Natalie Barton

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Basic Information

Portrayed by coyoteboy

First Appearance Creation

Age 17

Known Ability Sonic Blast

Aliases Nat

Gender Female

Residence Everett, WA

Occupation Student, Volunteer

Significant Others Mother Diane, Father Charles, older brother Steffan.


Natalie "Nat" Barton was an aspiring vocalist who catches an acute case of sore throat/ lost voice. When she recovers a week later, she finds she's unable to speak at all without poppin eardrums and/or destroying property with the thunderous volume of her voice. She's since learned to sign and write quickly on little notepads, and her very confused and frightened parents are level-headed enough to have successfully covered up the first incident, but undoubtedly people will start coming up with ideas of their own about what happened on the otherwise quiet little street in Everett, WA. She's resolved to live as a functional mute and has started working with hearing-impaired and thinking of communications studies when she gets to college. After her own "incident" she's been on the lookout for similar strange events in the media.

Evolved Human Ability

Whenever she speaks, Natalie release powerful sonic blast that damage objects and deafen people.


Str: 10 Dex: 12 Con: 14 Int: 16 Wis: 16 Cha: 18 (26)

Tough: +2/+4 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +7 (8)

Attack: +1 Defense: +0/+6 (2) Initiative: +1

Skills (14) Bluff 8 Computers 8 Diplomacy 8 Gather Information 6 Knowledge (Current Events) 4 Notice 4 Perform 10 Sense Motive 8

Feats (21) Attractive 2 Distract Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 1 Fascinate (Perform) Inspire Luck 4 Taunt Well-Informed Uncanny Dodge (Hearing) 1

Powers (23) Supersenses 5 (Accurate Hearing 2, Ultra Hearing 1, Analytical Hearing 2) Sonic Wave: Blast 6, Range (Melee), Area: Cone, linked to Dazzle (Hearing) 6, Range (Melee), Area: Cone

Drawbacks (-4) Full Power (Sonic Wave) (-1) Sonic Wave fires involuntarily (-3)

Equipment Cell Phone/Camera Laptop

What I Did There:

We have a massive sonic blast that also deafens people. I made it a Cone area kinda arbitrarily-- you could easily change that to Burst area. It doesn't have any Alternate Powers because your description doesn't call for that, but they'd be easy to add-- there's a [I]lot[/I] of levels of Luck in there, for example, and it'd be easy to shift some points around.

Supersenses? That's sonar, plus extremely precise ultra/infrasonic hearing, plus that Uncanny Dodge Feat for good luck.

I decided to extend the Dodge potential a bit further, because being a glass cannon kinda bites if a fight ever breaks out. It's either instinctive dodging aided by all that super-hearing, or maybe sheer luck. Take your pick.

With the high Charisma for Perform, getting some Bluff and Diplomacy made sense to me, along with Taunt, Distract, and Fascinate.

General athletics doesn't actually need any points, as such, aside from the Dodge and having a decent Con and Dex for a high school student.

But this is all kinda guesswork. Feel free to adjust things.

Leaving the explanation for now.