Aquila Saxum:Covenant

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This is the covenant for the Aquila Saxum saga for the Ars Magica game.


A baseline covenant has no magical resources. However, each player may choose up to 40 build points worth of resources (see AM5 p. 71) at the start of the game. More resources may be acquired during game play.


This is a list of the Summae and Tractati of the covenant's library.

Laboratory Texts

This is a list of the Lab Texts of the covenant's library.


This is a list of the vis sources and vis stocks available to the covenant.

Vis Sources

Vis Stocks

Enchanted Items

This is a list of the enchanted items available for use by the covenant.


This is a list of the NPC specialists available to the covenant. Some important roles to fill (by NPCs or PCs) would be Chamberlain, Turb Captain, and/or Steward. Also, craftsmen would be useful as well (mason, carpenter, furniture maker, thatcher, blacksmith, chandler, tinker, weaver, leatherworker, cooper, cobbler, glass-blower, goldsmith, lapidary, brewer, vinter, baker, chef, miller, swordsmith, armorer, bowyer, ink-maker, bookbinder, illuminator, or scribe).

The covenant possesses, as a baseline the following craftsmen:

  • Blacksmith 4
  • Carpenter 4
  • Bookbinder 4

Hooks and Boons

The players may each choose one hook (either a major hook, or a minor hook) and a corresponding boon or boons to balance it out (one minor boon for a minor hook; three minor boons or one major boon for a major hook). Hooks and Boons may be chosen from the core book, from the 5th edition Covenants book, or you can come up with your own!


The baseline site of a covenant is in a magical aura of 3, located somewhat distant from other settlements such that unexpected visitations are uncommon events.

MAJOR HOOK Li Unmentionables. (Monster)

It lives among us. You can hear it skittering just at the edge of your hearing at night. In the empty halls of the covenant it prowls at night - and it lurks darkly in the closets and crawlspaces that litter the buildings of the covenant. Tales have circled about some devious thing that stalks the darker hours of the (Name to be announced?) covenant's lands. Some have said it takes the form of a shadowy hound, with glowing green eyes... and others say its a shadow itself, amorphous, save for its gnarly, grasping talons... stories about the thing appear more often than its own physical appearances.

Whatever it is, it is real. And it is dangerous. And it is hungry.

Minor Boon Difficult Access

The covenant rests upon a magical plateau in the mountains, its only mundane avenue of access lies in a treacherous and twisting mountain path that includes a guarded Troll Toll Bridge. This deters a lot of would-be invaders, robbers, and opportunists away from the covenant's valuable resources - and saves the covenant's members the trouble of building their own defenses.

Fortifications and Buildings

The baseline fortifications of a covenant is a manor house or small tower (choose one). Baseline buildings are whatever buildings are required from the fortifications and residences for the magi and their covenfolk.


The baseline covenant possesses either one typical source of income (100 pounds per year), or two lesser (40 pounds per year each -- there are benefits, however, to diversity).


The baseline residents of a covenant are normal medieval peasants whose customs are neither particular convenient nor inconvenient to magi, making difficulties with its inhabitants an uncommon event.. In addition to any specialists and magi, the covenant possesses a number of NPC soldiers equal to the number of magi, and a number of NPC servants and laborers equal to twice the number of magi.

Minor Boon: Criminals

The covenant has found some unlikely friends with the "Mountain Trolls". A group of bandits that holed up in the mountains and named themselves after the Troll that guarded the pass to where the Covenant now rests. Led by a man named Jarl, they are an unruly and wild lot, used to the harshness of a life living in the mountains, surviving only on what they could collect in tolls and booty from travellers unfortunate enough to cross their path. After befriending the eponymous troll, the bandits sought out the wizards and offered their specialized services and arms - in exchange for a bit of protection from the less mundane threats of the mountains. So far, the pact has worked well - the Trolls are a rough and rowdy bunch, but they do a good job of deterring those that might otherwise bother or molest the covenant.

External Relations

The baseline covenant exists in a state of unsteady neutrality with its neighbors, making conflicts and intrigue an uncommon events.

Minor Boon The Mountain Troll (Local Ally)

Guarding the pass that leads to the magical plateau in the mountains is a Troll named Girblerfangramen. He has for ages tended to the singular bridge that provides the access a mundane traveller would need to get to the plateau. A horrible looking thing, his age showing in forms of crags and wrinkles as deep as ravines - his age does not diminish his apparent might - and the aged troll has stacked high the bones of those that had not paid proper tribute over the decades in order to pass the bridge's toll. He is dimly aware of the world outside of the bridge - and knows of the magi that have made their home on the plateau. A formidable beast, he is no unhinged monster - and he recognized the potential harm that might befall his beloved bridge should he make war against them... Instead, he bargained - and as long as the covenant pays him a sum of three goats a year, all of its members shall be granted free and unmolested passage o'er the bridge.


The surroundings of a covenant deal with everything within 20 miles around it. The baseline surroundings of a covenant are somewhat common and mundane, making emergencies and issues involving the surroundings uncommon.


This is how the covenant is governed.

  • Democracy - the covenant's magi make their decisions based on equal votes.
  • Autocracy - the covenant has placed one of its magi in charge of all decisions.
  • Hierarchy - the weight of the magi's votes is based on some sort of criteria.
  • Bureaucracy - Each aspect of the covenant's operation have been placed in the hands of one or more magi who are then responsible for its individual governance.
  • Anarchy - no established method of governance.

Prevailing Loyalty

This is the prevailing loyalty of the covenfolk.


This is a record of the covenant's wealth.


The average covenant has an income of 80 or 100 pounds.


The covenant has many expenses.

  • Buildings - The cost of upkeeping the covenant's buildings and fortifications.
  • Consumables - The cost of everyday consumables for the day to day operations of the covenant.
  • Inflation - Covenants that spend too much money cause local inflation in the economy, and thus end up having to pay more and more each year.
  • Laboratories - The cost of upkeeping the magi's laboratories.
  • Provisions - The cost of food.
  • Debts - The repayment of debts.
  • Wages - The payment of wages.
  • Weapons and Armor - The cost of upkeeping arms and armor.
  • Writing Materials - The cost of writing materials.