Once more with feeling/Denandsor Council/Cabinet/Ministry/Defense & Logistics/Navy/Hurricane

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Hurricane-class Variable Common Warstrider

This blue jade warstrider has a slender, streamlined construction, with wings folded neatly on its back. The long, sloping adamant helm/entry hatch extends well down the fuselage and cannot rotate, but nonetheless provides the pilot with a 360º visual field. When in "bird" mode, the legs and arms fold up under the deployed wings, holding the fire lance along the centerline of the warstrider, and the pilot reclines in the helm, using the harness to direct the 'strider's flight and fire the lance.

Strength 12
Soak 20B/20L/20A
Hardness 10
Mobility -6
Fatigue 6 (0 with jade bonus)
Speed Ground: 40, Flight: 120/90mph (assuming standard pilot)
Maneuverability +3r (Lore 4, Ride 4, bird mode), -0r (Lore 4, Ride 4, warstrider mode)
Attune Cost 20m (10m warstrider + 8m integrated flight system + 2m fire lance)

Warstrider Elsewhere Stutter Cannon (40m battery, 4m per attack)
Spd 6/Acc +3/Dmg 18L/Rate 1/Range 250 (max)/A, P