TheEvolved:Main Page

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The Evolved is the working title for a campaign using the Hero System. The city of Arion, NJ - a metropolis comparable in size to New York City, Philidelphia, and New York City - is a dangerous place to live. In fact, most of the residents don't even know the half of it. With muggings and murders almost daily, not to mention crooked cops, burglaries, and the occasional explosion, Arion is one of the most dangerous places to live in the United States.

However, a new group of heroes is about to be born. Once just normal people, these heroes will find just what they are.

Character Creation

Characters get a few points to spend on a random "real-life" character. For example, one player might choose a marine biologist, another a taxi cab driver (Siraj), and yet another a professional actor. These characters do NOT know that soon they will have super powers. They are normal people, and not invincible super heroes. After the players roll, the GM will then acquire from a list, semi-randomly, what powers the players will have. In game, the player will learn about their powers, and through time and practice will learn how to control their abilities. For example, they will learn what limitations they have, and be able to upgrade their powers (with GM discretion, of course) using experience points.

Character Breakdown

Base Points: 35 Base Disadvantage Points: 25

More Info

Our Characters | Arion City | NPCs