Dr. Mercury

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Dr. Mercurius von Hohenheim is a kid prodigy, graduated from med school at the age 17. Still a bit too young to be a medical doctor, yet too talented to be left aside, she ended up joining a team of researchers to develop a nano machine that will enhance human capability of self-healing. It would be a boon if it came out.

But it didn’t. In fact, the whole project is a lie. A villain known as Mr. Voyager was actually using them to develop a bioweapon that could turn man into mercury-like life form, with incredible stealth and battle ability. To Mercury’s surprise, the original draft for the weapon is created 500 years ago, by…Mercury’s ancestor, Phillip von Hohenheim, aka Paracelsus.

Apparently Mr. Voyager was missing something.All his experiment end in the subject’s agonized death. Out raged, Mercury secretly tried to perfect the weapon so she could use it against Mr. Voyager – with no success. But when she was about to give up, a mysterious man came out of nowhere, identify himself only as Master Rakoczi. The mysterious man helped Mercury perfect her technology.

She injected herself with the nano technology Master Rakoczi helped her modified, and it worked. She destroyed the lab, became the super hero known as Dr. Mercury, the paragon of Science morality. She is currently holding a clinic, provide free medical care to poor people and super heroes alike

Appearance: Mercurius is a strikingly beautiful young woman with platinum hair and emerald eyes. She is tall and lean, about 6’1’’ in height. She prefer shirts and jeans to dresses and skirts and usually wears a white coat. She doesn’t have a costume, but her mercury form is hard to identify, so her super hero identity is still a secret to the general public.

Characteristic: As a doctor, Mercurius is sympathetic and considerate. She is keen at noticing small details, particularly those regard a person’s health and emotion condition. Some times the patients most in need is those who hadn’t even realize that they need help. She has a sense of duty regard the usage of technology. It’s not even enough to be called a complication, but she certainly feels uneasy around pseudo-scientists. If she ever found out a scheme involving the developments of dangerous technology or illegal human experiment, you bet she will sneak into their base and level with the masterminds.

Character Sheet

Dr. Mercury
“Morality without science is crippled; science without morality is monstrous.”

Real Name: Dr. Mercurius von Hohenheim
Gender: Female
Age: 21

PL: 10 (150)
Ability Scores (20)
Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 18
Charisma 14

Bonuses (0)
Attack +8 (Strike)
Defense +8 (Dodge)

Saves (14)
Toughness: +2
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +4
Will: +12

Skills (18)
Bluff +8
Computers +4
Concentration +19
Diplomacy +8
Gather Information +8
Investigate +8
Knowledge (Life Science) +12
Knowledge (Alchemy) +6
Language: German
Notice +9
Profession (Doctor) +10
Sense Motive +10
Medicine +12

Feats (7)
Benefit (Status 1)
Eidetic Memory
Master Plan

Powers (91)
Mercury Form 14 [70]
-Skills: Stealth +10 [2]
-Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization (Strike) 4, Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Grappling Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Grapple [10]
-Elongation 6 [6]
-Insubstantial 1 [5]
-Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9]
-Super-movement 1 (Slithering) [2]
-Strike 12(power feat: split attack, incurable) [14pp]
-Create Object 12 (flaw: can only use her own mass [-1pp], power feat: selective, precise) [14pp]
-Shield 8 [8pp]
Regeneration 9 (Automatically succeed on recovery check) [9pp]
Immunity 5 (Alteration Effect) [5pp]
Final Attack – Cocytus (The River of Wailing): Transform 14 (flesh to mercury [3pp]; extra: continuous [+1pp]; flaw: final attack [-1pp], limited (can only be used on target damaged by her Strike power no more than a minute before) [-1pp], distracting [-1pp], action (full action) [-1pp]) [7pp]

Involuntary Transform unless drink a dose of nanomachine she create on a daily basis.