Session 134
Chapter 15
[INFO] Now logging to <file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
-->| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o lazarus by Angelo
<Angelo> Hey!
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.94.75.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Angelo> Hey Knok!
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Knockwood by Angelo
=-= Angelo has changed the topic to ``Macharena channel tonight!
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Angelo> Hey!
<Knockwood> Hi RN
<Random_Nerd> Sorry if I'm a little late, was bringing people into the forum's WAR guild.
<Random_Nerd> Beth will be here in a moment.
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Random_Nerd by Angelo
<Angelo> whitch WAR guild?
<Random_Nerd> The Enemy Within, on the Vortex server.
<Random_Nerd> Trying to get it going again.
<Angelo> ?____? WoW?
<Random_Nerd> The Warhammer MMO.
<Angelo> ah, ok
<lazarus> hey all
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Laz.
<lazarus> RN: still haven't read through the HS stuff yet. Probably going to buy up with MPs, though.
<lazarus> (I suppose I could pick up a binder and sheet protectors for it when I buy them for Harn stuff I'm planning on buying :p)
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<BethE> Hi all! *HUGS*
<lazarus> hi Beth! *hug*
<Angelo> Hi Beth! *hug*
<Knockwood> Hiya Beth
<BethE> Sorry about being late.
<BethE> So, where we last week? Heading to Council?
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o BethE by Angelo
<Angelo> no, we wheew going to fing a shard (warmaid)
<Knockwood> No, Sam was finding us an Excrucian to talk to...
<Angelo> or better
<Angelo> what Knok say
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. Sam was going to return the next day with a Warmain shard, or at least, so he said.
<Angelo> nexday? he say into 2hours to get 20$
<BethE> Oh yes, we have a bet for $20.
<Angelo> next day even
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, he's going to lose that bet. But he'll still get one.
<Random_Nerd> Just not quite /that/ fast.
<lazarus> oh yeah, he bet each of us 20$ :p
<lazarus> (not that that really matters)
<Angelo> eheh
<Random_Nerd> (And he said six hours, actually. It's going to be more like eight or nine.)
<Angelo> poor Sam
<lazarus> hrm. Brian could probably really screw with Amyra's economy if he wanted. I'm interested to know what would happen...
<Random_Nerd> You can do it if you want, but fixing it would probably take time and MPs if you mess with it too badly.
<lazarus> yeah. Or it would end up on a barter, which is annoying, 'cause we'd want Star Trek instead of barter :p
<Angelo> only Brian? Each of us if he want can screw any economy....
<BethE> If you crash the economy, it will come out of _your_ allowance, young man...
<Knockwood> or anything else about Amyra
<lazarus> Angelo: Brian's established to be able to make bank accounts of infinite value, so... a bit easier for him.
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk could do that too, with his secondary domain.
<Angelo> yeah, sure but... we are NOBLES...
<Angelo> eheh nice!
<lazarus> is true ... could crash Amyra's with Realm if nothing else.
<Random_Nerd> So, ready to go?
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Angelo> I'm ok
<Brian> I think so
<Random_Nerd> And you're waiting for Sam to come back?
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Brian> I believe so
<Ftisk> yes yes
<Theresa> Sure.
<Brian> how's the progress on the collider going?
- Theresa will relax in a sunbeam while waiting for Sam.
- DanteE continues checking out how he's viewed on Amyra's web...
<Random_Nerd> The plans are pretty much ready, but construction has not yet begun.
<Random_Nerd> _________START______________
- Ftisk float around waiting
<Theresa> "Dante, internet polls are never healthy. And for Kudzu's sake, don't read the comments."
- Brian will be "on the phone" talking to folks aobut getting the collider ready.
<DanteE> "You forget I took classes in abnormal psych."
<Random_Nerd> The telephone on the desk rings.
<Brian> (Which is your favourite Noble? ... like Best Dr. polls, it's who comes /second/ that matters :p)
- DanteE hits the speakerphone...
<DanteE> "Batcave."
<Theresa> "Sanity, crutch and all that...but this is the _Internet_."
<Random_Nerd> Sam, on the phone: "This is Sam. I found you a Warmain Shard, and I owe you twenty bucks."
- Brian goes to the Batcave.
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the phones normally don't connect to outside the chancel.)
<Brian> (no, but the head-phone does :p)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Are you willing to meet him outside the chancel?"
<Ftisk> "Yes sure"
<Brian> "I suppose so. I'm not sure whether I'd prefer neutral ground, or home ground here ... but I guess neutral means he can only get to us..."
<DanteE> "What kept you, by the way?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Finding friendly warmains is /hard/."
<DanteE> "Makes sense. What's his story?"
<Theresa> (So is math!)
<Random_Nerd> Everone, you hear a whooshing sound, and an orange flame flies in through an open window, engulfing Ftisk.
<Brian> "Ftisk?"
<Theresa> (Is Ftisk burning/in pain or is this something else?)
<Random_Nerd> You hear a sound like Ftisk being tapped with dozens of tiny hammers.
- Brian thinks to himself "... I wonder if he'd notice if I dropped the 'F' sound..."
<Random_Nerd> (He doesn't say or do anything.)
<Theresa> "Crud, I hope this isn't a bad sign from his Imperator."
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk lowers to the desk, and his exterior seems to have melted and re-solidified.
<Ftisk> "..."
<Random_Nerd> Then a crack forms.
<Brian> "Tisk? You're cracked. You ok?"
<DanteE> (always knew you were slightly cracked... :) )
<Theresa> "Do you need a drink?"
<Ftisk> a tiny Ftisky exit from the crack and start eating the remaing...
<Brian> "Molting?"
- Ftisk do a loud ding "Upgrade completed!"
<DanteE> "Either that or you're learning from Kudzu..."
<Theresa> "Oh come on, Ftisk, you've been hanging out here too much..."
<Theresa> (Jinx, Dante. :) )
<DanteE> (:P)
<Ftisk> "woha!!!"
- Ftisk fell ... diferent
<Theresa> "Do you need anything, Ftisk?"
<DanteE> "What happened there, Ftisk?"
<Ftisk> "... I .. I belòieve Vulcan go over my design and changed or add something..."
<Theresa> "Quite the update launcher."
<DanteE> "Anyway... Sam. What's the shard's story, and where can we meet?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "New York, and you'll hear it when you get there."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But he's willing to talk peacefully if you are."
- Ftisk try a LC of Lady Ofaniel (Moon Angel) Ftisk size
<Random_Nerd> (Animate, or just a sculpture?0
<Random_Nerd> )
<Ftisk> (animated but limited like a 3 or 4 function robot)
<Brian> "Shall we be off? Noblemobile I presume?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam gives you details of where to meet.
<DanteE> "Why not...."
<DanteE> "Sam, can you be more specific about the location?"
<Theresa> "Did we meet the Hell guy in New York or Chicago..."
<Random_Nerd> (Well, Sam gave the details, I just don't want to have to figure out where on a map of new york.)
- Ftisk poke little Ofaniel reply [barbie voice]Ftisk, I love you soooo much [barbie voice]
- Theresa raises an eyebrow. "How would she feel about your little doll, Ftisk?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "What was that?"
<Theresa> "Although it is very pretty."
<Ftisk> "look! it work!"
<Brian> "Ftisk got an upgrade"
<Ftisk> "ehm is a test, only a test..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay. Not asking for details."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "See you in an hour."
- Ftisk hide the doll afthe his shoulder...
<Theresa> "OKay, let's head out to New York. Ftisk do you need a new human disguise?"
<Ftisk> "yes is better is if I take a body"
<Ftisk> "we can pass from the junkyard before heading out so I can take a body."
<Theresa> "Okay. We'll need to look more common when outside of the Chancel since these will be unprotected humans mostly about."
<DanteE> "Or, one of us could just hide him under a coat..."
<Random_Nerd> (Really, guising is sufficient.)
<Ftisk> "I can pass again for a bird
<Ftisk> "
<Brian> "A parrot? Anoyone have an eyepatch?"
<Ftisk> (side note Ftisk body can have wing, vestigial one but wing)
<Theresa> (He just hovers like an albatross? :) )
<Ftisk> (Ftisk want a cracker!)
<DanteE> "I do, oddly enough..."
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk has the aspect-based flying, I believe, with retractable wings.)
<Ftisk> (no use a gift to fly, . yesr what rn say)
<Brian> "And you're good with swords!"
<Brian> "We have our honourary pirate!"
<Theresa> "Then let's shove off."
<DanteE> (We're demonboxing again. What's important is that we get there, not how."
<Random_Nerd> (So, cut to you arriving at Sam's meeting place, a not-particularly-crowded restaraunt.)
- Theresa looks pretty normal in a pastel dress.
<Brian> (a restaurant oddly entitled "Sam's". It serves italian cuisine. Not very good italian cuisine, at that.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam is sitting at a table. He's using the human-disguise pollen that Theresa made for him. Next to him is a middle-aged woman in casual clothing, and an inhumanly thin man wearing elaborate silver armor.
<Random_Nerd> Nobody seems to be noticing the fancy shiny armor, or for that matter the sword.
<Random_Nerd> Sam waves to you.
- Brian will take a seat. "Nice place you've found, Sam."
<Ftisk> (Ftisk leave the doll into the junkyard in a place he hope Gnomely will not find)
- Ftisk weave back
- DanteE sits at the table...
<Theresa> "Greetings." *nods at the new people*
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "This is Anne and Haukr. Haukr is a warmain shard, although he prefers not to give the name of his parent-Excrucian."
<Ftisk> Ftisk is as guised snail => parrot
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "These are the Nobles I was telling you about."
<Theresa> "Pleased to meet you. And Anne, you are?"
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "My guest."
<Theresa> "Ah."
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "I was hoping that, in exchange for me talking with you, one of you could help her with a problem she's been having."
- Ftisk change DantE's shoulder he rest upon in a nervously manner
<Brian> "well, I guess we should hear the problem first?"
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "Life insurance. They're unwilling to pay what they owe for her husband's death. He died under circumstances that cannot be fully explained to them."
<Random_Nerd> Anne glances nervously at all of you, and then back at Haukr.
<Random_Nerd> H: "Not the sort of problem I'm easily able to solve, but you Nobles have such oddly flexible talents."
<Brian> "Ok... what part is the problem that needs to be fixed?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Get them to acknowlege her husband's death, and pay what they owe."
<DanteE> "What happened to him?"
<Brian> "Right, so just providing the money ourselves wouldn't solve it."
<Random_Nerd> H: "He was... killed by an excrucian-shard."
<Ftisk> "By you?"
<Theresa> "Do we need to produce a body?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Yes. It's complicated."
- Brian mutters to himself "I don't think that falls under Act of God. Act of extra-universal being, maybe, but that's never one of the withheld things."
<Random_Nerd> H: "The body exists, and has been buried, but letting them look at the body of a Noble would only open more questions."
<Brian> "ooooh, that IS interesting!"
<Theresa> "Fake body okay?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "I don't care about the details, but I've promised Anne that the issue will be resolved soon, and without bloodshed."
<DanteE> "Wait... we may be able to just use a death certificate."
<Ftisk> "Ho was his imperator?"
<Ftisk> "I can just talk with their mainframe"
<Random_Nerd> H: "The God of Harlequins. True God. Difficult to deal with."
<Theresa> "We might have to have paperwork even if the database is changed but I can handle that."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Let's just say that her husband's Familia are not assisting us with this."
<Ftisk> "And the noble domain?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "The Aristocracy."
<Theresa> "Anne, can you provide the information on your husband that would be needed for the death certificate?"
<Random_Nerd> She just nods.
<Theresa> "Can you deliver it or does it have to be via third party?"
<Random_Nerd> Anne: "What do you need?"
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk could get all the needed info with a lesser div of Data, by the way. Or for that matter, since it's stored in computers, Brian could get it with Numbers.)
- Ftisk ponder "can We (Ftisk + Theresa) do a combined miracle to modify the mainframe data and the paper data?... What do you think Theresa?"
<Brian> (I suspect that Brian's method would result in the binary, which would need a couple extra steps :p)
<DanteE> "We do that, and then it's a question of feeding it to the bureaucracy. I'll do that."
<Random_Nerd> (True. Just mentioning that it could be done that way.)
<Ftisk> "No problem for the datas I get it"
- Ftisk do the lDiv
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "You're confident that you can handle it, and willing to help her in this way?"
<Theresa> "Just wondering if it had to be delivered by a neutral party ot make sure there was no suspicion."
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "I don't know the details of how things work. Not my field. I just want to get the problem solved."
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "And it's just a little too... abstract... for my own abilities to be of much use."
<Brian> "If nothing else, we can always just provide money. That's easy."
<DanteE> "I suspect Numbers and I have ... considerable experience with bureaucracies from our former lives. :) "
- Theresa asks Ftisk for the info and LC the death certificate, complete with the fibers pressed with a notary republic of New York impression.
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "Excellent. In that case, what did you want to know? I won't betray secrets involving the War, of course, but I'm willing to talk about what I'm free to discuss."
<Brian> "Mostly ... what do you remember about Outside?"
<Brian> "and, though I suspect this falls under the secrets involving the War, but ... why?"
<DanteE> (What's listed as cause of death, though?)
<Random_Nerd> Haukr: "Some of it."
<Random_Nerd> (Well, there isn't a valid death certificate, or any of that.)
<Theresa> (Heart Attack. Death Note joke.)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, the new one.)
<Random_Nerd> (Heart attack works.)
<Brian> "We've seen people from Outside, small jaunts out, that kind of thing, who have their memory swiss-cheesed. We've also seen evidence that thought doesn't happen the same way out there as in here."
<Random_Nerd> H: "It's very... empty, out there. You in Creation don't know how good you have it."
<Theresa> "That we're crowded?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "As for the swiss-cheesing, it's hard for me to say. Most of the time, I just get recreated to be sent back into your world, to kill and die."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I don't have leisure time out at 'home' to think fondly of."
<Random_Nerd> H: "That you have all this stuff! Shapes, food, light, logic. Everything."
<Brian> "Does thought exist out there?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "We only have what scraps we could steal or barter."
<Theresa> (Do we have an Imperator of Stuff yet?)
<Random_Nerd> H: "That... depends on what you mean by thought."
<Brian> (and also Things?)
<Ftisk> "You are recreated? if you die each time you are recreated you preserve your past memories?"
<Brian> "Um. The whole talking-in-your-own-head business."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Some of them. I'm still me, at least. And I still have this shape from last time. Which is probably the only reason Anne will even listen to me."
<Theresa> "Brian, Imperators can talk in our head. You can talk in your Anchor's head."
<Theresa> (Ah, I see. His look is the same as her hubby?)
<Random_Nerd> H: "Talking in your head is not how we make our decisious, out there. It's one of the reasons our Strategists are so incredible when planning the war, but when they come in here they're hardly any smarter than me."
<Ftisk> "And for the reason for the war? What can you say?"
<DanteE> "Hm... so the memory glitching affects Strategists.
<Random_Nerd> H: "We have a right to a great deal of the things you now possess. We'll take what we're owed."
<Theresa> "You want the Wild Lords and Ladys?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "For starters. That was certainly one of the things that got it going."
<Ftisk> "You want to be as us?"
<DanteE> "Wait... _why_ do you have the right? Where did it come from?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "A strategist, out there, is like something you wouldn't believe. In here, they're smart, but they're... cruel. They have weird conceptual twists. It's unsettling."
<Random_Nerd> H: "These little worlds of yours didn't always exist."
<Random_Nerd> H: "If you steal a man's orchard, and pick the apples, who owns them, you or him?"
<Brian> "So your position is, sort of, that since the Creator carved this out of Outside, it belongs to Outside?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "He made certain deals, too, as I understand it. We held off for as long as we'd agreed to. A little longer, even."
<Random_Nerd> H: "But I don't know the details. I'm just a soldier."
- Theresa ponders the apple problem, which is weird because technically she can be the orchard and the apples.
<DanteE> (We know IC about that fuzzy 'first vision', right?)
<Brian> "Excruciating a Domain. We know that it vanishes from here. Does it go there or just vanish?"
<Random_Nerd> (Which vision?)
<Ftisk> (I believe that that was public)
<Random_Nerd> H: "It's not quite so simple as that. We get something, but it's not always exactly what you lose."
<Random_Nerd> H: "But broadly speaking, yes, as I understand it."
<Brian> "Which would explain the sometimes encountering not-quite-the-same Excrutians as the Nobles."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Hmm?"
<DanteE> (The one reaching all he way back to the beginning of the timeline)
<Random_Nerd> (Vision that who had?)
<Random_Nerd> (Carrie's one?)
<Brian> "We've occasionally encountered - we being a general Nobilis population term - apparent reincarnations of Nobles that had their domains Excruciated except that the domain isn't quite right."
<Random_Nerd> H: "That's odd. I haven't heard about that."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I don't think that happens a lot."
<Brian> "I'm avoiding the term we use, because I'm not sure if it's the one you use, and it might be construed to be insulting. Also, I forget it."
<DanteE> "Mimic."
<DanteE> "From our point of view they're near-copies."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Oh, them. They aren't naturally occurring. And I didn't think it even worked to do that to Nobles."
<Theresa> "What was the deal that was made?"
<Ftisk> (vision: )
<Random_Nerd> H: "Which one?"
<Random_Nerd> (All of you know about that, except maybe Ftisk.)
<Ftisk> (a agree, I don't know the vision)
<Theresa> "The one where you agreed to stay out for a time."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Ah. We got one of your Estates. A big one, which is now a weapon. And we held back for a time."
<Brian> "Which is presumably a secret."
<Random_Nerd> H: "The weapon? No, we like you knowing about it. Good for our morale, bad for yours."
- Brian noble-speaks to the others "How much of this do we have to report to others, by the way?"
<Brian> "Oh. Which Estate, then?"
- Theresa mentalspeaks. "Imperator first, then War, then ourselves."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Don't know what you called it. It was how a human or whatever, if they have something to do and they had their soul put together right, couldn't die."
<Brian> "... oh."
<Brian> "... shit."
<Brian> "... I'm glad Carrie's not here."
<DanteE> "Well... there's another matter:
<Random_Nerd> H: "I got to see it, once. When it was unsheathed."
<Ftisk> (I don't get it.. .what estate was?)
<DanteE> "There seems to be a rash of ... incursions. Came in the same time you did. Didn't seem to be as well planned.
<Random_Nerd> ("The quality of life which makes death impossible." Now it's the Abhorrent Weapon Colbrand, also called Monstrous. One of the seven big ones.)
<Random_Nerd> H: "I can't talk about our plans for the war. You understand."
<Random_Nerd> He takes a bite of his sandwich.
<Theresa> "Understood. How do you feel about the war?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Dirty job, but somebody has to do it."
<Theresa> "Can you produce proof of the agreement made that entitles your group to Creation?"
- Brian thinks "... HE STOLE THE BUDDHA! ..."
<Random_Nerd> H: "It's not quite that simple."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Let's say... it's a case of eminent domain. Your tree is going to be chopped down so we can build a highway there."
<Random_Nerd> H: "The papers have been properly on display in the branch office for the requisite eight thousand years or whatever."
<Random_Nerd> H: "And even though when we came to chop down the tree we found that some hippies had chained themselves to it, we're gonna build that highway."
<Brian> "Should I have some peanuts?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Nothing personal. But it's just so wasteful to have nearly all the concepts in reality be stuck in just this tiny place."
<Ftisk> "But can't the highway be constructed in another place?"
<Theresa> "Why was the wall necessary, then? If these concepts can last outside of the wall, why cage it?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "The wall is to keep us out, and keep you in. It's the hippy's chains."
<DanteE> "Come to think of it, how did Cneph get them in the first place?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "The wall? Killed some ancient titan or something."
- Brian prays to Shadows "... dude, we're chatting with a Warmain. Anything you want us to ask him?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Why don't they practice summonings?"
<Ftisk> (Smart move Brian!)
<Brian> "A friend of ours wants to know why you don't practice summonings."
- Brian prays to Shadows "I've asked him. I've also got a few other things from him you might be interested in. I'll let you know later."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Distasteful. Some of us used to and it ended badly. Really badly."
<Brian> "Transporter accident badly?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "World War starting because some stupid duke got shot badly."
<Brian> "wasn't expecting that"
<DanteE> "When was that?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "That's not a meaningful question. What with how you bastards are hogging all the time for yourselves."
<DanteE> "Ah yeah, forgot."
<DanteE> "Is that The War, or a different one, though?"
<Theresa> "You have a point there. Although I hear that 500 years went AWOL."
<Random_Nerd> H: "The War was going to happen sooner or later. It just may have affected how and when it started."
<Ftisk> "Last time your boss send you here. Now you returned willingly? I mean you _choose_ to came here again? Or you was send here?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Given that you guys won't let us have any ice cream, it's in poor taste to gripe about how one of your many cones got dropped to the ground."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I'm always sent here, when I can get me through. Been here for close to a year, this time. Got in pretty soon after the last time."
<DanteE> (Whoops... we told Sam we were looking for someone who came in at the same time as Sakharoth and the attack on Jaris)
<Random_Nerd> (There's a reason he picked this one.)
<Random_Nerd> (He couldn't find the exact sort you wanted, so he picked a shard that started acting really strangely at around that time.)
<DanteE> "Did you know Suebi?"
<Theresa> "Would you be willing to bring your grievances before the Council?"
<Random_Nerd> (He figured it would probably be worthwhile.)
<Random_Nerd> H: "Not me as you would understand it."
<Ftisk> (is a yes but... then)
<DanteE> "But you sort of did."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Would the allied powers in World War II have agreed to have things get settled by a village court in Italy"
<Random_Nerd> H: "My larger self has met Suebi on occasion. This shard has not met him during the time when I have been forming it in this way."
<Theresa> (Was Amyra involved in World War II?)
<Random_Nerd> (You probably provided soldiers to the allied side, but no major battles took place in Amyra.)
<Ftisk> (was Amyra in Africa?)
<DanteE> (Yeah, we figured East coast.)
<Random_Nerd> (Northern Africa.)
<Random_Nerd> (East of where the coast ends in real life.)
<Ftisk> (well there can have been some invading troops, but the bulk of the war was into europe)
<Random_Nerd> (And for context, what Sam said he'd go out and do was really hard. He's done the best he can.)
<DanteE> "Can you tell us about the last time you talked?"
<DanteE> "to Suebi. And I get that it was not _you_ per se."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I can't tell any of the business of my larger self."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Or, more specifically, I won't."
<DanteE> "You do know Suebi may be over here now, yes?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "I have no comment on that matter at this time."
<Theresa> (Thank you, Senator.)
<Ftisk> (lol)
<Theresa> "Have you noticed any changes in behavior lately?"
<DanteE> (Can I read anything off this guy due to psych training or Aspect?)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. He isn't making any particular effort to conceal his emotions. He's more on edge at this point than at any point since when you asked him about summoning.)
<DanteE> (As in, we spooked him?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you're touching on something that makes him uneasy.)
<DanteE> "Something odd happened (however long) ago.
<Random_Nerd> H: "Odd stuff has been happening a lot 'lately'."
<DanteE> "Excrucians appearing with_out_ planning, Suebi and/or Sakharoth coming in...
<Random_Nerd> H: "I can't discuss our plans for the War."
<Ftisk> "The wall that is easyer to traverse..."
<DanteE> "I don't think it's involved in the war, at least not directly."
<Random_Nerd> H: "That I don't know about. But it'll come in handy if I die again soon."
<DanteE> (Is he spooked further?)
<Random_Nerd> (Tough to tell. He's started using Aspect miracles to control his facial muscles.)
<Random_Nerd> (He started that at pretty much when you started pressing him.)
<Theresa> "Is there anything outside of the Wall that isn't connected with your faction?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "We're more varied out there than you are in here."
<Ftisk> "CAn you explaion?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "You just see those of us connected to the War, or what you call in."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Out There is much, much larger than In Here."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Emptier, in a host of ways. But larger."
<DanteE> "If it's that way, you'd think there'd be another place to put the highway."
<Ftisk> "But if you success into (re)taking all the concept that are here, then your place will be again empty because it is so large?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "It's like... if we were on the defensive, and you were on the attack, we'd see Nobles, and the occasional Imperator. But we wouldn't see dogs and cows and mountains and rivers and symphonies and moons and so on."
<Random_Nerd> H: "If anything, our size means we can make much better use of this stuff than you can."
<Brian> "Finite amount in infinite space is effectively 0."
<DanteE> "There's an entire world out there, you mean.
<Random_Nerd> H: "Oh, stop rubbing it in, Numbers. You really don't want to get on the High Priority Targets list."
<Brian> "Well, it's kind of true in here, too, but you've got a larger infinite. I wonder if that was part of the purpose? Of the Wall, I mean."
<Ftisk> (damn RN, I'm simpathetic with H. reason! :-( )
<Random_Nerd> H: "We don't have infinites. The only way we could would be if I would stab you in the face right now."
<Random_Nerd> H: "But I agreed not to."
- Theresa tries to imagine who else is on The List.
<Brian> "I'm just thinking in a theoretical sense here. It would be interesting to see what happens were I to go Outside. Hm."
<Theresa> "What do you think of Entropy?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "Scary guy. I really don't want to face him Outside."
<Random_Nerd> H: "He's not a Strategist, I'm pretty sure, but I'd bet my sword that he's been studying their techniques. If his mind opens up outside the way theirs do..."
<Brian> "oooo... our friend Shadows has a ... I'm trying to remember how he put it ... shadowy clone? Outside. Is that a result of him learning Summoning, or is that something that was out there to begin with?"
<Theresa> "If you guys took over Creation, you'd have to...and yeah, that description is not one I like thinking about..."
<Random_Nerd> H: "That isn't a meaningful question."
<Random_Nerd> H: "If it's out there, with us, then it always has been, more or less."
<Brian> "Causality. Right. Sorry."
<Random_Nerd> H: "So, the way we see it, because it exists, then he had to come into existence so he could bind to it."
<DanteE> "OK, here's a meaningful question: How exactly did all the Estates wind up in one tiny space in the first place?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "There are a huge number of things Out There that just... conditionally exist, waiting for the right person or event."
<Random_Nerd> H, to Dante: "Fucked if I know."
<Brian> "ooo, conditional existence. You could build a computer around that!"
<Random_Nerd> H: "I bet that Cneph of yours had something to do with it."
<DanteE> "What's your side's view of Cneph?"
<Theresa> ("Bastard!
<Theresa> "_
<Random_Nerd> H: "He's a son of a bitch, and when we find him, we will have Words with him."
<Theresa> )
<Theresa> "Sharp pointy words?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "The kind with an S at the front,"
<Brian> "No one actually knows where he is, though."
<Theresa> "Nice joke."
<Random_Nerd> S: "I had no idea that Excrucians made puns."
<Brian> "But if he sanctioned the War, I think he's got stuff to answer to."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Yeah. He's been hiding since long before the deal said we could come back in."
<Theresa> "Any idea what he looks like?"
<Random_Nerd> H: "I don't think he does."
<Random_Nerd> H: "If any of you finds him, and tells us where he is, we'll have you raised to a full Excrucian. No questions asked."
<Ftisk> "tempting"
<Theresa> "Is there any way that you can see this ending peaceably and with both sides satisfied?"
<Ftisk> (yes if all us surrender)
<Random_Nerd> H: "If you and your lot agree to share the concepts you have equally, and if Cneph stands trial."
<Random_Nerd> H: "A few others, too. But mainly him."
<DanteE> "We didn't even know it was possible to share, until recently."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I don't know if it is."
<Theresa> (Both sides have to be satisfied. I don't see our side giving up. :) )
<Random_Nerd> H: "But that's the only way I can think of that your lot might conceivably accept."
<Random_Nerd> H: "Wait. Until recently. What do you mean by that?"
<Random_Nerd> (His face goes dead, again.)
<DanteE> "Sakharoth--or Suebi--brought back Active Writing.
<DanteE> "And we've used it to communicate... so it works on both sides."
<Ftisk> "That was lot to outside before his retur"
<Ftisk> +n
<Random_Nerd> H: "That is unusual. I do not know anything about that."
<Theresa> (Is his face still still?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Ftisk> (again he get nervous around Sak/suebi?)
<DanteE> "That also means.... whatever happened with Sakharoth... and probably with the attack on Jaris...
<DanteE> "Was _not_ involved with the War.
<Random_Nerd> H: "I believe that I have business to attend to. Is there anything else you wish to know that I can freely talk about?"
<DanteE> "If it was, you wouldn't be nearly as surprised as you obviously are."
<DanteE> (Boo.)
<Ftisk> (how is the weater outside? :-P )
<Brian> "I think we've got everything covered, thanks."
<Random_Nerd> (Overcast, but not rainy.)
<Brian> (I call foul! no Clouds!)
<Ftisk> (an when rain rain cat&dog? or only frogs?)
<Theresa> "Thank you for talking with us."
<DanteE> "Which means you can tell us about what happened then without compromising your Great Plans."
<Random_Nerd> H: "And you'll arrange things for Anne with the company that won't pay what it owes?"
<DanteE> (What time is it locally?)
<Ftisk> "Why you are attached to her?"
<Random_Nerd> (Late morning.)
<Theresa> "Yes, we will make arrangements."
<Random_Nerd> H: "I... owe her, given that this is all my fault."
<DanteE> "We can probably get the necessary paperwork filed... today.
<Theresa> *to Ftisk* "It's a Warmain thing. We've seen similar before."
<Ftisk> "oh, uhm, ok"
<Random_Nerd> H: "I killed her husband in fair battle, and I even respected him enough to take his face and sword for my own. But although I did not do wrong in killing him, I did not wish... his... family to suffer."
<DanteE> "But I learned a long time ago not to predict the speed of a bureaucracy. We'll do what we can."
<Ftisk> "Yes we'll take care of the paper work"
<Ftisk> "You are rellay interesting"
<Ftisk> really even
<Random_Nerd> H: "It would be so much more rapid just to find the ones who are making trouble, and put their hearts in a pile. But Anne would prefer that it not be handled like that."
<Theresa> "She's a compassionate woman."
<DanteE> "Yeah, that tends to impede things..."
<Random_Nerd> H: "At any rate, I must leave. I wish you luck in all things, save in the War."
<Random_Nerd> He stands up, his silver armor making a sound like dozens of tiny bells being shaken.
<Ftisk> "Well good luck into a pacific resolution of the war"
<Random_Nerd> Haukr draws his sword and salutes all of you with it, and then sheaths it and quickly steps out.
<Random_Nerd> Anne sighs, and slumps down in her chair.
<Ftisk> (Anne remain?)
<DanteE> "We have a death certificate, that should be all you need..."
<DanteE> (Come to think of it...
<DanteE> (LDiv Courage, Anne. Why isn't she in mourning?)
<Ftisk> "Warmaid shard don't seem too bad... I can se the reasoning on his argument even"
<Random_Nerd> (She's not sure what to think. Several months ago, when her husband didn't come home after saying he was going to defend his Estate, she figured he was dead. But a short time ago, Haukr came, explained what would happened, and both looked and acted quite like her husband.)
<Random_Nerd> (So now she's not sure what to think, and mostly just feels very tired.)
<Theresa> *to Anne* "Your husband must have been very brave for him to be honored like that."
<Random_Nerd> (And, yes. The timing of his coming to see her coincides within about ten hours of the other weird stuff happening.)
<Ftisk> lDiv data: anything she remember on Haukr, just in case...
<Random_Nerd> Anne: "And the stupid thing is, that... thing... has done a lot more in respect of him than his 'family' ever did."
<DanteE> "Who's in his Familia?"
<Random_Nerd> (She didn't know him, or about him, before he turned up to try to set things right.)
<Random_Nerd> A: "Dance, Plagues, and... not colors, but something similar. Pigments, maybe, or Dyes. And they're probably picked someone to replace him already, although at least they didn't eat his heart."
<DanteE> (What was his Estate?)
- Theresa looks at Sam. "Are they databased?"
<Ftisk> (ok, I want to know all she remember on it meeeting it and so on, in case there is somthing usefull later)
<Random_Nerd> (The Aristocracy.)
<DanteE> (OK, why is there still an Aristocracy?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam, after touching his 'ear' sphere. "Yes. And it is Pigments, although fabric dyes also fall under it."
<Random_Nerd> (Because while it's diminished, the Estate still exists. Which is why thinking about the idea of an aristocracy doesn't give headaches in the way that thinking about a square circle does.)
<DanteE> quietly, to Sam: "While you're at it, see if there's precedent for something like Haukr's visit to Anne."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's happened before. But not often. And hardly ever with a visit to a regular mortal. Warmains mostly only talk with Anchors or above."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, not unprecedented, but quite rare. And given the timing, I thought you should talk to him."
- DanteE looks around with The Sight
<Random_Nerd> (And Ftisk, you have a copy of her memories.)
<Ftisk> (thank)
<Ftisk> "You do an excellent job Sam"
<Random_Nerd> (One of the other people at another table, at the other side of the room, is an Anchor. Other than that, nothing unexpected.)
<Random_Nerd> S: "I could have done better."
<DanteE> "...Anchor."
<Ftisk> to Sam: "No, you have an hard task and you do it remarkabky"
<DanteE> "Oddly enough, Haukr's visit fits in with my wildfire theory.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh?"
<DanteE> "Making friends with the neighbors, mending bridges..."
<Ftisk> "We must research further into that sharing thing"
<Theresa> "You call that mending bridges with us?"
<Random_Nerd> Anne: "I think I'll be going. This Noble stuff is more than I can handle right now."
<Ftisk> "He not attack us or vice versa..."
<Theresa> "Be safe and if you need us, just pray to Plants, Courage, Numbers or Metal."
<Ftisk> "MAchinery"
<Random_Nerd> Anne: "I don't do the prayer thing. Nothing personal, I just never felt comfortable with it."
<DanteE> to Theresa: "He didn't know us from Adam until Sam contacted him. The bridges are with her husbands familia."
<Random_Nerd> Anne walks away.
<DanteE> "Let's get to City Hall...
<Ftisk> "Next question, this anchor... what we want do?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't think that'll work. I gather they didn't even send flowers."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If he's trying to get a connection with them, this isn't the way to do it."
<Theresa> to Dante: "True, but to make amends with a mortal is kinda insignificant in comparison with the rest of the War."
<Theresa> "We could all turn around and wave at the Anchor."
<Ftisk> "I like ir"
<Ftisk> it
<DanteE> "Maybe... he figures if Anne forgives him... he becomes 'innocent', which means Nobles who play by the rules can't hurt him.
<Theresa> "And it wasn't with her husband's was with _her_. The Familia probably couldn't care less about her."
<Theresa> "He's innocent anyway unless he's caught bringing Creation down and hurting people."
<Ftisk> "Or he is really sorry and nothing more"
<Brian> (we going to wind up soon?)
<Random_Nerd> (Soon works for me.)
<Ftisk> (work for me too)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If he's just really sorry... then the timing is odd."
- Brian prays to Shadows "So ... we've found out a couple interesting things. Among them the 'why' of the war, and what their biggest scariest weapon was."
<DanteE> "Theresa, just make sure the certificate is 'legitimate' enough.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Which weapon?"
<DanteE> "Sam, find out where we need to take it.
<DanteE> "Meanwhile..."
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. For that matter, how much Realm does Brian have?)
- DanteE goes over to the Anchor. (Description?)\
<Brian> (Realm 2)
- Theresa uses all that she has available to make the death certificate real.
<Random_Nerd> (Then it would help, too, if he turned it in. Realm 2 makes you seem obviously like someone important.)
<Ftisk> (I'm on Dante Shoulder)
- Brian prays "*insert name*. It used to be the immortality of humanity."
- Theresa hands it over to Brian. "You look respectable. You're it."
<Brian> "wait, what?"
<Random_Nerd> The anchor is a somewhat tall and overweight guy. Dark hair, skin in a mediterranean tone. He's staring off blankly into space.
<Random_Nerd> (Not just humanity.)
<Random_Nerd> (It was equally relevant to everyone who would otherwise be subject to death.)
<Brian> (of all things?)
- Brian prays "My mistake. Immortality, period."
<Brian> "What am I doing now?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I've heard of that one. It wasn't the whip, or the thing with all the blades... one of the swords?"
<DanteE> "Hello."
<Random_Nerd> He stands up, and his posture and facial expression suddenly change.
- Ftisk weave a wing
<Random_Nerd> Anchor: "I am the Hearth Flame, currently speaking through this human. Who are you?"
- Brian prays "Not sure which. But, yeah. That's what happened to immortality."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "All the big Abhorrent Weapons are made of really messed up things."
<DanteE> "Dominus Fortitudo et Gladia."
<Theresa> *to Brian* "You get to go buerocratic medieval on the insurance company that is denying poor Mrs. Aristocrats her benefits."
<Theresa> (How long have you been holding that one in, Dante? :) )
<DanteE> (First, you need to make her hubby officially dead. The company should fall right after.)
<DanteE> (ABout a minute, thanks to online dictionaries.)
<Ftisk> (and I can make the company fast into payment)
<DanteE> "We should meet."
- Brian prays "In addition, it seems that the Excrucians just want some of our, well, stuff. They seem to think they're entitled, given that Creation was carved out of, well, Outside. Then, there's the fact that Cneph apparently made a deal with them that said that they couldn't attack for a time, which ends up being that they /can/ attack /after/ that time."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I never was really clear on what Cneph is. God, in a really vague way?"
<DanteE> (Oddly enough, tha would also mean Cneph predicted the age end, before Time existed.)
- Brian prays "And that the immortality was ... binding that agreement? Something like that. Then the hair elastics took it and made it into a weapon against Creation."
- Brian prays "Cneph seems to be an Excrucian of a sort. Kind of like they've got that hierarchy, sorta, and he's one of the ones at the top."
- Brian prays "Made Creation. Has apparently been hiding since a while before the War began. I wonder how long, exactly?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "He's something from Outside, at least. Has to be, because there wasn't an Inside before he made the Wall."
<Brian> (am I summing up more or less adequately?)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "And he was hiding since before the Fall, too. At least, depending on what's up with the Voice of Cneph."
- Brian prays "And as far as the scrunchies are concerned, the Wall -both- keeps them out and keeps us in. The AND is the important part in that, for me, actually."
<DanteE> (BTW, this should be a Wiki page... Cosmology?)
<Theresa> "Brian, don't forget the Pay Per View if they ever find Cneph."
- Brian prays "And apparently Strategists are vastly more scary Outside. Here, they think more or less like the rest of us, but out there, they apparently grasp all concepts simultaneously ... or that's the impression I got."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "That part, I knew about. It's easier to open it from inside, but it's certainly not easy."
<Brian> "I was going to keep that one to ourselves."
- Brian prays "And ... apparently the last time someone Outside tried Summoning, it started a War."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "That, I did not know. Was it the capital-W war?"
- Brian prays "I'm not quite clear. He referenced the start of a World War, so I'm not clear if that WAS the event, or a metaphor for the event."
<DanteE> (Any response from the Anchor?)
<DanteE> "So, what do you control?"
<Random_Nerd> (Sorry, one moment. Was looking something up in the GWB.)
<DanteE> (Brian: didn't he say itm was related?)
<Brian> (not sure. That part of the text isn't quite gelling in my-the-player's mind)
<Random_Nerd> Anchor, to Dante: "I prefer not to meet with you directly. I have a premonition that your company would not be wise to court."
<Ftisk> (we have bad pr)
<Random_Nerd> Anchor: "Consider. All I know of you is that my anchor observed an Excrucian Shard in conversation with you, and I stepped into his mind to observe."
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the stuff on Colbrand is on pages 197 and 210.)
<DanteE> "Oh, please. That was overrated primarily because 'Noodle Incident' is fun to say."
<Brian> (Colbrand?)
<Random_Nerd> (The abhorrent weapon you were discussing with Shadows.)
<Brian> (ah. Ok.)
<Brian> (So, Immortality turned into Colbert, but not quite.)
<DanteE> "In about (X) days we'll be appearing before the Council, telling them what he told us and what it all means."
<DanteE> (So, it was made to fight bears?)
<Brian> (no. To be on tv.)
<Theresa> (We're going to explain what it _means_? Good grief...)
<DanteE> "Well, one theory of what it all means."
<Ftisk> (we try a least)
<Random_Nerd> Hearth Flame: "I am pleased that you have told me this. I will thus be enabled to stand very far away when the inauspicious moment is upon you."
<Theresa> (I like him!)
<Ftisk> (lol)
<Theresa> (And plus, isn't figuring out what stuff means why the Imperators get paid the big Miracle Points?)
<Ftisk> (I like more H)
- Brian prays "Oh, and they just want to share all the concepts. When they Excruciate something, a not-quite-the-same appears Outside. The Warmain was not aware that Mimics could be made of Nobles - and that they're not actually 'naturally occuring'. Also, your clone always conditionally existed."
<Random_Nerd> HF: "Please do not trouble my anchor with your unsanely commerce. I am leaving his mind now."
<Brian> (a bit like the Doctor, that one. "Time to run!")
<DanteE> (unsanely commerce?)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Did he explain what that 'conditional existance' means?"
<Random_Nerd> ("Chatting with Scruchies.")
- Brian prays "Something like this: if it exists, since there's no time, it always existed. It just didn't necessarily need to /be/."
<Random_Nerd> The anchor's head drops for a moment, and then he stands straight again. He avoids eye contact, pulls some money out of his wallet and leaves it on his table, and then starts to slowly step away.
- Brian prays "If it ever needs to exist, it always had existed, was something I think he said. Something along those lines."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Screwy. It has the ring of truth, though."
<DanteE> "So, who's your boss?"
- Ftisk flay to Theresa shoulder
<Random_Nerd> The anchor ignores Dante, and walks away.
<Random_Nerd> (And the Noble did give its name.)
- Brian prays "Causality doesn't exist out there. Thought doesn't exist in the same form - at least, decision making doesn't follow the same thought-processes."
<Theresa> "I just want to get Anne's stuff in order before we go home. Jumping back and forth to New York is annoying."
<DanteE> (Oh, The Hearth Flame?)
<Ftisk> (right)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Speaking of which, are you still interested in learning summoning? I have an idea that may help you find your other self."
<Random_Nerd> (Let's end the session soon.)
- Brian prays "Interested, though haven't gone through with anything yet."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Ever heard of a medical condition called blindsight?"
- Brian prays "Nope."
<DanteE> "Anyway... like I said, we make her husband 'officially' dead, then have a nice chat with the insurers."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "It's when you can see, but you don't know you can see."
<DanteE> "And Sam... who is The Hearth Flame?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Caused by certain sorts of brain injury. Basically, it makes it so that you have no perceptual vision, but the eyes work okay, and if you guess at what's within your field of vision, you often get it right."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Noble. Hestia's successor."
<DanteE> "Oh, he meant that literally."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "But what I was thinking is that that 'guessing' is a lot like how it feels to 'talk' to your fetch. So, it might be good practice."
<DanteE> (Shadows wants Brian to injure himself? :) )
- Brian prays "Ah."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I'm training a Sightdrinker to just produce that specific effect, and not general blindness or damage to other senses."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "If it works, do you want me to send you one?"
- Brian prays "Would be an interesting experience, anyway."
<Ftisk> (I want try one! please, pretty please!)
<DanteE> (Not me, I've got one eye as is)
<Random_Nerd> (Heh. It would be really confused trying to do it to Ftisk, since he doesn't have a normal brain.)
<Theresa> (I'm missing enough body parts, thank you.)
<Ftisk> (oh... )
<Random_Nerd> (Ftisk and Shadows would probably have to spend an hour looking through Ftisk's manual.)
<Ftisk> (lol! well is doable in off time)
<Random_Nerd> ("No, no, this bit here is probably the closest equivalent to the visual cortex!")
<Random_Nerd> ("Nonsense! That's where I store my memories of pudding!")
<Random_Nerd> (Anyway, shall we call it a night?)
<Brian> (I think so).
<Ftisk> (Ok for me)
<Random_Nerd> __________________STOP________________________
<DanteE> (Well, any difficulty with the paperwork?)
<Theresa> (Brick!)
=-= Brian is now known as Lazarus
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Lazarus> whee! We got pertinent information!
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Random_Nerd> (The paperwork can be handled in offtime, unless you wanted to play it out.)
<Angelo> WEEEEE! plot kicked furter forward!
<Knockwood> in a completely odd direction?
<Random_Nerd> Odd how?
<Random_Nerd> I mean, this is Nobilis./
<Lazarus> and reinforces Brian's need to go Outside :p
<Angelo> I like the shard
<Knockwood> yeah, but you'll probably leave your brain out there.
<Angelo> would be fun to be around it sometime
<Random_Nerd> And as for the shard, I just figured it would work best to play him in the general spirit of the Christmas Truce, from WWI.
<Random_Nerd> You and he are on opposite sides, and if you meet again you may likely try to kill each other, but for now, you're just being polite with each other.
<Knockwood> at some point we should get together OOC and figure out what we actually know. (doodly-squat, actually...)
<Angelo> was a good interpretation
<BethE> Well guys, I need to get to sleep. Good game and good night! *HUGS*
<Angelo> night Beth!
<Knockwood> g'night Beth
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, I too have a case of Melty-Brain. Goodnight, guys.
<Lazarus> 'night Beth.
<Angelo> Night RN!
<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai RN
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
|<-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
<Knockwood> and, good night guys
<Angelo> well how much do you trust these new infos?
<Angelo> night knok
<Knockwood> good question
<Knockwood> but, we'll see
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
<Angelo> well, I go. night Lazarus
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 15