paladin's arch-nemesis. Possessing almost unrivaled magical powers and an extremely cunning mind, Valerius is every bit the arch-villain.

Gatemaster: The Australian scientist Ian Cox was one of the pioneers of teleportation, and is quite possibly still the world's #1 expert. Unfortunately, he seems to prefer using his inventions for criminal purpose: He was one of Cryo's early allies when the mad scientist first created the Cryosphere, and contributed the technology that powers Cryo's machines by teleporting in matter from the sun's core. His alliance with Cryo has served him well, as has his membership within Global Might. It is often thanks to his teleportation devices that the group's members can escape when defeated.

Toxin: Possibly the strangest and most frightening member of Global Might, Toxin is basically a cloud of black gas with luminous eyes. It is intelligent, and can kill and corrode by simple touch. Death incarnate.