Create Weapon

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Power Name: Create/Summon Weapon

Point Cost: 2 points/rank

Power Description:

You can create or summon weapons out of thin air. Perhaps you use particles from the world around you, or can summon it from a personal arsenal in an empty void or dimension? When you pick this power at level 1, you pick a weapon described in the equipment section of the core rules and list it here. From that point on, you can summon the chosen weapon as a move action, but can only summon one copy of that weapon at any given time. The weapon will have the exact same stats as described in the core rules. With each rank of this power, you gain another choice of weapon. From this point, you can only summon one weapon at a time.

Possible Feats:

Multiply: with each rank of this feat, you can summon an additional copy of a weapon. When you wish to summon a different weapon type, you must unsummon the original weapon(s), unless you have the progression feat (e.g., say you had one or two swords, and you wanted a spear, you'd have to lose the swords)

Progression: with this feat, you can summon another weapon along with your original with each rank of this power, so with this power at rank 7, with the progression feat, allows you to summon 7 various weapon types, but you are limited to those 7.

Possible Extras:

Customised Weapons: with each rank of this extra, all your weapons get a +1 to their damage. (+1 to cost of cost/rank)

Action: with this added, you can make summoning your weapons as a free action.

Possible Flaws:

Limited: you can only summon specific kinds of weapons, such as Archaic weaponry.