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The Joyous Reciter of Ten Thousand Dialects

  • Repair 3
  • Attune 5m
  • This set of goggles allows the wearer to read any words as if they were reading their native tongue, while the matching earpiece translates spoken words to the wearer's native tongue, and their attunement causes the artifact to anticipate their words, which it will whisper a translation of into their ear so they may speak what they wish in whatever language they wish. The accompanying brush allows the wielder to write any language as if it were their own.


Tattoo Crest of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady

  • Solitary Talon's version of the Tattoos possessed by various members of her circle. Integrated with her other Tattoo artifacts, the set takes the form of a stylised hawk with two heads. When the Zenith is bare-breasted, each visible eye highlights one of her caramel nipples.
  • Glorious Rapture of the Venusian Zenith: Solitary Talon's Performance dice cap increases by four, while any intimacy she inflicts takes (her Conviction x2) worth of scenes to destroy.
  • The Path to Transcendence: The Tattoos allow her to transcend the age limitation on raising Permanent Essence, up to one dot beyond what she could usually reach. She must still train and buy her Essence up with XP normally.
  • Unbending Pride: Solitary Talon's Integrity Protecting Prana is made a permanent effect.
  • Universal Respiration: The Tattoos provide the benefits of four Skin-Mount Amulets, each of which provides one additional increment worth of extra motes. A pair of the Amulets form the talons, while the other two are located at the tip of each wing.


Bracelets of Communal Communication

  • Repair: 3
  • Developed by Starcc Antonee at the request of Solitary Talon, these bracelets, created in sets of ten, allow people to communicate perfectly over great distances. Each bracelet contains a setting for a single hearthstone. Those wishing to use them must first attune to them. Each bracelet can communicate perfectly with as many of it's mates as the owner desires. They have an unlimited range, and characters in Creation can use their bracelet to contact people in Yu-Shan, Malfeas, the Underworld, or the Wyld. Each set of bracelets has a 'master' bracelet, which can be used to communicate with other sets at the will of it's owner.

Artifact 3; Slave

  • Require a commitment of 5 motes.
  • May talk on the same network as their master bracelet.
  • May not communicate outside their master bracelet.

Artifact 5; Master

  • Require a Protoshinmaic Vortex or level 3+ hearthstone to power them.
  • Require a commitment of 10 motes.
  • Can 'mute' subsidiary bracelets.
  • Master-to-master links allow them to selectively and reflexively share networks.
  • Sharing a network with another master bracelet requires that the wearers of each master bracelet must both be aware of the other wearer, *and* that they possess a bracelet.