Ulf Bjarki

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A player character in D&D 3.5: Wyrdpunk.

Character Information


Björn was a man's name. He was a great berserker, and often went overseas or to the east to levy taxes from the Finns and Lapps, which was not an easy thing. One time he stayed in the east for three winters, and when he returned home he had with him a Finnish wife named Aska and a young son. The boy's name was Ulf, and he was also called Bjarki because of his father. Ulf was a berserker and grew very tall and strong like Björn, but had the black hair and grey eyes of his mother, and her patient and subtle mind. He learned fighting and smithing from his father, and Aska taught him wizardry and secret knowledge, for she had been a wise woman of her people. Later he was called Hrafna-Ulf because he kept a tame raven that sat on his shoulder, and some thought it was a fetch or guardian spirit, but he called it a friend and spoke to it as to a sworn brother. By that time he had grown to a fine youth, skilled with his hands and the strongest man in that part of the land...


  • Strength 17 (+3)
  • Dexterity 12 (+1)
  • Constitution 13 (+1)
  • Intelligence 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom 10 (0)
  • Charisma 10 (0)

Class Features


  • Fast Movement
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Whirling Frenzy

Domain Wizard


  • All simple and martial weapons
  • Light and medium armour
  • All shields except tower shields


Total skill points 46. Class skills are italized.

  • Appraise - (+2 when dealing with weapons, +3 when within arm's reach of familiar)
  • Balance -
  • Bluff -
  • Climb +6
  • Concentration +6
  • Craft (weaponsmith) +6
  • Decipher Script -
  • Diplomacy -
  • Disable Device -
  • Disguise -
  • Escape Artist -
  • Forgery -
  • Gather Information -
  • Handle Animal -
  • Heal -
  • Hide -
  • Intimidate -
  • Jump +6
  • Knowledge (+1 on all trained Knowledge checks; use untrained Knowledge skills as if they were trained)
    • Arcana +6
    • Geography +2
    • History +2
  • Listen - (+2 when within arm's reach of familiar)
  • Move Silently -
  • Open Lock -
  • Perform -
  • Profession -
  • Ride -
  • Search -
  • Sense Motive -
  • Sleight Of Hand -
  • Speak Language -
  • Spellcraft +6 (+2 synergy from Knowledge (arcana))
  • Spot - (+2 when within arm's reach of familiar)
  • Survival -
  • Swim +6
  • Tumble - (+2 synergy from Jump)
  • Use Magic Device - (+2 synergy from Spellcraft when dealing with scrolls)
  • Use Rope -


  • Norse (Common?)
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Arabic



  • Initiative: +1
  • Speed: 40ft
  • Fortitude save: +4
  • Will save: +2
  • Reflex save: +1
  • AC: 15 (17 with shield)
    • Touch AC: 11
    • Flatfooted: 15 (17 with shield)
  • BAB: +2
    • Melee: +5
    • Ranged: +3
  • Damage bonus: +4
    • Two-handed: +6
    • Off-hand: +2
  • Hit Points: 25
    • Current: 25


Domain spells are italized. Caster level is increased by one when casting domain spells.


Spells per Day

  • Level 0: 3 + Daze
  • Level 1: 2 + True Strike

Currently Prepared

  • Level 0
    • Arcane Mark
    • Daze
    • Prestidigitation
    • Daze (domain bonus spell)
  • Level 1
    • Enlarge Person
    • Shield
    • True Strike (domain bonus spell)


  • Name: Svartnef
  • Race: Raven
  • Size: Tiny
  • Type: Magical Beast
  • Hit Dice: 3
  • Initiative: +2
  • Speed 10ft, Fly 40ft (average)
  • AC: 15
    • Touch: 14
    • Flat-footed: 13
  • Hit Points: 12
    • Current: 12
  • BAB: +2
    • Melee: claws +4 (1d2-5)
  • Special Qualities: Empathic Link (Su), Improved Evasion (Ex), Low-light vision, Share Spells
  • Saves: Fort +2, Will +4, Ref +4
  • Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6
  • Skills: Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Listen +5, Spellcraft +4, Spot +7
  • Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (claws)



  • "Troll", masterwork greataxe (+1 to hit, damage d12 slashing, crit x3), 12lb
  • "Witch", masterwork seax (short sword) (+1 to hit, damage 1d6 piercing, crit 19-20/x2, continual flame), 2lb
  • Dagger (damage 1d4 piercing, crit x2), 1lb


  • Mithral shirt (+4 AC, 10% spell failure chance), 10lb
  • Darkwood shield (+2 AC), 5lb

Other Gear

  • Linen shirt, wool pants and coat, soft leather boots, heavy fur cloak, 5lb
  • Backpack, 2lb
    • Bedroll, 5lb
    • Blanket, 3lb
    • 5x Candles
    • Flint and steel
    • Ink
    • Inkpen
    • 2 x Sacks, 1lb
    • Scroll case, .5lb
      • 10 x Sheets of parchment
    • Silk rope 50ft, 5lb
    • Soap, 1lb
    • Tankard, 1lb
    • 3 x Trail rations, 3lb
    • Waterskin, 4lb
    • Whetstone, 1lb
  • Masterwork artisan's tools, 5lb
  • Belt pouch, .5lb
    • 400 gp
    • 2 x Antitoxins
    • Steel mirror, .5lb
    • 50 x Tindertwigs
  • Spell component pouch, 2lb

Total Weight

  • Arms and armour: 30lb
  • Other gear: 40.5lb
  • Everything: 70.5lb

Carrying Capacity

  • Light: 100lb or less
  • Medium: 101-200lb
  • Heavy: 201-300lb


On Names

"Björn" means bear and "Aska" ash. "Ulf" means wolf, "Bjarki" bear-cub and "Hrafna-Ulf" raven-wolf. "Svartnef" means blacknose.