How to Run:Star Wars Saga Edition

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In the main, the contents of this page are drawn from the thread, SWSE - Any advice for running the game? Any additional sources will be cited in the text.


Watch the movies. Get a feel for how actions typically happens. Minions are time and resource-killers, they are not and should not be expected to actually do significant damage to heroes - just delay them long enough to fail in their objective. - Bahama'at

I send mooks in waves and have some heavies handy, so I can balance the situation:

  • If it's too easy, more show up.
  • If it's too hard, stop sending them in.
  • If it starts getting boring, finish the combat.

I also like to assign goals for combat. So instead of just having a fight, players need to get to the turbolift, break through a door under fire or fix the ship, while holding off the opposition. - Ceti

I threw upwards of thirty mooks a combat and didn't really slow combat to a crawl as per previous editions (although it still took a little while) and the players were able to feel heroic as they just mowed 'em down. What's also nice is that you can throw NPCs with hero levels at or just slightly above the PC's average level and actually have them be a threat all by themselves. - Ifshnit

Terrain and Battlemaps

Think terrain - dynamic terrain, dramatic terrain. Make the fights seem cool to players. - Bahama'at

(I normally achieve dramatic and dynamic terrain) narratively (I just inform them of the changes, and my players can interject further changes if it fits the mood and their actions), but in concrete form for one chase scene I played through we used a map plate from Roborally for the Episode2-like guts of a giant construction droid running amok. - Bahama'at


Transport-size star ships are floating coffins if you don't have the Vehicular Combat feat. Even with it, they're pretty rough: the -10 Size penalty is difficult to overcome, no matter how good a pilot you are, and they don't have much in the way of hit points. Other than that, the ship to ship combat rules are pretty darn fun, and easy to grasp. Starfighter combat is fast, and occasionally vicious: even mook ships like TIE fighters and Z-95s do significant damage, and ships don't have inflating hit point pools (on the other hand, most PCs of 10+ level will reliably survive the destruction of their ship, if they have a spacesuit). - OldKentuckyShark

Source Information

In designing a campaign you do have a double edge sword, there is a lot of material out. The Expanded Universe has been developed quite extensively through comics and books. Lucas has made a point to keep everything consistent as possible between all things Star Wars, to the point where game designers need Lucas’ approval to use characters. Additionally, other publishers can use anything printed from one publisher. Fortunately, you do not have to read everything that is out there to know what is going on. The SW community has brought most information online. I use Wookieepedia to look things up, there is also the Holonet. This is an excellent source of material. The drawback to all this is that Wizards has not scratch the surface of all this material for the game. So expect to have to create and make things. I have had make racial stats for Besalisks, Gree, Ubese and Polite (my own race); fighter ships for Gree, weapons for Gree and Polite, a ship for the characters. All that was for the first adventure. The other drawback to this massive amount of information is that there already is a history. So you have to choose how much of it are you going to follow. I am playing during the New Republic and have dumped most of that history at that time and what “would” happen. - Phlophouse