User talk:Andrensath/Exalted/Custom/Charms

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Revision as of 22:08, 6 October 2009 by Andrensath (talk | contribs)
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Rhythm-Breaking Attack

  • Since it can't be used in a flurry, why not make it a Simple Charm? Also note that a perfect parry will still negate this Charm even if it is explicitly mentioned in the Charm text, since that is how they work. Finally there should be a keyword, probably Crippling, to the effect. --Dakkareth
    • Hmmm. It doesn't feel Simple to me, but I could see it being an attack of it's own. I'm uncomfortable with allowing perfect parries to negate it, as the charm usage has to be declared upfront, and I think people will just go 'RBB? I perfect parry', rendering the charm pointless to take, let alone use. I can definitely see it being Crippling, and will probably make that change, though. --Andrensath

Immense Weapon Deflection

  • Interesting idea, better priced at 6m, I think. --Dakkareth
    • I think that might weaken it too much. Maybe 5m? --Andrensath

Glorious Blade Form

  • (Ess+MA)/2 is too much. For comparison, this is the equivalent in power to two HFoE Solar Melee Charms. Make it (Ess/2) and maybe add some small additional benefit for flavor. --Dakkareth

Furious Sword Mudra

  • This should cost 2m, I think. Note that the Even Blade style Charm that does something similar IIRC costs 4m. --Dakkareth

Blade Like Lightning Kata

  • No. Just no. This Charm should either have a per attack cost (3m/attack, maximum of rate) or give a flat number of attacks (for example (MA rating) attacks for, say, 8m, 1wp. --Dakkareth
    • A per attack cost with cap of (Rate) would make it far worse than the Solar Melee equivalents, though, which would render this Charm pointless for its IC developer. Maybe add a clause forbidding it from being used with infinite rate weapons? --Andrensath