Air Marshall Gear List

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Gear List

The following is the gear that you can purchase for your Air Marshals and Sky Pirates characters.

Food and Beverages

Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost
Beef Jerky, 1 lb. .50 Bread, fresh, loaf .10 Candy, 1 lb. .05 Chocolate, bar .05
Coffee, 1 lb. .25 Doughnuts, 1 doz. .15 Field Rations, 1 day .50 Gum, pack .01
Meal, diner or inn .25 Meal, restaurant, average 1.00 Meat, canned .25 Soda Pop, bottle .05
Tea, 1 lb. .10
Outdoors Gear
Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost
Backpack 1.00 Binoculars (8x) 50.00 Candle, wax (burns 4 hours) .25 Canteen 1.00
Compass 3.00 Fishing Rod & Reel 2.00 Electric Torch 8.00 Leyden Pile (battery) 2.00
Flint & Steel .50 Knife, pocket (3 blades) 2.00 Lantern 1.00 Lantern Oil, 1 gal. .25
Marbles, bag (100) .25 Matches, box (100) .25 Mess Kit 1.00 Mosquito Netting 2.00
Radio, crystal 5.00 Radio, receiver 40.00 Shovel, folding 2.00 Spyglass 15.00
Stove, portable 10.00 Telegraph Unit, portable 50.00 Telephone, field 20.00 Tent & Bedding (for 2) 25.00
Waterskin 1.00
Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost Item Cost
Bag, Doctor's * 25.00 Bolt Cutters 10.00 Chainsaw (1930) 45.00 Chisel .25
Crowbar .25 Grappling Hook .50 Hacksaw 1.00 Hatchet .50
Iron Spikes (10) .25 Level 1.00 Litmus Paper (5) 1.00 Lockpicks 5.00
Microscope 25.00 Rope, 50' .05 Scissors, Surgical 5.00 Shovel .25
Stethoscope 5.00 Toolbox, Archaeologist's ** 10.00 Toolbox, Carpenter's + 10.00 Toolbox, Mechanic's ++ 25.00
* Includes bandages, scalpels, forceps, etc. for use of medicine Aptitude ** Includes mallet, chisel, picks, brush, magnifying glass, pouches,

rubbing paper, charcoal, notepad, pencils.

+ Includes misc. basic carpenter's tools, such as saw, hammer, nails,

tape measure, level, etc.

++ Includes misc. basic mechanic's tools, such as set of wrenches,

screwdrivers, pliers, wire strippers, etc. for use of tinkerin' Aptitude